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  1. #51
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    Trying to combine all of my unswers into one response to also remove inefficiencies

    so I removed this post and add it two the other two below.
    Last edited by Buckaroo Banzai; 25-01-2023 at 08:39 AM.

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Many of the agents who will do it for you for circa 20k charge so much partly because they are paying bribes.
    Green owed, Dont know what is the issue with this forum where you cant give a green when you want to,
    And talking about "want to" . I have no problem paying bribes, but only if it's my idea, what I have a problem with is being coerced into it.

    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    Indeed, its probably cheaper to pay the IO directly than going through a middleman and paying 2 sets of service fees.

    Streamline the process and remove inefficiencies

    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Agreed . . . and for visa issues just pay someone to do it
    So you are not willing to pay a bribe, but have no problem giving the money to someone and having them do it for you? LOL
    Last edited by Buckaroo Banzai; 25-01-2023 at 08:37 AM.
    The sooner you fall behind, the more time you have to catch up.

  3. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    I have no problem paying bribe
    American law might consider this a 'facilitation payment' and not necessarily illegal for a US citizen to pay. EU law doesn't distinguish these from bribes, the US position is broadly that it is legal to pay for a service that is itself standard if the payment is modest and only seeks to make the bureaucracy move faster in the direction that it should. IIRC.
    So you can sleep easy.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Us long stay folks are required to do this anually as we would in any country
    Once I get my visa here, I'll never have to renew it. The PI rocks, visa wise. I'll also be able to work legally, should I desire without a work permit.
    Last edited by Topper; 25-01-2023 at 07:57 PM.

  5. #55
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    Indeed, its probably cheaper to pay the IO directly than going through a middleman and paying 2 sets of service fees.
    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    American law might consider this a 'facilitation payment' and not necessarily illegal for a US citizen to pay. EU law doesn't distinguish these from bribes, the US position is broadly that it is legal to pay for a service that is itself standard if the payment is modest and only seeks to make the bureaucracy move faster in the direction that it should. IIRC.
    So you can sleep easy.
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  6. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    Once I get my visa here, I'll never have to renew it. The PI rocks, visa wise. I'll also be able to work legally, should I desire without a work permit.
    Something similar in the US. When my wife came over she got a green card. She could had stayed with that , many people do, but three years later she applied for citizenship, a very simple test, she could have had the interview in Thai if she wanted, but opted to have it in English, and she became a US citizen.
    From day one that she got to the US she never had to have a visa , other then the visa she came in with.
    Same in Greece where I hold a Greek passport also, If we ever moved there Nuy as my wife would aply and be issued permanent residency, with a pathway to citizenship.
    At least for those who are married to a Thai national, live in Thailand, have a Thai drivers licence as I do, have a yellow book.should not have to jump through all this hoops every year , as it is done in the countries I mentioned above.
    --I don't know what is with all these visa nonsense in Thailand.

  7. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    At least for those who are married to a Thai national, live in Thailand, have a Thai drivers license as I do, have a yellow book.should not have to jump through all this hoops every year , as it is done in the countries I mentioned above.
    --I don't know what is with all these visa nonsense in Thailand.
    Money...the visa "agents" make money, the immi officers make extra money so the system continues on as it has for at least the last twenty years I've been around.

    I won't have citizenship, I won't be able to vote, but I can work, buy/own property, use the legal system just like a Filipino, open bank accounts, sign up for services and stuff like that. Thai Non-O visas suck.
    "I was a good student. I comprehend very well, OK, better than I think almost anybody," - President Trump comparing his legal knowledge to a Federal judge.

  8. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    I won't have citizenship, I won't be able to vote, but I can work
    How much do Burger King pay over there mate?

    A rather disappointing thread, I thought this was gonna be like one of Mendy's passport runs, gone wrong

  9. #59
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    Wait til BB goes back with his 2 days overstay and tries to turn on the charm with the dominatrix IOess

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by malmomike77 View Post
    Wait til BB goes back with his 2 days overstay
    Get my number (and bank account info) from Mendy, BB... and put it on speed dial.

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Reg Dingle View Post
    How much do Burger King pay over there mate?
    Don't know, but I've got my sights on the manager of McD' will be a life long dream of mine finally realized if I can land the job.

  12. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    At least for those who are married to a Thai national, live in Thailand, have a Thai drivers licence as I do, have a yellow book.should not have to jump through all this hoops every year , as it is done in the countries I mentioned above.
    --I don't know what is with all these visa nonsense in Thailand.
    My wife and I asked this question a year or so back to the Sr immigration officer at the IO. There were a few candid answers from her point of view

    • They do not have sufficient systems to have different layers of immigration rules to accommodate various peoples status's
    • Being that not all are retired expats, many are laborers from surrounding countries they do not have the staff to break it up. I have been at immigration and see business agents bring in 50 to 100 passports.
    • There is money in it. While guys like us are about 5k baht a year with the filing fees and the multi entry visa, the other labor types generate a lot more. In my opinion we are noise in the big picture.
    • While she remained polite she did allude to the numerous expats that create issues and it is easier to have the same rules for all know matter status.

    She did agree with my opinion (similar to yours above) that there should be a situation for expats like us. For me and the others that work here, I have paid a shit load of taxes. I have contributed to the system, I have shown that I am a viable contributor to the economy and I just live life like I would anywhere.

    Again as I have said, I do not think about immigration stuff much, Its not a big deal and I do not have issues like so many have had. Probably why my outlook and disposition living here is vastly different than others. People are people, systems are systems. I far prefer to relax, enjoy my easy life here and have a beverage by the pool.

  13. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    Money...the visa "agents" make money, the immi officers make extra money so the system continues on as it has for at least the last twenty years I've been around.

    I won't have citizenship, I won't be able to vote, but I can work, buy/own property, use the legal system just like a Filipino, open bank accounts, sign up for services and stuff like that. Thai Non-O visas suck.
    You also have the advantage of an much easier to learn language. My biggest frustration in Thailand is not being able to communicate at a meaningful level. I went to school for a while , and learned a lot, and when I have more time I will go back again. But at best I can communicate at a 5 year old level, where in English I am proficient a least the 12 year old level, as shown by my witty replies and exceptional spelling.

  14. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumpy View Post
    I far prefer to relax, enjoy my easy life here and have a beverage by the pool.
    As with rape "If you can't avoid it lay back and enjoy it"

    Gaud who says thing like that? certainly not me. I need to change my password 'cause for sure someone has hacked my account.

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond View Post
    Get my number (and bank account info) from Mendy, BB... and put it on speed dial.
    It is very nice of you to offer. I would certainly give you a call, just remember to bring me cigarettes, 'cause I've been told that they legal tender in jail .

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    I, only yesterday, put all my retirement documents with an agent to avoid the merry-go-round circus.

    Cost me 8,000 Baht but worth it!
    Yes, but unlike Banzai, one assumes you meet the requirements and qualify. He did not.

  17. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Yes, but unlike Banzai, one assumes you meet the requirements and qualify. He did not.
    I think the only qualification when using an agent is that you and pay, and sign your name.

  18. #68
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    ^ Done and dusted without any loss of sweat and whilst my visa was being obtained I laid 100 bricks.

    My next visa, will be based upon a work permit, I hope within 3 months time from now.

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    Done and dusted without any loss of sweat
    No "time and sweat" gathering the package of the required official documents, from the numerous Thai offices and institutions?

    Or does your agent do that?

  20. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    hilst my visa was being obtained I laid 100 bricks.
    you seem to have been building forever, how is the Thai Sagrada Família coming along?

  21. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Many of the agents who will do it for you for circa 20k charge so much partly because they are paying bribes.

    Up to the punter, but paying someone else to get it done is not a way of. 'avoiding' having to pay bribes.

    In fact it is quite the opposite.
    Point is that it'll be done correctly as both their income is derived from this arrangement. What the agent does is not known to me, maybe he does, maybe he doesn't. Initially I left it to the company to arrange it and afterwards just went direct when we went off on our own. His business relied on MNCs . . . one would hope that would bring with it something more than the average Somchai doing it

  22. #72
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    @topper - I'm not sure about you (a foreigner) being able to buy/ own land in PH, even if you're a PR.

    From the land titles that I've seen, if they're both Filipino citizens, the title will read:

    Parcel of land belongs to spouses Jose Santos and Pilar Santos, both Filipino nationals... (meaning, the land belongs to both of them)

    In your case, it would be:

    Parcel of land belongs to Pilar Santos-Smith, Filipino national, married to John Smith, USA national. The land belongs to the Filipina (Pilar) who happens to be married to John Smith, the American.

    It's a technicality in the legalese. Both spouses' signatures would still be needed in case the land will be sold.

    Though I'm sure that if you have mega bucks, there are ways for you to have land. You can lease it in your name for 25 + 25 years. You can't lease from your spouse but can lease it from her family members or other people.

    If you+ wife buy land, and your wife passes ahead of you, you can't own the land (or it can't be titled to you solely). You'll have to sell the land after a "suitable" amount of time (usually it's sold to a close family member). Some foreigners make arrangements w/ the family member in such a way that they (the foreigner) can stay on the land/ house until the end of their lives.

    Btw, if you & your wife buy land, make sure it's a clran title (no encumbrance). Land titling takes time - minimum of 6 months, I think (based on experience).

    If the parcel of land that you're buying belongs to a bigger plot, then make sure that there's a title to that parcel of land that you're interested in. Otherwise, the land may still be in one large "mother title". If that's the case, then the mother title has to be brought to the land registry office to be subdivided into several "daughter titles". Then with the daughter titles, the land (if bought) can be transferred to the name(s) of the buyer(s). Again, all these things take time (months), unless you're willing to pay big bucks to grease the wheel.
    Last edited by katie23; 26-01-2023 at 02:32 PM. Reason: Added info

  23. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loy Toy View Post
    without any loss of sweat and whilst my visa was being obtained I laid 100 bricks.
    God !! that must had been some dinner you had last night

  24. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Buckaroo Banzai View Post
    I think the only qualification when using an agent is that you and pay, and sign your name.
    Don’t be silly.

    If you do not qualify but wish to proceed then you pay a bribe of 18,000-20,000 for your desired extension but this must be through an intermediary, usually an agent or lawyer.

    If you do qualify and have the evidence to prove it but you do not wish to attend to make your application personally then you can instruct an agent to prepare and submit the dox on your behalf for which a fee of between 6000-8000 baht is likely. There is no bribe.

  25. #75
    กงเกวียนกำเกวียน HuangLao's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Don’t be silly.

    If you do not qualify but wish to proceed then you pay a bribe of 18,000-20,000 for your desired extension but this must be through an intermediary, usually an agent or lawyer.

    If you do qualify and have the evidence to prove it but you do not wish to attend to make your application personally then you can instruct an agent to prepare and submit the dox on your behalf for which a fee of between 6000-8000 baht is likely. There is no bribe.

    And still, after using the backdoors - nothing is guaranteed.

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