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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat
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    Yesterday @ 06:56 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    ^ And this is why you have the boat people!!

    Rwanda is not a solution, pushing people back to France is not the solution. (The Tories gave up this idea a few years ago but Reform seem to think they are above International Law).

    The answer is for the UK to stop treating everyone as if they are an economic migrant and get back to a working system. They need to process applications swiftly and efficiently and give visas to those that are entitled, especially for visiting only. Process centres in France and Belgium and permitting those eligible to enter, without prejudice due to numbers would be a good start.

    But we digress...
    It's not a big digression . It's insane that your wife has any difficulty coming to your Homeland with you . It's also clear that France does not want these undocumented migrants so France stands there and looks while thousands of the migrants walk onto the French beaches . Then the French HELP them to leave for England ! And they are accepted . Given documents , accommodation and all the rest . Whereas totally legitimate travellers like your wife have all sorts of deliberate obstructions put in their way . It makes me extremely angry .


  2. #27
    Thailand Expat
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    Yesterday @ 06:56 PM
    Did a bit more reading about the BRP becoming an evisa .

    The change is happening at the end of the Year -- but you STILL have to change your ILR into a BRP before you can change that into an evisa !

    There are people being paid money to come up with this sort of craziness .
    MEANWHILE -- another Scam shows up . Changing your ILR into a BRP is free . Except that the Home Office doesn't want to do the work so they've offloaded it to a Private Agency and the Private Agency is charging £143 to 'process' the " free " BRP .

    I am just heartily SICK of the constant scamming and ripping off people just to get a 'free' permit to travel .


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