Sometimes, just sometimes, it's best to leave domestic violence at home and fuck off out on the motorbike for the day.

And since it's virtually upon the step of my very own front door, Khao Yai National Park seemed to be a rather viable option on this dank February morning..

Bidding the children farewell and the missus 'if you don't cheer up any day soon I'll use my new weapon on your asss'..I set off in high spirits in the general direction of mountains and tigers and elephants and gorillas and lions and whatever the fuck else would have the balls to reside in such an entwanglement of dense under growth..

Ok, so I was lying, gorillas don't exist in Thailand..but I reckon if I was approached by a saucy silverback it'd be sparko in a was my mood..and lions..tssch, fucking lions? I dare theee..but they don't tend to live here either, so I'll make do with battering a tiger on visual should I see one..

But enough of this foolishness..

The Wave (Honda 125cc some 90 thousand ball breaking kilometres on the clock) pissed its way up to the entrance of the I deemed photographic evidence necessary..

70 baht later, we're whizzing, mainly in first and second gear, up the majestic slopes of the park road...

Although the Silver Back gorilla was a no show, his mate were here in abundance..showing little sign of interest in the wave of vehicles..ACKNOWLEDGE ME YOU FUCKER!!!

Moving past some several dozen preoccupied babboons, we stumbled upon our first view point..