Wasn't sure where to put this, here or in the food section. It's an extension of the "Drive into town" thing really. Mods can put it where they like. A drive into town.

Anyway, as was previously noted there's a wacky market near us that opens every Wednesday morning. Open day for Laos and Thai people to go back and forth across the Mekong buying and selling whatever they like. No immigration, nothing.

Well besides all the goings on down at the river there's a fair bit going on in the village. We were there this morning and I found this bloke selling this;

Now I'm very partial to a bit of chicken, particularly roast chicken. Not having an oven Joy does some splendid fried and BBqd chook and I've messed around with aluminum foil and lids and stuff but it's never quite right. This blokes stuff was absolutely delicious.

He had a bucket of chicken;

This is him and his bucket;

Bits of chicken, hung on wire go in here;

Bit more;

Then he puts the lid on it for a bit and it comes out like this;

They sold sausages and other stuff but I tried the chicken and it was beautiful.
Moist, tender and full of flavor. I think the ones on the right of the pic. above were a different cooking method, not sure. Anyway didn't try 'em. 4 quarters of chicken for 80 baht, stuffed as a tick. Bloody good breakfast.