Well in the Bay of Plenty, North Island, New Zealand, today was the day to celebrate Songkran.

A good mixture of Thai women and their kiwi men, a few Thai men and quite a few kiwi families made the small trek to the temple at the top of Welcome Bay.

Everyone was welcomed by the Thai ambassador to New Zealand.

Then it was time for some dancing.

This is Orissar dancing a song from the Chiang Mai region.

and some singing

This is 'Why' singing a song from the Issan region.

Then it was time for some thai boxing.

which the crowd got right into.

and a tug-o-war (for some reason I cannot find the photo)

The VIP tent.

Seating for the rest of us.

Of course there was penty of food available with all funds raised going to the temple.

The temple.

Inside the temple.

Waterslide for the kids.

My daughter (on the left) had plenty of people to play with.

The carpark.

Thai DJ

and last by popular request from Dirty Dog.....*drum roll please* ..... The bogs!