Had Nam Rin is probably the nicest beach in Ban Chang, nice sand and nice clean water, what amazes me yet again is how they have public toilets on the beach and yet Pattaya and Jomtien still can't afford them, I mean where the fok is all that tourist money going if some out of the way beach that don't get the big bucks from the tourists can afford toilets every 100meters?

As you drive onto the beach road you have a restaurant on the left which is very good and if you turn right there are 2 big restaurants down there, this time we nipped down to the right, anyway the family ordered the normal Thai stuff and I ordered the chicken satay, now I have to admit this was as good as anything I have had in Malaysia, ok it cost 70baht and would have been a lot cheaper in say Penang, but it was pretty damn good

Obviously being mainly a Thai orientated beach it is quite alright to take your pets there.

The road if you turn right is extremely narrow and not something to drive down after a few beers.

Although the beach there aint too bad.

Although as with all Thai places they have a problem with placing rubbish in the rubbish bins....

Obviously as all beaches, Had Nam Rin is on a downward slope, in this picture you can see some Thai kids and some wnker farang riding their bikes on the beach, yep the place is going down hill, I mean you come to this nice beach to get away from the noise of jet skies and all that and you got some wnker farang riding his bike up and down the beach.......

Welcome to Naam Rin Beach, jees how many spellings they got for this beach?

As you can see there are many snack and drink stalls at Had nam rin.

Well apart from the farang that needs exterminating Had Nam Rin is quite nice, although if that was a regular hangout for me I would want to put a stop to these poxy bikes riding on the beach, one people go there for peace and quiet, and 2 kids are playing there, it aint a foking race track you wnker farang.