Hi, all. I've lived in Thailand for 10 years on O-A and extensions, but never had need for a "Certificate of Residency." For banks accounts, licensing and other things that often require the COR, I've always used my long-term rental agreement. HOWEVER...now I read that returning expats will/may be required to show a COR in addition to COVID testing/vaccination docs. Here's my question:

As far as I can tell, CORs are only good for 30 days. I'm planning on flying to the U.S. for 6 weeks in September. Any ideas on how I might get around that "Catch-22" when I fly back? My logical guess would be to show the 2-week expired COR AND my valid long-term rental contract, but that seems a little risky. AND, I can just not worry about it and hope it all goes away in the next 5 months. Also rather risky.

Anybody ever dealt with anything like this before?
