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  1. #1
    loob lor geezer
    Bangyai's Avatar
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    02-05-2019 @ 08:05 AM
    The land of silk and money.

    Cha Am revisited ( part 2 )

    So ...... itchy feet time again and Ms Bangyai was going stir crazy on account of not being taken tee-o for a while. Only being able to afford a couple of days ,
    Cha Am seemed worth doing again so late Tuesday morning saw us sitting in a stationary traffic jam heading south on the route 9 ringroad. Gridlock followed so I turned back at Bangkair and took the old route 4.
    Travel time to Cha Am ... 4 hours !! Coming back two days later I again used route 4 ( via Ratchburi and Nakorn Pathom ) and it only took 2 hours 15 minutes to Bangyai !! Worth remembering if there are roadworks again.

    Arriving late at Cha Am it was back to the Nirindorn 3 again since although there are many better places , there are none that are better for 700. Believe me , I looked. Yes, there are places from 300 up but no sea view, no pool and pretty skanky rooms. Best of the alternatives was the ' White ... ' something or other hotel a few hundred yards up. Sea view but bring your own sheets ! (Cha am beach revisited)

    Next morning , Bangyais ' cheap charlie tours ' was looking for somewhere free to take the Ms.
    With Thai women, temples are a safe bet so first stop was Wat Cha Am , a little out of town on the road heading north.

    We telephoned ahead and the temple dogs turned out the guard of honour :

    Hmmm..... who farted ??

    This is quiet a nice temple with a limestone outcrop of its own to add a bit of novelty and adventure to making merit.

    The stairway up to the cave.

    Ms Bangyai has gammy knees so this climb was just right for her . Interesting but not too high for her to contemplate.

    At the top there's the usual set up with an outer and an inner cave.

    As you enter the outer cave there is a ' Wilson ' on the wall. If not Wilson then definately a relative.

    The focal point of the first cave where I left Ms Bangyai on her knees mumbling whilst I nosed around.

    This first cave is open roofed .

    Whereas , if you enter the inner cave on the left

    Its pretty dark and there is a reclining Buddha

    Crap photo because the bats squeeking overhead put me off a bit.

    Outside the caves there is a short path around the outcrop.

    Leading to a very exciting big hole.

    Back at the bottom , our guard of honour was still remarkably unanimated

    So Ms Bangyai thought they might be needing a 20 baht energy intake.

    The rustling packets of dog food seemed to do the trick.

    I was going to make a horrible analogy about dogs and Thermaes here but seeing as how it would be in bad taste I'll pass onto other things.

    So, the next free thing to do is a walk along the fishing pier , a short drive away at the northern end of Cha Ams main drag.

    more coming.
    Last edited by Bangyai; 20-07-2012 at 04:58 PM.

  2. #2
    loob lor geezer
    Bangyai's Avatar
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    02-05-2019 @ 08:05 AM
    The land of silk and money.
    Ms Bangyai set off at a sprint and wanted to go right to the end.

    Unfortunately , my new sandals were doing my feet in

    So I only went half way. A very nice place to chill out though as others have already mentioned.

    When I was a kid, I used to be given pictures like this for jig saws. I remember stacking all the watery bits in a big pile to leave until last :

    Great views as the day draws to a close

    Along this stretch of beach and on the backroad , more seafood resteraunts than you can shake a stick at. Pattaya eat your heart out.

    But we were going to dine at Cha Ams legendary Wednesday market so we didn't check these out.

    More to follow

  3. #3
    loob lor geezer
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    02-05-2019 @ 08:05 AM
    The land of silk and money.
    And after parking the car near the mini Tescos and a short walk we arrived at the place where all the local expats and tourists strut their stuff and neck their beers.

    I think the accumalitive age of all these falangs must run into the low millions. I began to look like a very good catch indeed.

    Must say though, really is a great market. Definately one of Thailands best and we had a good wander around.

    At the end you hit the station

    Finaly , I decided on something I can't get at home , a 40 baht kebab.

    Finaly , we sat alone in a beer garden drinking expensive draught Leo at 130 baht a litre. All the expats were drinking the cheap stuff just across the way but Ms Bangyai likes draught Leo and after all, we were on holiday.

    Pity I had to spoil it by noticing and commenting on the nubile hourglass figure of one of the beer girls , leading Ms Bangyai to cop the needle for half an hour.

    Probably the best thing about Cha Am is that it is a jack of all trades and master of none.
    If it was packed with girls it would be spoilt by sex tourists. If it had the best beaches it would be spoilt by backpackers in a sea of porridge. As it is its a bit like winning the tour de France. You don't have to win a stage to come away with the yellow jersey.

    Nice place , nice vibes.

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat
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    Excellent thread Bangyai, nice photos and narrative.

    Out of green unfortunately. I'll hit you up asap.

  5. #5
    I am in Jail

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    04-08-2012 @ 01:09 AM
    Nice pics Bangyai
    Quote Originally Posted by Bangyai
    late Tuesday morning saw us sitting in a stationary traffic jam heading south
    There were 2 overturned lorries around Samut Sakhon or Samut Songkran on Tuesday. You probably ran into that.

    See that second pier in the background, did you try and get to it ? Maybe not with that blister. There used to be a rickety wooden bridge that led you to it, until some woman fell through it on her Motocy. It's closed to bikes now, not sure about pedestrians

    Quote Originally Posted by Bangyai
    we were going to dine at Cha Ams legendary Wednesday market so we didn't check these out

    You missed out there, the one with the white roof is called Krua Medsai and is the best seafood restaurant in Cha Am, big portions too.

  6. #6
    loob lor geezer
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    02-05-2019 @ 08:05 AM
    The land of silk and money.

    There were 2 overturned lorries around Samut Sakhon or Samut Songkran on Tuesday. You probably ran into that.


    Ah ....... thanks for that. I thought it was roadworks. Worst traffic jam I've been in since I spent half a day stationary on the M25. Just as well I turned back at Bangkair then otherwise I wouldn't have arrived at all.

    As for the sea food resteraunts , thanks for the tip. Will definately be in there next visit , eating the food and taking in the view.

  7. #7

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    Thanks for the thread and pictures , I have'nt been down those parts for years,

  8. #8
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    Nice thread!

    And I'm sure they did get rid of the bed bugs at that hotel. It used to be our favourite place, but we had a terrible experience there about four years ago. Haven't been back there since then.

  9. #9
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    Can't green you again so soon, Bangers.

    Wilson made me laff.

  10. #10
    Thailand Expat
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    13-04-2020 @ 05:52 PM
    Me too.. Can't green you. Nice thread - thanks for posting it.

    My missus would love that market.

    I like the photo of your blister.

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat Bobcock's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kwang
    You missed out there, the one with the white roof is called Krua Medsai and is the best seafood restaurant in Cha Am, big portions too
    Krua Medsai is one of my favourite restaurants, sadly I was in Hua Hin last weekend but didn't have time to stop and enjoy a meal there as we usually do.....

  12. #12

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    Nicely put together. Thanks for posting the pics.

  13. #13
    Member boes's Avatar
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    Udon Thani
    Thanks for the sharing

  14. #14
    Frawley's Avatar
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    20-09-2019 @ 07:30 AM
    Did you forget to bite the new sandals before they bit you? M-I-L lives quite near Cha Am, so we get there for fun when on a visit. Lots of Skandihoovian farang there, for whatever reason. Enjoyed the photo tour and narrative. Well done.

  15. #15
    nigelandjan's Avatar
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    Frinton on sea and Ban Pak
    Cheers BY greengage in the bin ,,, hope to make this my retirement home ,, so you can come on down

    Dependant on exchange rates and what we get for our home here when the time comes as to which side of the bay we will be , either here or Rayong side ,, although this is the pricey side I love it
    I'm proud of my 38" waist , also proud I have never done drugs

  16. #16
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    Nice pics. Never been to that place, must get down and have a look . Thanks.

  17. #17
    Thailand Expat
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    Hating but living in the 3rd world
    Only discovered Cha Am earlier this year after deciding the GTFO of BKK.

    Will be staying there and going to BKK as needed in the days on the next trip. Will have to check out some of those spots. We stayed along the beach but I never saw those sea-food restaurants.

  18. #18
    nigelandjan's Avatar
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    Frinton on sea and Ban Pak
    ^ Just keep walking North along the beach to the piers mate , loads up there

  19. #19
    Sprayed On Member
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    Nice one Bangyai. I too am out of greens.

    Did the back of the guys red t-shirt read "No Harm Done"?

  20. #20
    loob lor geezer
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    02-05-2019 @ 08:05 AM
    The land of silk and money.
    ^ Hmmm.....thats a bit too cryptic for me FP ????

    Mind you , suffering from fried brain at the moment.......maybe it will click later.

  21. #21
    Sprayed On Member
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    I'll wait for the penny to drop then.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bangyai
    This first cave is open roofed.
    An open-roofed cave. That would be a big lump of rock, right?

  23. #23
    loob lor geezer
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    The land of silk and money.
    Quote Originally Posted by benbaaa View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Bangyai
    This first cave is open roofed.
    An open-roofed cave. That would be a big lump of rock, right?
    By Jove ! You could be right ! A bit like the cave ( sorry....lump of rock ) Hanks shared with Wilson , but with a bigger hole.

  24. #24
    loob lor geezer
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    The land of silk and money.
    Quote Originally Posted by The Fresh Prince View Post
    I'll wait for the penny to drop then.
    I think the front would need to say ' two in ' before the back could say
    ' No harm done ' but Betty is persona non grata right now so I can't ask him and I'm disinclined to experiment so .....I guess we can't be too sure.

  25. #25
    Bettyboo's Avatar
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    ^I suspect FP was thinking of one up the bum...

    I also suspect Dillinger is the expert in that area.

    Nice pics, green'd you as the other bastards avoided doing so.

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