I was in Carrefour yesterday and I was pleasantly surprised by the choice of beer and bread and the prices too. So I thought that I would do a 'Marmite's Bread Review' thread for you all.

Then I had a better plan and decided to do a beer review thread instead. So here it is.

Sadly, most of the beer is lager or pilsner (same same) which are uninspiring brews at the best of times, but my mate Fabian insists that pale beers are very worthy and I shouldn't base my judgement upon Thai beers. Fair enough.

Talking of Fabs, it reminds me of Friday evening when we were in the Dubliner. I asked a waitress if they have Beer Laos. She replies that "This is Thailand, not Laos!" - I really could've put her down given that opening, but I let it slide as the irony would've been completely lost of the poor lass.

Anyway, on the the reviews...