1. #6701
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Spoke to family East coast USA, Florida and New Jersey. We are entering/in the Fourth of July Holiday July 4th holiday observed today Friday, July 3rd.

    Florida and New Jersey beaches, hotels, are Packed. Party city everywhere, damn the face masks - Covid??? What's Covid?

    40 million unemployed partiers

  2. #6702
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    Professor Sarah Gilbert, who runs the Oxford trials for their coronavirus vaccine candidate, claims their jab could provide protection that lasts for several years.

    Additionally, she says their experimental vaccine has been found to generate antibody levels of up to three times more than those patients who recovered from COVID-19.

    Concerns had been raised lately after patients with other types of coronavirus were able to be reinfected within a year. Such coronaviruses were found to be less dangerous and would usually cause the common cold.

    However, Professor Gilbert told the
    Commons Science and Technology Committee that there might be a better result from a vaccine than the natural immunity obtained when individuals recover from a virus.

    She explains that vaccines have a different way of interacting with the immune system. Her team follows people in their studies utilizing the same type of technology to make the vaccines for several years. Moreover, she says they still see strong immune responses.

    Gilbert says they are optimistic based on earlier studies. She says that they are hopeful of seeing a reasonable duration of immunity and probably even better than naturally-acquired protection.

    About 8,000 Britons are enrolled in the Oxford vaccine trial being manufactured by AstraZeneca. However, as the rates of infection in the country has gone down, the researchers are looking at involving 4,000 Brazilians and 2,000 South Africans in their study.

    The vaccine comes as an experimental coronavirus jab being tested by Pfizer Inc and its German partner BioNTech.

    Furthermore, it was found to produce neutralizing antibodies that were between 1.8 and 2.8 times greater than those seen in recovered coronavirus patients.

    Oxford's vaccine uses part of the pathogen's genetic code to get the body to identify and recognize the coronavirus. The jab is also designed to attack the virus if a person becomes infected with it.

    The trial of 45 people was divided into three groups and a control group. Moreover, it gave off promising early results, which many look forward to. Philip Dormitzer, the chief scientific officer at Pfizer's research laboratories, told
    STAT News that they still have a long way to go before the vaccine can fully take off.

    However, at this point, he says that there is a viable vaccine candidate based on early tolerability safety data and immunogenicity.

    Oxford Expert Claims Their COVID-19 Vaccine Gives Off Long Term Immunity With Antibodies 3X Higher Than Recovered Patients | Science Times

  3. #6703
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    Hurrah, the medicine is here (but not for all)...

    Coronavirus: US buys nearly all of Gilead's Covid-19 drug remdesivir

    1 July 2020

    The US is buying nearly all the next three months' projected production of Covid-19 treatment remdesivir from US manufacturer Gilead.

    The US health department announced on Tuesday it had agreed to buy 500,000 doses for use in American hospitals.

    Tests suggest remdesivir cuts recovery times, though it is not yet clear if it improves survival rates.

    Gilead did sign a licensing deal in May for production outside the US but it is still in its early stages.

    "President Trump has struck an amazing deal to ensure Americans have access to the first authorised therapeutic for Covid-19," Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a statement.

    A course of treatment in the US will cost $2,340 (£1,900).

    Nine companies can make the drug under licence outside the US for distribution in 127 mostly poorer countries, and the cost is lower. But the project is still in its early stages.

    Additional quantities are being manufactured for use in clinical trials.

    But critics say the US move to buy up so much stock from Gilead itself undermines international co-operation on Covid, given that other countries have taken part in trials of remdesivir, originally an anti-viral against Ebola.

    "The trial that gave the result that allowed remdesivir to sell their drug wasn't just done in the US. There were patients participating through other European countries, in the UK as well, and internationally, Mexico and other places," Oxford University's Prof Peter Horby told BBC Radio 4.

    He said the move also had implications for any possible future vaccine, with the need for "a much stronger framework if we are going to develop these things and they're going to be used for national emergencies".

    Senior Sussex University lecturer, Ohid Yaqub, said: "It so clearly signals an unwillingness to co-operate with other countries and the chilling effect this has on international agreements about intellectual property rights."

    Some in the US have criticised the purchase price, as taxpayer money had helped fund remdesivir's development.

    Coronavirus: US buys nearly all of Gilead's Covid-19 drug remdesivir - BBC News

  4. #6704
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Thailands got a good grip on Covid - six months into the global pandemic and Thailand provides an admirable set of numbers showing their ability to protect their people. July 3rd, a total of 3,180 confirmed cases and 58 fatalities. So, they know what they are doing as evidenced by the numbers.

    What could possibly go wrong?

    Bangkok hospital planning to import foreign Covid-19 cases

    Bangkok hospital planning to import foreign Covid-19 cases

    By The Nation Jul 03. 2020
    The COVID-2019 Thread-800_d8b155e83115a3b-jpg
    A Bangkok hospital director has proposed flying in Covid-19 patients from abroad for treatment at his hospital.

    Dr Rienthong Nanna, director of Mongkutwattana Hospital, is considering medical flights to bring international Covid-19 cases to the hospital in an attempt to stimulate the economy.

    Each flight would carry 60 passengers and be adapted with disease prevention measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus outside the cabin, he said in a Facebook post.

    Under the proposal, Mongkutwattana Hospital will act as a state quarantine facility, caring for foreign patients until they are identified as “Covid-19 free” and able to start their visit as tourists in Thailand.

    The proposal has been supported by several clinics that treat international patients. Accommodation providers who want to collaborate with the hospital to prepare medical flights and state quarantine have been invited to contact the director of Mongkutwattana Hospital’s office.

    However, the Public Health Ministry has not yet announced whether Thailand will accept Covid-19 patients from overseas.

  5. #6705
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    Dr Rienthong Nanna,
    Is a complete Royalist nutter. Just do a little reading..

  6. #6706
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    ahh yes, nutters in powerful positions...

    What damage could they possibly do?

  7. #6707
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    In the EU
    UK opening up without reciprocal arrangements, bowing to pressure from industry rather than control of Covid. It's a disaster as far as managing a pandemic is concerned.

  8. #6708
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    has not yet announced whether Thailand will accept Covid-19 patients from overseas.
    Wasn't there an announcement that all foreigners entering Thailand, required a virus free certificate, 14 days seclusion and a clear in-country performed test with negative finding, to be obtained?

  9. #6709
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    ^ Did you read this post? #6704 (The COVID-2019 Thread). Read carefully..

  10. #6710
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    bowing to pressure
    It's what Boris does.

    Talks big and then folds instantly.

    The reality is though that the UK opening up to the rest of Europe is a greater danger to Europe than it is to the UK.

  11. #6711
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    Thailands got a good grip on Covid - six months into the global pandemic and Thailand provides an admirable set of numbers showing their ability to protect their people. July 3rd, a total of 3,180 confirmed cases and 58 fatalities. So, they know what they are doing as evidenced by the numbers...
    If those numbers are close to truthful I think we've done extremely well. Much of SEAsia that understand what China represents, started taking precautions as soon as the CPC says don't worry everything's under control and don't listen to Taiwan it's not really transmitting human-human. Europe and the US are slow to learn who not to trust, paid the price, and still don't geddit!

  12. #6712
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    If those numbers are close to truthful I think we've done extremely well.
    I expect the numbers are correct. Only because it would be extremely difficult to hide a larger number of Covid infections in todays IT age with everybody carrying smartphones and social media. Hiding an epidemic for a month, maybe two, with false numbers. Six months - no.

    The problem with Europe/USA is the people. They know better. Looking at Bangkok you see almost 100% face mask compliance. Speaking to family in the US all I hear is complaints about restrictions, face masks, etc. Not to mention the abject refusal of people to social distance. Covid Parties FFS that is beyond comprehension.

    Yet, numbers fatalities @ 5% of infected and generally the old and infirm.

    So, we, USA anyway is in the Me generation - it's all about me. Without knowing, but expecting, the under fifties feel it is the responsibility of the over fifties to protect themselves. So Be It.

    We will sit back and watch as this second wave manifests itself. Gone is the anticipation that Covid will fade out or be fixed in the short term by a vaccine. The new normal seems to be, yea, Covid, who cares...

  13. #6713
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    We will sit back and watch as this second wave manifests itself.
    Second wave?

    Are you retarded?

    They're not even close to finishing the first one yet.

    The COVID-2019 Thread-untitled-jpg

  14. #6714
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Well Harry, tell us you actually believe the USA is going to see a trough in Covid cases eh?

    When, in the midst of this full blown pandemic there is blatant disregard of social distancing, beaches are packed with holiday revelers, parties everywhere and, get this, ref Post #6699, Covid Parties to see who gets infected first.

    The new normal - Covid, who cares...

    If you are an over fifty, best protect yourself, no one else will.

  15. #6715
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    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    Well Harry, tell us you actually believe the USA is going to see a trough in Covid cases eh?
    With this idiot in charge? No.

  16. #6716
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    India races to have vaccine ready by Aug 15

    Experts question regulator's push to complete clinical trials in just 6 weeks

    MUMBAI: India has set an ambitious timeline for its first potential coronavirus vaccine — from human trials to general use in six weeks.

    Bharat Biotech International Ltd, an unlisted Indian vaccine maker, received regulatory approval to start human clinical trials for its experimental jab earlier this week but it already has India’s top medical research body expediting the process.

    The under-development vaccine is “envisaged” to be rolled out “for public health use by Aug 15 after completion of all clinical trials”, the Indian Council of Medical Research, or ICMR, said in a July 2 letter to clinical trial sites, which was seen by Bloomberg News.

    It “is one of the top priority projects which is being monitored at the topmost level of the government”, the letter added.

    There has been no evidence yet that Bharat Biotech’s vaccine is safe for use on humans, not to mention effective. The envisioned timeline is markedly shorter than other front-runner vaccine efforts from American and Chinese drugmakers, most of which started human clinical trials months ago and are now entering the last of three stages of testing.

    The bid underscores India’s urgent need for a way to halt the coronavirus, which has sickened more than 640,000 people and killed over 18,600 people in the country — the world’s fourth-largest outbreak. In its letter, the ICMR urged the trial sites to enroll volunteers by July 7.

    The speediness has alarmed some in the medical fraternity. “Such an accelerated development pathway has not been done EVER for any kind of vaccine, even the ones being tried out in other countries,” Anant Bhan, a medical researcher at India’s Manipal University, said in a Twitter post. “Even with accelerated timelines, this seems rushed and hence, with potential risks.”

    After abandoning a costly lockdown that caused tremendous economic suffering without slowing the spread of the virus, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government is anxious to create the impression it has gained control over the outbreak.

    The Aug 15 deadline for the Bharat Biotech vaccine may reflect that political pressure: that’s the day India celebrates its Independence from the British, marked by a nationwide address by Modi.

    Bharat Biotech plans to enroll 375 people in the first phase and 750 people in the second phase of clinical trials, said an ICMR spokesperson. Whether the vaccine will be approved for general use depends on the outcomes of those trials, he said. A spokeswoman for Bharat Biotech declined to comment on the Aug 15 timeline in the ICMR letter.

    “They can’t do that,” said Jayaprakash Muliyil, chairman of the Scientific Advisory Committee at the National Institute of Epidemiology, referring to the targeted timeline of the vaccine launch. Developing a vaccine is a complicated procedure that involves proving its effectiveness and safety, he said.

    While the Bharat Biotech timeline is ambitious compared to other efforts, India’s mature medical manufacturing sector and its large population, from which human trial volunteers can be easily found, are factors that could help accelerate the usual vaccine development process.

    The trial will start “most probably” by Monday, said C Prabhakar Reddy, a professor at Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences in Hyderabad — one of the trial sites that received the ICMR letter.

    “We are all working day and night to meet the deadline but still it will be a neck-to-neck race,” he said, adding that he doesn’t anticipate any shortage of volunteers “in the current scenario”.

    A vaccine ready for public use will allow the safe reopening of schools, offices and factories to revive India’s economy, which is hurtling toward its first contraction in more than four decades. It will also tie in with self-reliance — a motto Modi has repeated often in recent weeks.

    Developing nations are eager to pare their dependence on other nations and foreign drugmakers in securing vaccines. Called Covaxin, the “inactivated vaccine” candidate has demonstrated safety and immune response in preclinical studies, Bharat Biotech said in a June 29 statement that cited the firm’s “track record in developing vero cell culture platform technologies”.

    The company has developed vaccines against polio, rotavirus, Japanese encephalitis, and zika, according to the statement.

    Bharat Biotech “is working expeditiously to meet the target, however, the final outcome will depend on the cooperation of all the clinical trial sites involved in the project”, the ICMR letter said.

    India races to have vaccine ready by Aug 15

  17. #6717
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    I hope it works . I hate to see a lot of good people suffer and or die to protect profits.
    On the bright side if if works we will have a viable widely tested vaccine by September 15 .

  18. #6718
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  19. #6719
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    Elon Musk should stick to spaceships and electric cars.

    What a fucking knobhead.

    Elon Musk 'mansplains' coronavirus to infectious disease expert | The Independent

  20. #6720
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    Unless something changes, 200,000+ cases a day is going to become the norm.

    The US, India and Brazil are leading the charge.

    The 12,000,000th case will arrive this week.

  21. #6721
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    Well it seems that someone jumped the gun (#6716)

    New Delhi: Bharat Biotech Ltd has sought a time-frame of more than a year to launch Covaxin, India’s much-awaited coronavirus vaccine. The Indian Council for Medical Research's (ICMR) claims that Covaxin will be available for the public by August 15 had triggered a row. The Bharat Biotech had sought one year and three months to complete the human trials. This is clearly mentioned in the details submitted to the Clinical Trials Registry-India (CTRI).

    Will need more than a year to launch coronavirus vaccine, says Bharat Biotech | India News | English Manorama

  22. #6722
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    Add India and Brazil, a few more for rest of the world, and that's a scary picture.

  23. #6723
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    Quote Originally Posted by aging one View Post
    ^ Did you read this post?
    In particular these two sentences.

    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    A Bangkok hospital director has proposed flying in Covid-19 patients from abroad for treatment at his hospital.
    Quote Originally Posted by bowie View Post
    However, the Public Health Ministry has not yet announced whether Thailand will accept Covid-19 patients from overseas.
    Which is why I posted my comment.

    Care to clarify?
    Last edited by OhOh; 05-07-2020 at 02:10 PM.

  24. #6724
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Much of SEAsia that understand what China represents, started taking precautions as soon as the CPC says don't worry everything's under control and don't listen to Taiwan it's not really transmitting human-human.
    When did the Chinese post such a comment?

  25. #6725
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    When did the Chinese post such a comment?
    Who cares what they say, it's what they do that matters.

    They lied to the world about the virus.

    Xitler should be shot for his actions.

    And Chinastan should be expelled from the UN and every organisation that is part of it, and Taiwan admitted in its place.

    Then the chinkies can beg to be allowed in again.

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