Well this has taken a bit.

My phone had a brain fart and I thought I would never liberate the photos from it with which to do a thread but a whizz at work couldn't resist the opportunity to make an old bloke look.........old, she'll regret the smirks and giggles. She's sync'd my phone with onedrive whatever that means and assures me my future will be easy and I have assured her that hers won't be if she tells everyone what a dunce I am. I may make her upload the photos onto TD to bring her down to earth.

Anyway to the point.

After a 2 year hiatus, the reasons for which we are all familiar with I got back across to Thailand. The trip wasn't exactly relaxing as we had a list of things as long as your arm to tick off, mainly family stuff; some admin, land to purchase, family to visit and try to fit in some down time.

The trip turned into a road trip with me doing most of the driving, which I don't mind as I am a terrible passenger and its a freebee when you can speed and your Mrs carries the can. We didn't have an exact schedule to stick to so we stayed at a combination of family houses and hotels, no need to book as the only tourists we saw were Thai.....heaven..... and i've no doubt the next visit will be blighted by the great unwashed.

This post won't be a 5 minute job so if you are of an inpatient disposition I will apologise now but I have a feeling I am just about to run the gauntlet of TD photo vagaries.

First up the airport which was a little chaotic as the check-in ladies were still getting used to the paperwork verification. I was second in the queue and it still took 35 minutes to get my baggage tags. Once through straight to the lounge and breakfast