1. #6001
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Anyone can pick the country whose numbers they consider unreliable really, can't they.

    It seems what we can rely on is that the US and UK have made an almighty mess of handling this.
    I think it's fairly easy to tell who is being honest and who is guaranteed to lie through their teeth.

    Globally there are almost five million cases reported and 324000 deaths - that's a roughly 6.5% mortality rate (probably lower because of the undiagnosed, asymptomatic cases).

    Iran seems to be on the money with 5.7%
    Turkey is saying 2.7% - suggests it is somewhat massaged, but then they have a huge rural area where data collection may be sporadic.
    Russia is reporting less than 1% - Utter bullshit, but we know it's because, as in his elections, Putin is fixing the results.

  2. #6002
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by squirrel View Post

    Originally Posted by jabir (The COVID-2019 Thread)
    There's no right or wrong strategy right now

    What utter nonsense.
    Go on then, what's the right strategy right now, and is that by country, region, climate, social expectations, actual infections/deaths, reported infections/deaths, political expedience or what?

    No need to bother with the wrong ones; once you tell us which are universally correct all others must be wrong.

    And for free, worst part of your problem is not serious mental issues but that you don't even know it!

  3. #6003
    I'm in Jail

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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    COVID-19 is like three different diseases, says New York doctor, from flu-like illness to severe reactions and rare children's syndrome

    COVID-19 is like three different diseases, says New York doctor, from flu-like illness to severe reactions and rare children'''s syndrome - ABC News

  4. #6004
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Pop Quiz:

    Which blithering orange spastic said this?

    By the way, when you say that we lead in cases, that’s because we have more testing than anybody else. Actually the number of cases, and we’re also a much bigger country than most, so when we have a lot of cases, I don’t look at that as a bad thing, I look at that as, in a certain respect, as a good thing, because it means our testing is better.
    I view it as a badge of honour. Really, it’s a badge of honour. It’s a great tribute to the testing and all of the work that a lot of professionals have done.

  5. #6005
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    COVID-19 is like three different diseases, says New York doctor, from flu-like illness to severe reactions and rare children's syndrome

    COVID-19 is like three different diseases, says New York doctor, from flu-like illness to severe reactions and rare children'''s syndrome - ABC News
    Maybe four...

    BEIJING (BLOOMBERG) - Chinese doctors are seeing the coronavirus manifest differently among patients in its new cluster of cases in the north-east region compared to the original outbreak in Wuhan, suggesting that the pathogen may be changing in unknown ways and complicating efforts to stamp it out.
    Patients found in the northern provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang appear to carry the virus for a longer period of time and take longer to recover, as defined by a negative nucleic acid test, Dr Qiu Haibo, one of China's top critical care doctors, told state television on Tuesday (May 19).
    Cases in the north-east also appear to be taking longer than the one to two weeks observed in Wuhan to develop symptoms after infection, and this delayed onset is making it harder for authorities to catch cases before they spread, said Dr Qiu, who is now in the northern region treating patients.
    "The longer period during which infected patients show no symptoms has created clusters of family infections," said Dr Qiu, who was earlier sent to Wuhan to help in the original outbreak.
    China's new coronavirus outbreak shows signs the virus could be changing, East Asia News & Top Stories - The Straits Times

  6. #6006
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Latindancer View Post
    COVID-19 is like three different diseases, says New York doctor, from flu-like illness to severe reactions and rare children's syndrome

    COVID-19 is like three different diseases, says New York doctor, from flu-like illness to severe reactions and rare children'''s syndrome - ABC News
    looks more and more like a manufactured weapon,

  7. #6007
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    the implications of that could be rather unpleasant

  8. #6008
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    Brazil virus deaths surge as pandemic bites in Latin America

    Brazil saw its highest number of coronavirus deaths yet Tuesday as, more than four months after COVID-19 first emerged in China, the force of the pandemic was beginning to hit hard in Latin America.

    Brazil’s surge came as the World Health Organization agreed to launch an investigation into its response to the disease, whose unyielding march across the globe since last year has left more than 320,000 dead and shattered economies.

    The illness dismissed by Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro as a “little flu” claimed 1,179 lives there in the past 24 hours, the first time Brazil’s daily toll has exceeded 1,000.

    Infections — already the third highest globally — are also climbing by the thousands, with the outbreak in the world’s sixth largest country set to accelerate, and the peak not expected until early June.

    Chile also reported a spike in cases, and deployed soldiers in poor neighbourhoods in the capital Santiago following violent protests against food shortages and unemployment.

    In the US the outlook remained bleak, with a new modeling average released Tuesday suggesting virus deaths could surpass 113,000 by mid-June, underscoring America’s status as the nation worst affected by the pandemic and piling more pressure on President Donald Trump.

    The US has recorded more than 91,000 deaths and 1.5 million cases of COVID-19, by far the most of any country.

    Britain has the second highest number of deaths at more than 41,000; while Russia has the second highest number of infections, more than 300,000.

    – ‘Shirk responsibility’ –

    Trump has fiercely defended his administration’s response to the crisis, repeatedly deflecting blame for the virus’s spread on to Beijing and the World Health Organization.

    On Monday he accused the WHO of being a “puppet” of China, and threatened to make permanent a temporary freeze on US funding to the body.

    Beijing hit back Tuesday, with the foreign ministry accusing the US of trying to “use China as an issue to shirk responsibility and bargain over its international obligations to the WHO”.

    Russia also denounced Trump’s threat.

    “We are against breaking everything there is for the sake of one state’s political or geopolitical preferences,” deputy foreign minister Sergei Ryabkov was quoted as saying by news agency Interfax.

    The European Union backed the WHO too, saying it was “not the time for finger pointing” — putting Brussels once again in opposition to Washington when it comes to Trump’s treatment of international organisations.

    With the row threatening the global response to the pandemic, WHO countries adopted a resolution calling for an “impartial, independent and comprehensive evaluation” of the international response, and the measures taken by the agency.

    Both the United States and China voted for the resolution, brought by the European Union at the WHO’s annual assembly, despite earlier fears that the tensions might make a full consensus impossible.

    – ‘Permanent damage’ –

    While the political row rages, countries around the world are trying to find a balance between bringing their economies back to life and risking a second wave of the disease.

    The World Bank warned Tuesday that the crisis threatens to push some 60 million people into extreme poverty. The bank anticipates a five percent contraction in the world economy this year, with severe effects on the poorest countries.

    In the US, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said the American economy risks suffering “permanent damage” the longer the lockdown continues. US home-building meanwhile plunged by 30 percent.

    Fresh data also showed the number of unemployed in Britain soared nearly 70 percent to 1.3 million in three months to March.

    The economic damage caused by the virus has led to unprecedented emergency stimulus measures by governments and central banks, and the latest came from Europe where France and Germany proposed a fund worth 500 billion euros.

    The path back to normality is slow, however.

    Football players in England’s Premier League began returned to limited training on Tuesday, but the league suffered a blow when it emerged there had been six positive tests among players.

    One effect of the lockdowns has been a drop in emissions from fossil fuels that cause global warming, with a 17 percent reduction globally in carbon pollution in April and a predicted drop of seven percent in 2020, research in Nature Climate Change said Tuesday.

    However this would still “make barely a dent in the ongoing build-up of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere,” said Richard Betts, head of climate impacts research at Britain’s Met Office Hadley Centre.

    – ‘It doesn’t harm you’ –

    Experts have warned that the social distancing measures that have affected more than half of humanity will remain necessary until a vaccine or viable treatment is found.

    The global race to find a vaccine got a boost Monday when results from a trial by US biotech firm Moderna sparked optimism.

    In China, meanwhile, scientists at Peking University have said they are developing a drug that can help stop the pandemic by using antibodies that can neutralise the virus.

    Trump, for his part, defended his bombshell announcement Monday that he was taking hydroxychloroquine, an anti-malaria drug that his own government’s experts have said is not suitable for fighting the coronavirus.

    “It doesn’t harm you,” he insisted during a Cabinet meeting at the White House Tuesday, adding that it “seems to be an extra line of defense.”

    Brazil virus deaths surge as pandemic bites in Latin America – Thai PBS World

  9. #6009
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    This bloke is like fatty orange cunto, he's a fucking disaster as far as this pandemic is concerned.

    And he's opening up swatches of Amazon rainforest to "developers" and no doubt trousering a tidy sum in return.

    One hopes both Brazil and the USA can eject these worthless fucking spongers at the first opportunity, and learn their lesson about electing lying carnival barkers.

  10. #6010
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    Republicans. They don't care how many they kill.

    WASHINGTON (AP) — Republican political operatives are recruiting “extremely pro-Trump” doctors to go on television to prescribe reviving the U.S. economy as quickly as possible, without waiting to meet safety benchmarks proposed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to slow the spread of the new coronavirus.

    The plan was discussed in a May 11 conference call with a senior staffer for the Trump reelection campaign organized by CNP Action, an affiliate of the GOP-aligned Council for National Policy. A leaked recording of the hourlong call was provided to The Associated Press by the Center for Media and Democracy, a progressive watchdog group.

    CNP Action
    is part of the Save Our Country Coalition, an alliance of conservative think tanks and political committees formed in late April to end state lockdowns implemented in response to the pandemic. Other members of the coalition include the FreedomWorks Foundation, the American Legislative Exchange Council and Tea Party Patriots.
    Trump allies lining up doctors to prescribe rapid reopening

  11. #6011
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    China’s New Outbreak Shows Signs the Virus Could Be Changing

    Bloomberg News May 20, 2020, 1:02 PM GMT+7 Updated on May 20, 2020, 4:00 PM GMT+7

    • Patients in new cluster take longer to show symptoms, recover
    • Uncertainty over virus mutation is hindering control efforts

    Chinese doctors are seeing the coronavirus manifest differently among patients in its new cluster of cases in the northeast region compared to the original outbreak in Wuhan, suggesting that the pathogen may be changing in unknown ways and complicating efforts to stamp it out.

    Patients found in the northern provinces of Jilin and Heilongjiang appear to carry the virus for a longer period of time and take longer to test negative, Qiu Haibo, one of China’s top critical care doctors, told state television on Tuesday.

    Patients in the northeast also appear to be taking longer than the one to two weeks observed in Wuhan to develop symptoms after infection, and this delayed onset is making it harder for authorities to catch cases before they spread, said Qiu, who is now in the northern region treating patients.

    “The longer period during which infected patients show no symptoms has created clusters of family infections,” said Qiu, who was earlier sent to Wuhan to help in the original outbreak. Some 46 cases have been reported over the past two weeks spread across three cities -- Shulan, Jilin city and Shengyang -- in two provinces, a resurgence of infection that sparked renewed lockdown measures over a region of 100 million people.

    Scientists still do not fully understand if the virus is changing in significant ways and the differences Chinese doctors are seeing could be due to the fact that they’re able to observe patients more thoroughly and from an earlier stage than in Wuhan. When the outbreak first exploded in the central Chinese city, the local health-care system was so overwhelmed that only the most serious cases were being treated. The northeast cluster is also far smaller than Hubei’s outbreak, which ultimately sickened over 68,000 people.

    Still, the findings suggest that the remaining uncertainty over how the virus manifests will hinder governments’ efforts to curb its spread and re-open their battered economies. China has one of the most comprehensive virus detection and testing regimes globally and yet is still struggling to contain its new cluster.
    Researchers worldwide are trying to ascertain if the virus is mutating in a significant way to become more contagious as it races through the human population, but early research suggesting this possibility has been criticized for being overblown.

    “In theory, some changes in the genetic structure can lead to changes in the virus structure or how the virus behaves,” said Keiji Fukuda, director and clinical professor at the University of Hong Kong’s School of Public Health. “However, many mutations lead to no discernible changes at all.”
    It’s likely that the observations in China don’t have a simple correlation with a mutation and “very clear evidence” is needed before concluding that the virus is mutating, he said.

    Northeast Differences

    Qiu said that doctors have also noticed patients in the northeast cluster seem to have damage mostly in their lungs, whereas patients in Wuhan suffered multi-organ damage across the heart, kidney and gut.

    Officials now believe that the new cluster stemmed from contact with infected arrivals from Russia, which has one of the worst outbreaks in Europe. Genetic sequencing has showed a match between the northeast cases and Russian-linked ones, said Qiu.
    Among the northeast cluster, only 10% have turned critical and 26 are hospitalized.

    China is moving aggressively to stem the spread of the new cluster ahead of its annual political gathering in Beijing scheduled to start this week. As thousands of delegates stream into the capital to endorse the government’s agenda, China’s central leadership is determined to project stability and control.
    The northeast provinces have ordered a return of lockdown measures, halting train services, closing schools and sealing off residential compounds, dismaying residents who had thought the worst was over.

    “People should not assume the peak has passed or let down their guard,” Wu Anhua, a senior infectious disease doctor, said on state television on Tuesday. “It’s totally possible that the epidemic will last for a long time.”
    Majestically enthroned amid the vulgar herd

  12. #6012
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Bolsonaro is one of the most dangerous politicians in the world today, because of his policies regarding the Amazon. He got stabbed at a rally less than 2 years ago and lost 2 litres (40%) of his blood, but a Brazilian judge acquitted the man who stabbed him.

    The judge ruled that the stabber was mentally ill and ordered him held in a mental facility indefinitely.

    In my opinion, he was having an attack of sanity......and many Greenies are hoping for a repeat performance by someone else.

  13. #6013
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    Today @ 10:03 AM
    I think we are near the time when the world will simply have to accept the new reality that life expectancy in developed countries has been significantly shortened for hundreds of millions globally and there it is.

    Once we can do something about the blood clotting in the respiratory system and vital organs, and the cytokine storms, then we can all relax a bit but those with hypertension, Type 1 diabetes and poor circulation are in deeper shit - 65 is the new 76 for chaps.

    This should be no problem for the Brits who are now Brexited and the clock has already been turned back to the 1950s when men popped their clogs on average when they hit 65.

    Har, har.

  14. #6014
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    Nearly half of the Twitter accounts spreading messages on the social media platform about the coronavirus pandemic are likely bots, researchers at Carnegie Mellon University said on Wednesday.

    Researchers culled through more than 200 million tweets since January discussing the virus and found that about 45% were sent by accounts that behave more like computerized robots than humans.

    It is too early to say conclusively what individuals or groups are behind the bot accounts, but researchers said the tweets appeared aimed at sowing divisions in America.

    "We do know that it looks like it's a propaganda machine, and it definitely matches the Russian and Chinese playbooks, but it would take a tremendous amount of resources to substantiate that," said Kathleen Carley, a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University, who is conducting a study into bot-generated coronavirus activity on Twitter that has yet to be published.

    Researchers identified more than 100 false narratives about COVID-19 that are proliferating on Twitter by accounts controlled by bots.

    Among the misinformation disseminated by bot accounts were tweets that conspiracy theories about hospitals being filled with mannequins, or tweets connected the spread of the coronavirus to 5G wireless towers, a notion that is patently untrue.

    Such bogus ideas on the Internet have caused real-world harm. In England, dozens of wireless towers
    have been set on fire in acts officials believe have been fueled by false conspiracy theories linking the rollout of 5G technology to the coronavirus.

    "We're seeing up to two times as much bot activity as we'd predicted based on previous natural disasters, crises and elections," Carley said.

    Using a so-called bot-hunter tool, researchers flagged accounts that tweet more than is humanly possible, or claim to be in multiple countries within a few hour period. Researchers say they examine a Twitter account's followers, frequency of tweeting and how often the user is mentioned on the platform in determining whether the tweeter is a bot account.

    "When we see a whole bunch of tweets at the same time or back to back, it's like they're timed," Carley said. "We also look for use of the same exact hashtag, or messaging that appears to be copied and pasted from one bot to the next."

    A Twitter spokeswoman declined to comment on the Carnegie Mellon findings, but the company says it has removed thousands of tweets containing misleading or potentially harmful information about the coronavirus.

    Twitter says its automated systems have "challenged" 1.5 million accounts that were targeting discussions about COVID-19 with malicious or manipulative behavior.

    Last week, Twitter
    unveiled new labels that will accompany misleading, disputed or unverified tweets about the coronavirus, an effort attempted to tamp down the rapid spread of tweets carrying harmful and false information about the global health crisis.

    Where in the world most of the bot accounts are based is still being probed by researchers, though some reports have implicated Russia actors in the spread of misinformation in the U.S. amid the pandemic.

    Reuters in March
    reported that Russian media have recently deployed a widespread disinformation campaign against the West to worsen the impact of the coronavirus to create panic and distrust.

    Efforts to fight back against the spread of false information about COVID-19 come just as the federal government and election security experts keep a watchful eye on the November election.

    American intelligence agencies concluded that Russia interfered in the 2016 presidential election. Experts
    believe Russian actors will try to influence the 2020 vote as well, including by using social media to amplify their messages.

    Carley with Carnegie Mellon said countering bot accounts on Twitter is not a simple task. Blocked accounts can resurface and the disinformation networks are sophisticated and difficult to completely root out.

    She offers this advice, though: look out for subtle typos, for tweets being sent out very quickly, or profile images and usernames that appear suspicious.

    "Even if someone appears to be from your community, if you don't know them personally, take a closer look, and always go to authoritative or trusted sources for information," Carley said. "Just be very vigilant."

    Researchers: Nearly Half Of Accounts Tweeting About Coronavirus Are Likely Bots : Coronavirus Live Updates : NPR

  15. #6015
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    I've been looking for this for days. This is how Georgia tried to show the trend was a decline. Look at the dates.

    Republicans. They will lie, they don't care who they kill.

    The COVID-2019 Thread-28584104-8336989-image-2_1589908458740-jpg

  16. #6016
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    My neighbour got it right, we don't need a vaccine, just gather the sick at one venue and send in the televangelists to effect a group cure.

    We are saved!

  17. #6017
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    14-12-2023 @ 11:54 AM
    Dolphins bring gifts from sea in apparent response to lack of human interaction during pandemic isolation

    Dolphins bring gifts from sea in apparent response to lack of human interaction during pandemic isolation: Video - pennlive.com

  18. #6018
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    $10 gets you in to see what gifts Flipper has for you today ‘cos he misses you so much.

    Yeah that looks legit.

  19. #6019
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Any ideas why this could be??

    Black Americans dying of Covid-19 at three times the rate of white peopleNew figures from non-partisan APM Research Lab show staggering racial divide in coronavirus death rate across US

    People wait for a distribution of masks and food in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City.
    People wait for a distribution of masks and food in the Harlem neighborhood of New York City. Photograph: Bebeto Matthews/AP
    The racial wound at the center of the coronavirus pandemic in the US continues to fester, with latest data showing that African Americans have died from the disease at almost three times the rate of white people.

    New figures compiled by the non-partisan APM Research Lab and released on Wednesday under the title Color of Coronavirus provide further evidence of the staggering divide in the Covid-19 death rate between black Americans and the rest of the nation.

    Across the country, African Americans have died at a rate of 50.3 per 100,000 people, compared with 20.7 for whites, 22.9 for Latinos and 22.7 for Asian Americans.

    More than 20,000 African Americans – about one in 2,000 of the entire black population in the US – have died from the disease.

    At the level of individual states, the statistics are all the more shocking. Bottom of the league table in terms of racial disparities is Kansas, where black residents are dying at seven times the rate of whites.

    “This is a call to action for our county commissioners, our state and our city officials,” the Kansas state representative Gail Finney told local TV channel KWCH12 recently.

    In other states, the gulf is almost as extreme. In the nation’s capital, Washington, the disparity in death rate between blacks and whites is six times, in Michigan and Missouri five, and in major hotspots of the disease – New York, Illinois and Louisiana – three.

    Despite the glaring gulf, the Trump administration continues to be sluggish in responding to the crisis. Uché Blackstock, an urgent care physician and CEO of Advancing Health Equity, said that the federal reaction had been anemic.

    “The disparities are continuing to be reflected in the data, yet we still have a complete lack of guidance from the federal government about how to mitigate these divisions. There is no real plan how to deal with it,” Blackstock said.

    Senior Trump administration officials have blamed the disparities on the high incidence among black people of underlying health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension and obesity. On Sunday the health secretary, Alex Azar, pointed to their “greater risk profiles”, and was criticized for blaming the victims of the virus.

    While co-morbidities are a factor, there is mounting evidence that black Americans are disadvantaged in terms of access to diagnostic testing and treatment for the disease.

    Gathering data on the racial gulf in deaths has itself been hampered by an absence of federal action, compounded by slow and in some cases non-existent reporting by many states. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) only produced its first set of death statistics by race this week, despite mounting calls for basic information.

    In the absence of government data, APM Research Lab has stepped into the breach. It now gathers statistics from 40 states, covering almost 90% of the total of 92,128 deaths in the US recorded by Johns Hopkins.

    Andi Egbert, senior researcher at APM Research Lab, said she was astonished that it was left to an independent organization to produce nationwide statistics that should be coming from the federal government. “I won’t speculate about motive, but I can’t believe in a modern economy that we don’t have a mandated, uniform way of reporting the data across states. We are in the midst of this tremendous crisis, and data is the best way of knowing who is suffering and how.”

    Among the states that are still failing to produce any data on deaths by racial group are Montana, Nebraska, Utah and North and South Dakota.

    The racial disparities in the US death figures became apparent relatively early on in the pandemic, particularly in large cities where black neighborhoods were hit much harder than wealthier white areas. When New York City produced its first racial breakdown of Covid-19 deaths in April it showed that Latino and black New Yorkers, especially in the outer boroughs including Queens and the Bronx, were experiencing death rates that were at least twice those of whites and Asians.

    New figures from the city’s health department released this week and reviewed by the New York Times found that when death rates are ranked by zip code, eight out of the top 10 have majority black or Latino populations.

    As the pandemic unfolds, some states including Michigan and New York have begun to convene specialist taskforces to grapple with the disproportionate suffering in black communities. But Blackstock said that there remained no sign of the Trump administration stepping up to tackle the crisis.

    “At this point we have to assume that the clear lack of guidance from the federal government is going to continue, and that states are going to have to do it for themselves,” she said.

    Black Americans dying of Covid-19 at three times the rate of white people | World news | The Guardian

  20. #6020
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Lack of health care and poor health through poor eating habits caused by poverty (cheap, processed shit or fast food) was the first theory put forward.

    Of course if it was the other way round, the trumpanzees would be screaming conspiracy.

  21. #6021
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    On average they live in the worst conditions, are the least isolated and were the first forced back to work.

  22. #6022
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    Also, Blacks and Latinos are more likely living in multigenerational households with more people.

    Around here, you see more white people not wearing masks than black people. The blacks here got the shit scared out of them right off the bat from what happened in Albany and Atlanta.

  23. #6023
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    01-06-2024 @ 11:26 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    The blacks here got the shit scared out of them right off the bat from what happened in Albany and Atlanta.
    Smart people, unlike these dumbasses.

    People flock to NYC-area bars, beaches as 'quarantine fatigue' intensifies
    This is how the next wave starts.
    A few asymptomatic people infect a few more, who go home, become infectious and come back next week and infect more and so on.
    In a month it's back.
    I can't see ever getting rid of it in the U.S. They're too proud of their 'freedom'.
    Freedom to get sick, freedom to spread disease.
    “If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.

  24. #6024
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    16-07-2021 @ 10:31 PM
    it seems that Trump message is getting out, and people are doing the right thing by going out

  25. #6025
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    The number of people claiming unemployment benefit in the UK soared last month, rising by 856,500 to 2.097m.
    That's the fruit picking workers shortage sorted.

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