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  1. #101
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    We're home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    No problems with the flights or the terminal transfer or the fooking QR code online e-travel/e-fooking-customs thingy. Me and the wife spent an hour yesterday morning revising our e-travel documentation for our return in order to get those treasured qr codes that grant you access to our home. At immigration, a guy asked us if we had done the e-travel thing and had a qr code, however nobody ever even took a look at the damn things. A guy at immigration asked if we had them, we answered yes, and they let us through.

    We picked up our bags with the help of one of PAL's transfer dudes from the luggage carousel who took our bags to where they needed to go to get them from Manila to Bacolod without us having to mess with them at the high price of 100P for a tip. This is at 3:00am, we'd been up now something like 18 hours.

    That's right, (the dude had already took our bags to the transfer desk) BEFORE we went through customs, we were the only people that went left to the queue rather than right and were just waved through with our carry on. Fooking cool. I would have guessed that you'd go through customs first with all your contraband, then the transfer guy would do his magic. There's no customs inspection in Bacolod as it's not an international airport so I didn't get popped for the $800 Sanduku knife that I hid in my wife's bag.

    We were the last two on the transfer bus, again a fooking cool thing, then headed over to terminal two for our exciting 4 hour layover, that's right, our flight here didn't board till 7:45.

    After a few hours of napping, we boarded with no problems and arrived to a spic and span apartment due to our maid.

    It's great to be home. I doubt though both of us will be visiting Bangkok for a while though. The wife might go to see her family, but it's just not home to me anymore.
    "I was a good student. I comprehend very well, OK, better than I think almost anybody," - President Trump comparing his legal knowledge to a Federal judge.

  2. #102
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    I felt the same leaving Lao after nearly a month of boredom. I don't think I could live there again. Was glad to leave, just arrived in bali and after initially dragging my tubby ass around and sweating buckets I found a bloke to sell me an xxxl bintang wife beater ( actually he sold me 4 , one for everyday im here)and once adorned with that fine piece of haberdashery I set out looking for adventure and soon found a bar with a kick ass indonesian band , that's set the agenda now, we will go looking for live music every night. The indos got some mad skills probably not as good as the flips but we will see
    Last edited by BLD; 09-01-2024 at 11:00 PM.

  3. #103
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    ^ The wife and I have been talking about it on the way home, we do miss the family, but we don't miss Bangkok at all. I understand's just not home anymore.

  4. #104
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Yep, things change, people move on. I get that.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    it's just not home anymore.
    Always feel the same. Missus and I have traveled all over the world. Now very little because there is no place like home.

  6. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by Happy As Larry View Post
    When I first went down to work in London, my nice welcoming work colleagues often said they understood me better when I was speaking French as opposed to English

  7. #107
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    ^ The wife and I have been talking about it on the way home, we do miss the family, but we don't miss Bangkok at all. I understand's just not home anymore.
    When I go back to the UK to visit my mum in the Somerset village I grew up in, I still call it, 'going back home'. But I don't really know why as I left nearly 30 years ago, know virtually no-one there any more and feel like a fish out of water.

    I can't say that I'm particularly taken with Korat, but returning to sit by the pond with the dogs does feel like 'going back home' now.

  8. #108
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    top of soi 2
    I know what you mean. My old dear moved to the next town over, where i went to school.

    few rellies left in the village i lived, and friends, but as i get older i realize its shit (i mean better than most of the area but still shit).

    ive lived in bangers for 20+ years, not sure i think of it as home, would trade it in, ion an instant for a tent in Chiang Dao
    we won it at wemberlee
    we on it in gay paree...

  9. #109
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    ^ I've got a tent, if you're serious.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    the wife and I have been talking about it on the way home, we do miss the family, but we don't miss Bangkok at all. I understand's just not home anymore.
    Exactly how we feel Tops about going back to the states. I do not miss it at all. Its great for a few weeks to see my dad, daughters ( If they aren't to busy) and a few friends but can't wait to board the plane and return home here.

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe 90 View Post
    My daughter is 5ft 7 at 18
    My sons are 5ft 10 at 19 and 14.
    The youngest will be 6ft at least the rate he is growing.
    I'm 6ft 2 and the ex 5ft 4.
    6 ft 2” you say? I didn’t know they still stacked shit that high.

    Har, har.

  12. #112
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    It's great to be home. I doubt though both of us will be visiting Bangkok for a while though. The wife might go to see her family, but it's just not home to me anymore.
    Welcome back home! I am just seeing this thread, looks like you had a good trip Tops and wife. I met you guys there what seems like eons ago.
    Did you find it changed much? More expensive? I watch youtube vids of vloggers in BKK and it looks like there are so many people there anymore. Even places like Phuket and Pattaya are flooded with people. I mean great for the economy, but it seems so packed esp. during high season.

    I know what you mean about being home, but for me I still have the urge to travel and see more of the world, so I may be leaving Canada this year.. time will tell.
    One of my good friends is moving to Manilla from Seoul in March, can I put him in touch? He has a place all ready and everything.

  13. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    but for me I still have the urge to travel and see more of the world, so I may be leaving Canada this year..

  14. #114
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    Welcome back home! I am just seeing this thread, looks like you had a good trip Tops and wife. I met you guys there what seems like eons ago.
    Did you find it changed much? More expensive?
    It was an OK trip...we were down with Covid for most of it, but got to see the family. It's way more expensive and like I said, just doesn't seem like home anymore after living there for 17 years.

    I hope you're doing well in the frozen Canunkistan, I just couldn't take cold weather anymore.

  15. #115
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    Too bad you had Covid for most of it. Glad you like the Phils. My friend moving there will also be teaching English online for a Korean teaching company. Anyhow, did you get much cold weather in Florida? The cold kind of sucks ya, but I have a life here with friends and family.

    But, I just may go abroad if the opportunity is right, just because life is short to see the world and experience new adventures. Canada's cost of living is through the roof, and the healthcare system suck so bad. So, time will tell, but change good. No kids or husband holding me down. So if the opportunity is right I may take the plunge this year, things are already in the works.

  16. #116
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MarilynMonroe View Post
    I may take the plunge this year, things are already in the works.

    Just like last year, and the year before, and the year before that…you’re about as well traveled as Backspin or Snubs.

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