25 Rai, ~2000 7yr old RIMM600 trees, 1st year tapping of ~1800 incl cups and wires for all trees. Field hut on farm for workers. Trees are in very good condition with full canopy and have been regularly fertilized. 1st year cutting averaging 1550kg kee-yang (cup rubber) a month for 62,000b gross (at current price), workers earn 40% so owner's net currently running at ~37,200 a month.

At current rubber prices and production this equates to an 8yr payoff on a 25yr farm life plus lumber value at term. Farm will sell for 3,750,000 baht***, is Sorporkor title and will provide affidavit letter of clearance and new owner will possess physical title. Workers may stay on if desire.

Ban Na Sawan area in Buengkan Province, 18.248386,103.674889 is aprox google map locator coordinates, contact K Kesorn at 082-842-9687 (Thai) or Glenn 090-347-5705 (English)

*** will reduce and sell at 3.3M OBO if can complete sale by 2/15/2013