Suspected Necklace Thief seriously injured during attempted escape in East Pattaya

A suspected Necklace Thief was critically injured as he attempted to escape with a stolen necklace and collided with an oncoming vehicle close to the Maprachan Reservoir in East Pattaya.

The incident occurred on Monday and resulted in serious injuries sustained to Khun Nigon aged 21 after he collided head-on with a Black Toyota Vigo driven by Khun Boonpen aged 43.

The suspected thief had just snatched a necklace from Khun Katchaporn aged 24 close to the Reservoir as she travelled to a local school on her bike in order to pick-up her sister.

The suspect came up alongside her and attempted to snatch her gold necklace but was only able to take half of it as the victim held on to the necklace for as long as she could until it broke-in-two.

The suspect escaped but was followed by members of the public who witnessed the event.

The high speed chase came to an abrupt end when the suspect hit the oncoming pick-up and was left fighting for his life.

He was rushed to Hospital where his condition is described as extremely serious.

Can't beat a news story with a happy ending