On March 1st, 2024, Samran Rat police officers summoned a man who allegedly dined and dashed from Jay Fai Pratu Phee restaurant in Phra Nakhon, Bangkok, for interrogation regarding the incident.

The man in suspect, whose name was withheld by the police, was a former local government official. After a 30-minute police interrogation, the man apologized face-to-face to Jay Fai, the owner of the famous One-Michelin-Star restaurant. He also complimented her delicious Beef Pad Gra Prow.

The man reportedly told the police that he did not impersonate a police officer as the restaurant posted on social media. He simply had a memory disorder and forgot to pay the bills. According to Thai national media, he allegedly had never dined and dashed before.

Jay Fai publicly revealed that she would not file a legal report against the man as he is a Thai person and it was the first time that a Thai person had ever done this.

Furthermore, the restaurant would intensify the measures on collecting customer bills.

However, the police were under investigation to determine whether the man would be facing charges of impersonating a police officer or not.

Former Government Official Apologizes for Dine and Dash Incident at Jay Fai Pratu Phee Restaurant, Bangkok - The Pattaya News