On May 28th, 2024, Thailand will host its first-ever “Cops Combat” martial arts contest at the Rajadamnern Stadium in Bangkok. This unique event will feature police officers from across the nation, competing in a combat sports tournament. The competition is inclusive, welcoming male and female officers of all ranks and ages.

**Competition Details:**
– **Date**: May 28
– **Venue**: Rajadamnern Stadium, Bangkok
– **Participants**: Police officers nationwide
– **Categories**: Seven weight classes for both men (56kg to 94+kg) and women (45kg to 70+kg)

**Participation Process:**
Officers interested in competing must apply through their respective bureaus and divisions. The selected representatives will then compete in the tournament.

**Broadcast Information:**
The event will be streamed live on the “Cops Combat” Facebook page.

**Organizational Meeting:**
Pol Lt-General Jirabhop Bhuridej, commander of the Central Investigation Bureau and head of the organizing committee, recently led a meeting at the Muay Thai boxing stadium.

Attendees included members from both public and private sectors. The meeting underscored the event’s status as Thailand’s first combat sports competition of this kind.

General Jirabhop highlighted the necessity for the tournament to adhere to international standards and prioritize competitor safety.

**Cops Combat in the 2024 Police Games:**
The Royal Thai Police have introduced “Cops Combat” as a new discipline in the 2024 Police Games. This initiative aims to enhance officers’ self-defense capabilities, applicable in their duties, and to promote physical fitness.

**Competition Rules and Gear:**
Participants will don the latest patrol police uniforms, equipped with comprehensive protective gear:
– Head guards with clear visors
– Forehead, nose, and chin shields
– Shin guards
– Dental mouth guards
– Groin guards

**Match Format:**
– Each bout consists of a single three-minute round.

**Victory Conditions:**
Victories can be achieved through knockout, submission (“tap-out”), judges’ decision, or disqualification.

Cops Combat, Featuring Thai Cops Facing Off in Martial Arts, Coming on May 28th - The Pattaya News