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    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    43 injured in twin bombings in Philippines

    NORTH COTABATO – Two separate bomb attacks injured at least 43 civilians in the Philippines despite a tight security being implemented by the police and military in the country.

    The twin attacks occurred late Wednesday in North Cotabato province on Mindanao and Leyte province in the Visayas, but police said it is investigating whether the blasts were connected to each other or not.

    “We are investigating these (bombings) now,” said Senior Superintendent Dionardo Carlos said on Thursday.

    He said 7 people were wounded in the road explosion along the highway near the village of Pagangan Dos in North Cotabato’s Aleosan town. The bomb exploded as a truck was passing the area.

    The blast occurred several days after an unidentified man lobbed a fragmentation grenade outside a Catholic church in Midsayap town, also in North Cotabato, that injured over a dozen people.

    In the Leyte town of Hilongos, at least 36 people had been reported injured following a bomb blast at a public square where an amateur boxing match was going on. Other reports said at least 10 people were killed in the explosion. Police said an 81mm mortar rigged to a timer exploded in the plaza.

    No individuals or groups claimed responsibility for both attacks and police would not say whether jihadists or rebels were behind the bombings, not until the investigations are finally completed. The military is also investigating the twin bombings.

    43 injured in twin bombings in Philippines | Mindanao Examiner Regional Newspaper

  2. #2
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    Let's hope all members of TD P.I. are all safe and accounted for.

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