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  1. #401
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    BetterMyanmar: Than Shwe's family are heard to be in Macao. First, in Thailand. Second, in Singapore. Third, in Dubai. Now, rumors say that they are in Macao with all family members including their maids. (From DVB Radio)

  2. #402
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    Crowds renew taunts of soldiers in Myanmar city
    29 Sep 2007 07:37:11 GMT
    Source: Reuters

    YANGON, Sept 29 (Reuters) - Small groups of protesters started to coalesce in Myanmar's main city on Saturday, hurling abuse at riot police and soldiers before scattering down side alleys when they started to charge, a witness said.

    Such cat-and-mouse sparring between the crowds and security forces lasted several hours on Friday. Several shots were fired but there were no reports of any injuries.

    During the last week, protests against decades of military rule and deepening economic hardship in the country formerly known as Burma have tended not to start until after lunch.

    Saturday morning's torrential monsoon rains, which helped keep the streets empty, eased in the early afternoon.

  3. #403
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    Burma Unrest Could Block Food Aid For 500K People
    Saturday, 29 September 2007, 2:44 pm
    Press Release: United Nations

    Unrest in Myanmar could block food aid for 500,000 people, UN food agency warns

    The restrictions Myanmar has placed on the movement of food due to the current unrest are an obstacle to feeding half a million people, the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) warned today.

    "We appeal to the authorities for access to all parts of the country," WFP Executive Director Josette Sheeran said. "We have to protect the most vulnerable people in the country," most of whom are young children and HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis patients in desperate need of assistance.


  4. #404
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    20-10-2017 @ 05:37 PM
    Fuck food aid. Drop ten thousand M16's in their hands.

  5. #405
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    BetterMyanmar: Around 10,000 people and monks pray and walk in Magway, Yay Nan Gyaung. (Translated what Burmese says).

  6. #406
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    Soldiers take over streets of Rangoon
    Sat, September 29, 2007 : Last updated 15:00 hours

    Rangoon - Hundreds of armed soldiers took over the streets of Rangoon Saturday, hunkering down behind barbed wire at strategic spots in preparation for more demonstrations against their hated masters.

    By noon Saturday the city was remarkably peaceful, enjoying its first lull in almost two weeks of increasingly violent protests against the ruling junta and the country's deteriorating economy.

    United Nations special envoy Ibrahim Gambari was scheduled to arrive in the city at 3:30 pm on Silk Air flight 518 from Singapore.

    Gambari has been assigned by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to make an assessment of the situation in Burma after almost two months of sporadic and persistent protests against the country's military regime who have lorded over this once prosperous South-East Asian nation for the past 45 years.

    Gambari, who last visited Burma in May 2006 is expected to seek talks with religious leaders, political detainees and democracy leader and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Aung San Suu Kyi, who has been under house arrest for more than four years.

    Peaceful protests initially started in Rangoon on August 19, in response to a government decision to double fuel prices.

    Burma's monkhood took up the movement in early September and started to march against the fuel-price hikes 12 days ago in Rangoon.

    The movement eventually escalated into the largest and most violently suppressed anti-government demonstrations since 1988.

    Riot police and soldiers cracked down on the monks Wednesday, first beating them back from Rangoon's famed downtown pagodas of Shwedagon and Sule, and then raided their monasteries Thursday morning, arresting hundreds of the clergy.

    The government attack on the monkhood outraged laymen, and led to clashes between people and security personnel Thursday that left at least nine dead, according to state sources.

    Independent sources claim the death toll was much higher.

    Hundreds of monks have reportedly fled their monasteries in Rangoon for other temples.

    No monks came to collect alms in many parts of Rangoon on Saturday morning, as is their normal practice.

    "Now there is no merit making, just demerits," said one Rangoon resident.

    While Burma's 400,000-strong monkhood is generally revered in this predominantly Buddhist country, it is not above being disciplined by the military.

    The army crackdown on anti-military demonstrations in September 1988 left an estimated 3,000 people dead, hundreds of whom were monks who had joined the protests.

    The crackdown has prompted almost universal condemnation of the regime, drawing harsh rebukes even from Burma's neighbours in South-East Asia.

    Deutsche Presse Agentur

  7. #407
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    29 Sep 07, 01:20
    BetterMyanmar: People shouted "To lower the prices of commodities, to release politicians, to negotiate with opposition parties" around 1:00 pm in Yay Nan Chaung, Magway. (Translated what Burmese says).

  8. #408
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    29 Sep 07, 01:29
    BetterMyanmar: Soliers are not shooting yet. They catch and surround people. A group near Thein Gyi Zay protesting are surrounded by over 1000 soldiers. There are many people who are standing and watching. (Translated what Myochit says).

  9. #409
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    China's role is key
    But don't hold your breath that it will step in to end the burmese unrest
    The Economist
    Published: 25 minutes ago

    ]"Fear," the lady used to say, "is a habit." This week, inspired in part by the lady herself, Aung San Suu Kyi, partly by the heroic example set by Buddhist monks, Burma's people kicked the addiction.

    Defying the corrupt, inept, brutal generals who rule them, they took to the streets in their hundreds of thousands to demand democracy. They knew they were risking a bloody crackdown, like the one that put down a huge popular revolt in 1988, killing 3,000 people or more.

    In 1988 Burma's people were betrayed not just by the ruthlessness of their rulers, but also by the squabbling and opportunism of the outside world, which failed to produce a co-ordinated response and let the murderous regime get away with it. This time, soldiers are once again shooting and killing unarmed protesters. Can the world avoid making the same mistake twice?


  10. #410
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    Myanmar refugees in capital stage protest

    New Delhi, Sept. 29 (PTI): Scores of Myanmarese refugees today took out a march here to protest the violent response of the military junta against pro-democracy rallies in their homeland, and asked India to intervene to stop bloodshed in its neighbourhood.

    Armed with posters and photographs of jailed pro-democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi, a number of children, women and youths raised slogans against the Myanmarese government and urged New Delhi to use its leverage to influence the 'Junta' to restrain from using violence on the protestors.


  11. #411
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    Sep 07, 01:41BetterMyanmar: Yesterday, Ngwe Kyar Yan monastery and other monasteries are repaired in one day. They were destroyed by bulldozers. Monks are also placed who are believed to be fakes. Local resident says that govt is going to lie in front of the world and also because of Gambari's visit to Myanmar. (From DVB Radio)

  12. #412
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    Myanmar generals cut off public view of monk-led protests
    Saturday, September 29th 2007, 4:00 AM

    Demonstrators armed with slingshots attempted to defend Myanmar's monasteries from soldiers toting automatic weapons yesterday as the country's corrupt generals cut off Internet access to make it harder for the world to watch.

    In some cases, the rebels repelled the invading soldiers from the Buddhist sanctuaries and protected the monks who have been leading the 11-day-old pro-Democracy drive.

    "If we just stood by, not even dogs would survive in Burma under these bastards' brutality and inhumanity," one of the rebels told the opposition Democratic Voice of Burma.

    Victories were rare for the outgunned rebels as the controlling regime ignored mounting pressure from the U.S. and other outraged countries.
    Than Shwe, a former postal clerk who is now the senior general in the ruling junta, ordered the cyber crackdown after consulting his astrologer.


  13. #413
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    TIANANMEN SCARE: Myanmar soldiers take positions in Yangon yesterday as the government escalated its crackdown on civilian demonstrations.

    September 29, 2007 -- YANGON, Myanmar - Soldiers and police took control of the streets yesterday, firing warning shots and tear gas to scatter pro-democracy protesters.

    On the third day of a harsh government crackdown on dissent, the streets were empty of the mass gatherings that had peacefully challenged the regime daily for nearly two weeks, leaving only small groups of activists.

    "Bloodbath again! Bloodbath again!" a Yangon resident yelled while watching soldiers break up one march by shooting into air, firing tear gas and beating people with clubs.


  14. #414
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    29 Sep 07, 01:57
    BetterMyanmar: Military trucks are moving around Traders Hotel to stop protesters to come to Traders Hotel. (From DVB Radio with a Yangon resident)

  15. #415
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    29 Sep 07, 01:59
    BetterMyanmar: Mr. Gambari will be arriving Yangon Airport with Silk Air. Army division 11 is taking in charge of blocking ways to Airport and Traders Hotel. (From DVB Radio)

  16. #416
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    29 Sep 07, 01:55
    Kyaw: BBC : Mr Gambari will arrive in Rangoon at 1520 local time (0850 GMT) before flying straight on to Burma's new capital Naypyidaw

  17. #417
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    UN envoy arrives Burma
    Crackdown on protestors prominent
    September 29, 2007
    Protest in Yangon

    (Burmese Standard Time)
    3:00 p.m
    Soldiers and security forces are conducting a search on by passers on the 40th street in downtown Rangoon.
    2:30 p.m
    Protest in Rangoon
    About 2,000 protestors are now marching on the Merchant Street in the heart of Rangoon and are shouting slogans of "Peoples' desires must be fulfiledl". Soldiers and police are reportedly rounding up the protestors and arresting them.
    The situation is a run and chase situation between the soldiers and the protestors. The protestors would run when the soldiers chase them after but again gather in other places nearby.
    "So far there is no shooting yet. Soldiers are rounding up the protestors and arresting them whoever they get in that place. The protestors run and again gathered near Theingyi market and again protested there. They are again shouting slogans, and again the soldiers are rounding them up. There are about 1000 protestors but there are many more onlookers around," an eyewitness told Mizzima.

    Protests across Burma
    (Burmese Standard Time)
    2:50 p.m
    Protest in Mogoke
    At least 11 trucks of army and police are seen patrolling in Mogoke town in Mandalay Division, where big demonstrators took place in recent days. The army battalions currently stationed in the town are a replacement of previous battalions that faced the hugh public protests but did not shoot the protesters.
    Yesterday, more than 8, 000 monks and people marched through the streets of Mogoke in protest against the government, according to witnesses reports.
    Starting from Phaungdaw Oo at about 2:00 p.m (local time), the protesters marched through the town and shouted slogans such as "End to torture against humans", "May love prevail in the world", "May the will of the people be fulfilled".
    The protestors marched through Phaungdaw Oo on the cinema road, Aung Chan Thar, Shwegonthar, and Peik Syway wards.Though security forces confronted the protesters at Aung Chan Thar ward, the protestors avoided the confrontation and dispersed off themselves peacefully.
    12:00 noon
    Preparing for in Monywa
    As a preparation to crackdown on possible protesters, the authorities in Monywa of Sagaing Division have hired at least 10 persons from each locality and have gathered them together at the City Hall in Yonegyi ward, near the Township police station today.
    A local resident explained Mizzima of the situation in Monywa.
    "Authorities have ordered to each locality (wards) to send at least 3 fire fighters, 3 members of Swan Arrshin, and 3 USDA members. They are paid 1500 kyat each. And these people have nothing to do, they are now put together in the City Hall. They sleep there in the City Hall, they come back in the morning, and so far they are not instructed to do anything yet. It looks like they are kept as standby ready to crack down the demonstrators if any."
    "The authorities collected the money from the local people. Each household has to pay 500 kyat. The authorities had demanded for the people to be recruited since three days ago. But most of those who went recruited are drunkards and junks, those who would not live for too long."
    "And the Ward Chairmen are summoned for a meeting every night at the City Hall. The Chairmen and secretaries have to attend all the meetings. And it is said that those who fail to attend the meeting will have to pay from their monthly salaries. I don't know how much salaries of these ward chairmen. It has been about a week now since they call for regular meetings at night. And the meeting was called by Major Myint Naing from Regiment No. 50, that is posted in Chin State."
    Monywa town has at least 30 wards.

    Mizzma News (Specializing News of Burma)

  18. #418
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    Saturday, 29 September 2007

    Where is Gambari? Where is he going? how junta is palnning to trick on UN?

    Gambari will arrive YGN 3:30 pm local time with silk air today. and the Junta is planning to take him to NAYPYITAW (which is new capital) , there is not much civilian in this down.

    So, what is the reason for Gambri to go to Myanmar?.... showing him a place where no people live and junta try to block his eyes, and they will lie to him as usual, finally he might come back with answer ... well .. SPDC is going toward to Democracy.... then finish... people are at YGN and blood or on the street of YGN.

    One army is now near Airport asking people ID card and also blocking the road to prevent protest crowd not to come near Airport.

    ko htike's prosaic collection

  19. #419
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    Burma junta blocks UN meeting
    Kenneth Denby in Rangoon
    From The Sunday Times
    September 29, 2007

    Exclusive: A crucial UN mission to meet with detained democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi is facing failure after generals refuse access

    Reform talks with the ruling junta - which for the time being appears to have successfully suppressed weeks of pro-democracy demonstrations - are considered vital by the UN

    A crucial United Nations mission to Burma is facing failure before it has even begun, after the country's ruling generals refused to allow a meeting with the detained democracy leader, Aung San Suu Kyi.

    UN, Chinese and western diplomats are attempting to pressure the Burmese generals to allow Ibrahim Gambari, the UN Secretary General's Special Representative on Burma, to meet Ms Suu Kyi, the Nobel Peace Prize winner, who has been held under house arrest for 12 of the past 18 years.

    Such a meeting is regarded by western governments as crucial in urging reform on the junta, which for the time being at least appears to have successfully suppressed weeks of rising demonstrations by monks and ordinary Burmese. Mr Gambari is coming under pressure to refuse to meet Burma's leading general, Than Shwe, if he is denied a separate meeting with Ms Suu Kyi.

    "What Gambari's got to do is be prepared to provoke a crisis," a western diplomat told The Times in Rangoon this afternoon. "


  20. #420
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    someone: In Shwe Bon Thar road, military dispersed the group with trucks driving with high speed into the group of thousands. (From DVB Radio)ဲ

  21. #421
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    29 Sep 07, 02:14
    BetterMyanmar: According to witness, people will demonstrate till late night. (From DVB radio)

    29 Sep 07, 02:17
    BetterMyanmar: Soldiers who are beating monks are not soldiers from Army Division 77 according to a general in Army Division 77. They are a violent group created by 2 generals (I'll try to listen to the name carefully next time) to kill people. (From DVB Radio)

  22. #422
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    China Says to Work With Other Nations on Myanmar

    Wen Jiabao said China would work with the international community to help resolve the issue peacefully.

    Premier Wen Jiabao, facing calls from foreign leaders for Beijing to exert pressure on Myanmar's government, said China would work with the international community to help resolve the issue peacefully.

    "China's government will keep working with the international community to actively promote an appropriate solution to the Mynanmar problem," Wen told U.K. Prime Minister Gordon Brown, a Chinese foreign ministry statement said on Saturday.

    Wen told Brown by telephone on Friday night that China was paying close attention to the situation in Myanmar and hoped all sides would exercise restraint, to reach a peaceful solution and achieve "democracy and development", the ministry said.

    It was not clear whether the premier's reference to democracy meant Beijing was urging Myanmar's military government to compromise with protestors. Wen's comments largely echoed remarks by a Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman on Thursday.


    it's spelt with an O .....................................

  23. #423
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    Sep 07, 02:24BetterMyanmar: Two people are summoned to protest against innocent people this morning by Head of the respective community. They rehearse. Around 10pm, they were released with a tag. They were taken to the protest by cars. Fake protest finished 10pm. Students from 9th Standard and 10th standard are forcefully taken to protest. The fake protest is held in People's Stadium. (From DVB Radio)

    29 Sep 07, 02:24
    BetterMyanmar: Purpose is to decieve Mr. Gambari. (From DVB Radio)

    29 Sep 07, 02:25
    BetterMyanmar: This happened in Myit Kyi Nar, Kachin State. General name is Own Myint. (From DVB Radio)

  24. #424
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    29 Sep 07, 02:26
    BetterMyanmar: Mr. Gambari arrived 12pm (Myanmar local time). They are planning to meet around 4pm. (Translated what yamc says).

  25. #425
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    UN envoy's arrival leads to arrests in Burma

    Rangoon (dpa) - Burmese soldiers rounded up about 40 civilians and put them in military trucks Saturday outside the Rangoon hotel in which visiting United Nations envoy Ibrahim Gambari was allegedly planning to spend the night.

    Soldiers detained more than 40 people who had gathered outside the Trader Hotel in downtown Rangoon, cutting short a planned protest for Gambari, who was scheduled to arrive in the city at 3:30 pm (0900 GMT).


    'bout time the local boys got up to speed

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