
After only 2 weeks of mayhem in Pattaya I was in need of some relaxation so I threw the options up to SBF … It was a choice between Phuket, Samui or Koh Chang….

After the usual ‘up to you’ debate Samui got the winning vote so flights were booked online with Bangkok Air departing about 7am the next day from Bangkok… ( Couldn’t get any from U Tapao..)

We arrived at Samui airport knackered due to not being able to sleep when having to get up early and got a beach hut booked through the information desk there….

We opted for Chaweng beach because I didn’t want total peace and quiet.

This was the beach hut at a resort called ‘Baan Chaweng’…. Everything seemed more expensive on Samui compared to Pattaya and this cost 5000 baht per night…( I think the equivalent on Koh Samet or Koh Chang would be about 3000 but the tourist hoards that visit Samui probably think it’s a good deal….)

Here is the our Soi that led down to the beach…

And this is the bed… That’s the bed that is…

The first day was pretty much trying to catch up with sleep and relaxing on the beach…. Chaweng beach is OK… It was fairly busy and was getting busier as a ‘full moon party’ was approaching… Thankfully we headed back up the day before the party – last thing I needed was an all night beach party packed with shitfaced rowdy backpackers…

Few shots of Chaweng Beach…

Some of these backpacker types can be OK though….. (hope their sponsors don’t see these pics…)

SBF enjoyed the view as much as I did and managed to snap this next pic herself with me pretending to pose…. ( I’m getting worried about SBF…..)

That night we took a walk around near the ‘Green Mango’ disco area… It was crap… We stopped for food in a corner bar/restaurant and were met with rude service but OK food…So rude that SBF wanted to fight the waitress…… The service wasn’t rude everywhere, but in general the Thais there had a poorer attitude than in Pattaya… maybe they are tired of dealing with all the daft farangs?....

After the food we had a look around then settled in a bar and smoked some Sisha pipe to aid the relaxation process…

This bar had half a Beetle sticking out of it…

We were only there a few days and wanted to see the sights of the island so booked a tour with ‘Mr Ungs’ tours… They take groups around in big off-road jeeps and are aimed at the younger lot… I was chuffed when it turned up because our jeep was full of farang girl backpackers….

Some pictures from the day tour:

Stopped at ‘Cock Rock’ where this guy was belting out good tunes…

Obligatory Hefelump ride…

And Crocodile show… He is sticking my 100 baht into the Crocs stomach here… I let him keep it…

I ordered some crocodile one night from some African BBQ place… I let SBF try a taste then revealed what it was… she ran to the toilet to wash her mouth, came back, cried a bit and phoned her Mum to tell her that I had fed her crocodile… What was that all about?... I thought I had made some fatal religious error or something… did somebody important get re-born as a crocodile?.. turns out she is just scared of crocs and therefore was also scared to eat it….. I promised her that I wouldn’t feed her crocodile again (might feed her to the crocs though…)

Waterfall in the jungle… (Thais seem to have a fascination with waterfalls..)

The ‘Magic Garden’…. Some guy had spent his entire life carving out things in the rock in this garden near some stream… very nice place it was apart from some rude Krauts stepping in to view when you try to get a photo…

Up high into the hills for a lunch stop and time for a few Singhas…

Then the last stop was a big Buddha which had these statues nearby at the waters edge…

Apparently this is a bad woman… Tried to steal or kill some bloke I think…

This was our guide for the day… He was a good laugh… After initially trying to take the piss about farangs in general he ended up being OK…

Apart from the day tour it was just a few days relaxing on the beach with a failed attempt to try and lose SBF at sea by shaking her off a jetski….

Overall my impressions were that it was overpriced for everything and the Thais there could have been a bit nicer….. (She was shocked that she had to pay 50 baht for the same noodles that cost 25 baht in Pattaya so that says it all…..)

I did relax a bit which was the intention of the trip and I’ll probably go back in another 5 years to see how it’s changed even more for the worse….

Samui was OK but Samet was better….