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  1. #51

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM
    I had my tests done today. About an hour and a half on 6 of those machines you rest your chin on. All throwing out different kinds of lights and one even blows into your eyes, then a thorough eye exam and finally 20 minutes sat with my eyes closed in a darkened room after having 2 kinds of drops squirted in them to make them dilate.
    Theyve only just righted themself, 6 hours later. I did drive back though rather than risking the Thailang.
    Spoke to the surgeon who is gonna be doing the job, I have no cataracts and a very slight astigmatism which is very slight and not a cause for concern so I could walk around like Bricktop but also told I can never get cataracts with artificial lenses and be also mentioned as Attila does above that it could take a Month to have 100% perfect vision and can take up to 6 months but should have 90% straight away and a good chance of halos at night.
    He also mentioned theres a 0.01% chance of a detached retina and that with the laser it's also only a 10 minute job instead of 20 and a 2 day full heal rather than a week and both eyes will be done in 2 days.So an eye a day.
    Plus when it comes to your eyes as Shy Guava mentions, you can't scrimp. So I've signed up for the full package

    The optometrist woman there mentioned not to rub your eyes ever, even if you have natural lenses and that they see loads of kids nowadays with eye conditions just because of that.

    Hopefully it's not because they are lenses from Mangalore

    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    He's sucked up all their promotional literature and swallowed it hook, line and seeker
    Very good. Har har.

  2. #52
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    Those drops are trippy.
    Driving home on acid.
    All sounds good, get it done or I'm going to have to start calling you specky four eyes

  3. #53
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    ^^^That's good advice for new players, they should tell you it can take a while for it all to settle down. I had really bad double vision for about 10hrs after having mine done, so bad I needed assurances from the Doctor that this was normal and not to panic. The halos around lights at night lasted for about 4 to 6 months, don't know exactly how long it was but they just gradually ceased to exist.

  4. #54
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    I had a mono-focal implant and on returning home, about two hours after the procedure, I removed my eye guard and could see everything in its pristine glory. The improvement was radical and immediate, it was wonderful and I spent the next three hours or so on a walk through the countryside - it was a gloriously sunny day and I felt reborn.

    I reckon the vario-focal lenses must challenge the brain as it trIes to filter the images transmitted by the retina.

  5. #55
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    interesting thread.

    my eyes, so far, give me little trouble. i wear glasses for reading and driving, but the thought of having surgery on my eyes fills me with the same kind of dread that a rigid cystoscopy or prostate surgery does.

    other procedures preset no problems for me, and i am no stranger to invasive tests, so i am in awe of those who have have willingly subjected themselves to these eye procedures without the benefit of a general anaesthetic.

    and i hope dillingers procedure works well for him.

  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillinger View Post
    I had my tests done today. About an hour and a half on 6 of those machines you rest your chin on. All throwing out different kinds of lights and one even blows into your eyes, then a thorough eye exam and finally 20 minutes sat with my eyes closed in a darkened room after having 2 kinds of drops squirted in them to make them dilate.
    Theyve only just righted themself, 6 hours later. I did drive back though rather than risking the Thailang.
    Spoke to the surgeon who is gonna be doing the job, I have no cataracts and a very slight astigmatism which is very slight and not a cause for concern so I could walk around like Bricktop but also told I can never get cataracts with artificial lenses and be also mentioned as Attila does above that it could take a Month to have 100% perfect vision and can take up to 6 months but should have 90% straight away and a good chance of halos at night.
    He also mentioned theres a 0.01% chance of a detached retina and that with the laser it's also only a 10 minute job instead of 20 and a 2 day full heal rather than a week and both eyes will be done in 2 days.So an eye a day.
    Plus when it comes to your eyes as Shy Guava mentions, you can't scrimp. So I've signed up for the full package

    The optometrist woman there mentioned not to rub your eyes ever, even if you have natural lenses and that they see loads of kids nowadays with eye conditions just because of that.

    Hopefully it's not because they are lenses from Mangalore

    Very good. Har har.
    He's talking bollocks and he should not be attempting a second procedure until at least three weeks after the first.

    Irrespective of Flacs or otherwise, the eye will take two weeks to recover, three to be safe. You risk infection and in a significant number of cases the pressure in the eye will increase and you will need further drops to contain this. No decent surgeon would do what your man suggests.

    Also, the risk factor is around 5% involving potential retinal detachment and infection that spreads.

    But given you have nothing wrong with your eyes other than poor vision that can be corrected, the procedure is unnecessary.

    Still, up to you.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    interesting thread.

    my eyes, so far, give me little trouble. i wear glasses for reading and driving, but the thought of having surgery on my eyes fills me with the same kind of dread that a rigid cystoscopy or prostate surgery does.

    other procedures preset no problems for me, and i am no stranger to invasive tests, so i am in awe of those who have have willingly subjected themselves to these eye procedures without the benefit of a general anaesthetic.

    and i hope dillingers procedure works well for him.
    It was Room 101 stuff for me but as you wait and gradually stiffen into a sweat soaked rigidity and begin to hyper-ventilate in a rising panic the nurse comes over to pop more drops into the eye and sensing your fear - I was whimpering and clutching my teddy bear ever so tightly - she asks if you would like a sedative. I asked for a double hit and some opium but we agreed to settle for two diazepam which on an empty stomach was just the ticket. Being wheeled into the surgery I was cracking jokes with the surgeon and humming away to meself. Lovely stuff.

  8. #58
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    did they use those clockwork orange eye clamps??

    thats the bit that horrifies me.

  9. #59
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    The topical anaesthetic renders the eye inert and a mask is placed over your face that covers your good eye leaving the other free to be zapped by the surgeon. Basically, once lying down you see nothing at all but sense a change in colour and that's all. You feel nothing. The actual insertion is done by a large machine that whirrs and clicks and an automatic voice does a succession of countdowns ...5....4...3....2....1 in between which another bit of kit sluices your eyeball as the surgeon gets on with whatever he does. It took 15 minutes in total and I was out in an hour. Didn't even have any bruising from the eye clamp.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    did they use those clockwork orange eye clamps??

    thats the bit that horrifies me.
    I'm as big a wuss as there is when it comes to medical/dental procedures but had no trouble with eye surgery at all. They give you a Benny before hand so you're highly relaxed + with the drops in your eyes you can't feel a thing. The only discomfort was trying to lay still on a hard surface for 30+ minutes and getting a sore back!

  11. #61
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    07-04-2021 @ 10:27 AM
    5% risk of retinal detachment? Utter bollocks. If that was true, it wouldn't be a medical procedure.
    Got a link, or was that what a fellow expat in a Singha T-shirt told you?

    The biggest risk is infection which was 0.1% as told to me by the surgeon.

  12. #62
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    I cited retinal detachment and infection as examples. 5% represents the average failure rate that can be caused by any number of factors, retinal detachment being perhaps the most acute ranging from 0.7% to 3% depending on cohort, but the point I was making is that the overall risk factor is minimal but nevertheless present and across the board is statistically assessed at around 5%. Inflammation, uveitis and increasing intraocular pressure, failure of the implant itself causing spontaneous damage to ocular tissue, are all risk factors that detract from outcome statistics. A fucking risk factor for the procedure of 0.1 across the board is no risk at all which is quite simply fucking stupid.

    I'm not going to get into a bickering match with idiots but the point I was making with Dill is that single operation cataract procedures are the norm and double should be avoided if possible - those with other needs viz infant, geriatric, medical may determine the approach. The current guidelines for double procedures under NICE advice is that before the second procedure all staff present and their equipment should be thoroughly sterilised and the irrigation fluids used should be from different batches. Uncontrollable uveitis contracted in both eyes can obviously be catastrophic. Can Dill be satisfied the MYS clinic will observe these strictures given it is primarily a business and not solely a health issue??

    That's his call.

    My consultant and the literature provided indicated that the efficacy rate in the procedure was around 95%.

    That's acceptable, obviously.

    Christ, debating with you folk is a bore when you are so thick.

  13. #63
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  15. #65
    I'm in Jail

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    Ive had dettached retinas in both eyes dill. Done a thread on it in the health section.. both were done at Rutnin in bangkok. Its a motherfucker. You have to spend 14 days lying on yer guts while the retina re attach. They pump gas behind yer eye so you cant get onna plane. I google it after the op and watched a utube of the procedure. They pop your eye out and sort it then pop it back in again. Your conscious but feel no pain apart from the needle in yer eyeball pre op. . Wouldnt wish it on my worst enemy. If yer eyes bothering you get it sorted old son. You might have to pony up a bag of baht but you only got 2 mince pies. Highly recommend rutnin hospital. Thats all they do. Just eyes. Not yer averedge somchais there. The king of thailand used to go there so if its good enough for that coonty its good enough for bld and dill i reckon

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerlaodrinker View Post
    Your conscious but feel no pain apart from the needle in yer eyeball pre op.
    Hah ! Luxury !

    I had a needle in my anus once, before getting a tiny skin tag burnt off. It was like getting stung there by a bee.

  17. #67

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    Quote Originally Posted by beerlaodrinker View Post
    Ive had dettached retinas in both eyes dill. Done a thread on it in the health section.. both were done at Rutnin in bangkok. Its a motherfucker. You have to spend 14 days lying on yer guts while the retina re attach. They pump gas behind yer eye so you cant get onna plane. I google it after the op and watched a utube of the procedure. They pop your eye out and sort it then pop it back in again.
    They used a tool that went through my eye to affix the retina and apply glue and gas. As a side sleeper it was difficult lying on my stomach all the time. Then the whole process again to take off the glue.

    I have heard nothing but good reports regarding Rutnin.

  18. #68
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    Detached retinas can be re-attached successfully and with an excellent longterm prognosis but it is absolutely crucial you get to a surgeon asap, preferably within 24-48 hors of its detachment - after that, a successful outcome diminishes with additional complications arising and possible irreversible blindness.

    So, when you detect a shadow line extending across your field of vision or a significant portion is obscured then get to hospital PDQ.

  19. #69

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    09-05-2021 @ 03:25 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by beerlaodrinker View Post
    had dettached retinas in both eyes dill. Done a thread on it in the health section.. both were done at Rutnin in bangkok
    Who could forget that thread

    I've heard some great things about Rutnin but a bit far now if something does go wrong, especially reading SA's sage advice. I did ask about that and they will refer me to a retina specialist if it does go wrong, of which I'll have to pay for myself.

    I go in this week to get it all done. We shall see, hopefully.

  20. #70
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    Does the procedure have a life, i.e. does your eyesight degrade further or is this a permanent fix.

  21. #71

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    ^ Permanent. Those lenses will outlast me.

    I should really get a donor card

  22. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Detached retinas can be re-attached successfully and with an excellent longterm prognosis but it is absolutely crucial you get to a surgeon asap, preferably within 24-48 hors of its detachment - after that, a successful outcome diminishes with additional complications arising and possible irreversible blindness.

    So, when you detect a shadow line extending across your field of vision or a significant portion is obscured then get to hospital PDQ.
    you keep twittering on about detatched retinas - ffs you’ve never had one - the incidence of detatched retinas is 1 in 20,000 - Dils is having lens replacement surgery - virtually no risk at all.

    now save up your civil service pension and get your other eye done - You could then pretend you were twice as smart with more productive googling
    har har

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerlaodrinker View Post
    Ive had dettached retinas in both eyes dill. You have to spend 14 days lying on yer guts while the retina re attach.
    I remember this thread and it was most informative, however I was a bit disconcerted when you stated you were lying prone forbidden to move and Terry57 ( the hoser from Hell) miraculously appeared as your carer.

    As he was massaging your shoulders and manifesting the healing benefits of the “eleven finger trick” did it ever occur to you that this could have caused the other retina to detatch.

    I’m no medical man but just curious.

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman123 View Post
    you keep twittering on about detatched retinas - ffs you’ve never had one - the incidence of detatched retinas is 1 in 20,000 - Dils is having lens replacement surgery - virtually no risk at all.

    now save up your civil service pension and get your other eye done - You could then pretend you were twice as smart with more productive googling
    har har
    My niece's retina became detached, spontaneously and my brother in law's retina was detached after his IOL replacement - in the Nuffield clinic.

    So fuck you, you Antipodean munter.

  25. #75

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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman123 View Post
    manifesting the healing benefits of the “eleven finger trick”

    That tickled me

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