Building a spirit house (SaanPhraPhum) for the property is an ancient Hinduism/Brahmanism practice that still exists throughout Thailand. The Thais believe that these spirits or guardian angels inhabit every piece of land and need to be appeased when disturbed. By providing the spirit with a home of its own, serenity and harmony will be assured within the property. If properly respected and cared for, the spirit will provide protection and ensure wealth and prosperity to the owner. The guardian spirit, or "PhraPhum" of the residence and business, is "PhraChaiMongKol".

A site selection for the spirit house, and an invitation to the spirit to take up residence, must be made. Traditionally, these are overseen by a Brahman priest or someone who specializes in conducting such ceremonies. The auspicious time and place for it to be held is determined by astrological calculations.

The best day is Wednesday or Thursday, in the 2nd, 4th, 5th, 9th or 11th waxing or waning moon. There are also several dates in the year that are bad luck for this ceremony like โลกาวินาศ (LoKaViNas) and อุบาทว์(OoBaat) days. As for the location, the spirit house should be at the north side of the main building, and facing the north. If north is not available, the northeast would be your next choice. No matter which location you choose, you need to be sure that it's not under the shadow of the house, or vice versa.

This ceremony is the same as when installing the first pole (SaoAke) for the main house. The Brahman will have to guide you for the best location according to ancient belief of how the Naga is positioned for that month. He will have to locate the stomach of the Naga, and that's where you will begin to dig. Please don't ask me of how the Naga got into this story. The Naga is in most of the religious stories, and the branching out is very complex.

Once you have dug the hole, 9 of the lucky woods will have to be staked in it before placing the pole. The following is the list of woods.

1. ไม้ราชพฤกษ์ หมายถึง ความเป็นใหญ่และมีอำนาจวาสนา
Pudding Pine, Indian Laburnum, Golden Shower - Scientific name is Cassia fistula L. = For More Power

2. ไม้ขนุน หมายถึง หนุนให้ดีขึ้นร่ำรวยขึ้น ทำอะไรจะมีผู้ให้การเกื้อหนุน
Jack fruit Tree - Scientific name is Artocarpus heterophyllus Lam. = Supporting of wealth and fortune

3. ไม้ชัยพฤษ์ หมายถึง การมีโชคชัย ชัยชนะ
Javanese Cassia - Scientific name is Cassia javanica L. = Luck and Victory

4. ไม้ทองหลาง หมายถึง การมีเงินมีทอง
Indian Coral Tree, Variegated Tiger’s Claw - Scientific name is Erythrina variegata L. = Money and Gold

5. ไม้ไผ่สีสุก หมายถึง มีความสุข
Bamboo - Scientific name is Bambusa blumeana Schult = Happiness

6. ไม้ทรงบาดาล หมายถึง ความมั่นคง หรือทำให้บ้านมั่นคงแข็งแรง
Kalamona, Scrambled Eggs - Scientific name is Cassia Surattensis Burm. f. = Strong and stable

7. ไม้สัก หมายถึง ความมีศักดิ์ศรี ความมีเกียรติ
Teak - Scientific name is Tectona grandis L.f. = Honorable

8. ไม้พะยูง หมายถึง การพยุงฐานะให้ดีขึ้น
Siamese Rosewood - Scientific name is Dalbergia cochinchinensis Pierre = Same as jack fruit

9. ไม้กันเกรา หมายถึง ป้องกันภัยอันตรายต่าง ๆ หรืออีกชื่อหนึ่งว่าตำเสา ซึ่งอาจหมายถึง ทำให้เสาเรือนมั่นคง
Anon, Tembusu - Scientific name is Fagraea fragrans Roxb. = Protect from all harm/danger.

The length for each wood should be about 12 inches, and narrow at one end like a pencil. The Brahman will chant the incantation 108 times to bless the woods. In another words, he will cast the spell on the wood before staking each into the ground.

While putting the auspicious woods in the ground, the Brahman will perform another incantation until they are all level with the ground. At this time, you should throw pieces of your jewelry, like gold, silver, copper money and anything else that represents wealth, into the hole. The last thing to put into the middle of the hole, before placing the pole, is a plate made of either silver or copper, that already has the "YanTra" ( Mystic Symbol) on it.

Once the Spirit House is set in place, a figure of the "PhraPhum" is placed inside along with some furnishings to keep him comfortable and provide company. It is not uncommon to find servants, umbrellas, horses, elephants, and statues of traditional Thai dancers. Contemporary spirit houses sometimes even house TVs and cars. The PhraPhum statue has a double-edged sword (symbolizing the conquering of demons) in his right hand, and a book (to record the deeds, births and deaths of the occupants of the land) in his left hand. It could be possible to see "PhraPhum" holding a bag of money in his left hand, symbolizing wealth.

Incense and candles are lit, flowers are set in place and all food offerings should be on the table in front of the spirit house. The Brahman will now invite PhraPhum into his house. The ceremony will last about 3 hours, depending upon the preparation of things needed for the ceremony.

Good luck to all of you that try to build your house in Thailand. I know that there are a lot of mysteries that are really difficult to get an answer for. If you're willing to listen carefully, usually someone will try to help you to understand. My late grandfather always said, "If you don't ask the question, you will not know the answer".