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Thread: TM30

  1. #51
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Or ya can just post the fuker in.

    To easy innit.

  2. #52
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    i posted a thai immigration graphic [it was from the thai immigration website] illustrating the things we immigrants have to do to stay within the law.

    for some reason, it was removed.
    No worries mate. I've had 2 posts deleted today and our resident mod/admin says it weren't him. ��

    Why after reporting your, expected, place of stay upon arrival, using a TM6, does someone else, landlord etc, have to report within 24 hours of your stay, as to the fact you are staying with them. Total bullshit.

  3. #53
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Terry you may be different in that you come and go and I see what you say but for them cnuts to fine my wife after nearly 14 years being here 500 Baht, no receipt, a little OTT. To rob your own done it for me.

  4. #54
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Ya need to get over this bullshit that the TM 30 and all other Immigration requirements are unfair.

    It matters not 1 fuk whether it's fair or not, it's a waisted emotion.

    Ya must do what Immi require even though we considering it complete fukin rubbish.

    You do it the correct way first time, follow there regulations and it's all down hill from there.

    Regards the 500 BHT bribe goes, i'd just pay the fuker to smooth the way. This is Thailand and how shit rolls, all ex pats know it.

    You can be the big man and fight against the system but ya gunnar make your life difficult.

    Up to you mate.

  5. #55
    Days Work Done! Norton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    Total bullshit.
    Law has been in place for years. They are just recently enforcing it.

    Immigration wants to know where foreigners are at all times and as a practical matter, fine for failure to report via TM30 is a nice revenue earner.

    By law even a few day stay on holiday a TM 30 must be filed by owner of where you stay and by owner of your residence when you return.

    As with all things immigration, depends on office. Chang Wattana is strictly enforcing.
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  6. #56
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    So Terry when you go on your road trips you fully comply with the order in the link I posted?
    4. If the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer than twenty – four hours , such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within forty – eight hours from the time of arrival.

    The alien has already notified Immigration of his intended place of stay on arrival with his TM6. But within 24 hours of doing that Immigration have you tottering off to you nearest office to report again. No wonder the TM 30 faded away some years ago. Even Somchai must have seen how stupid the requirement was/is.

    Quote Originally Posted by terry57 View Post
    Regards the 500 BHT bribe goes, i'd just pay the fuker to smooth the way.
    So Terry you go into an office, for whatever, and the officer calls you over, puts his hand out, and without reason why, asks you for 1,000 Baht. You'd calmly hand him the money and quietly return to your seat. Cuz that's how shit rolls in Thailand innit? No wonder falangs are thought to be fcuking stupid.

    Thank you Mr Norton for your explanation. I fully understand the rules/reasons why they want to keep a check on people but to fine someone, a Thai after 13+ years, for not knowing the rules is just plain robbery. A word of advice would have been the correct way. I bet Immigration officers were laughing their bollix off when the TM30 was reintroduced? The government asks aliens to help fight corruption by not tipping officers and then leaves a bigger door open in which to make up the shortfall.

    Well that's my TM30 rant over with. Terry, I never paid no fine for not acquiring a TM 30. Not my problem as it's stands and neither is it for you as it's the responsibility of your condo manager to file it. So you don't personally hand over the fine. Not your plom plem. Neither is it mine, but I hate injustice.

  7. #57
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    Did my 90 day report yesterday at Phuket Immigration, the second time that I've used the 'drive through' facility. I only live 15 minutes or so from their offices, so no hardship and always combine it with a lunch or shopping in Phuket Town. TM30 validation is also handled this way, though since M'Sahib is now in the system for registering I've no personal need to use this. Takes 2 or 3 minutes per vehicle, good service.

  8. #58
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    Nice and orderly. Good system and leaves your transaction open to being recorded on your dash cam. Way to go. PAG were the pics off a dash cam? Good quality.

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    Nice and orderly. Good system and leaves your transaction open to being recorded on your dash cam. Way to go. PAG were the pics off a dash cam? Good quality.
    Actually from my phone, though I do have a Garmin dash cam.

  10. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAG View Post
    Garmin dash cam.
    Name dropper.

  11. #61
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PAG View Post
    Actually from my phone
    Your windscreen is very clean.

  12. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    Your windscreen is very clean.
    I'll give M'Sahib a commendation.

  13. #63
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Another heads up for punters on O- A Visas.

    The TM-30 is made irrelevant because on this Visa one can completely avoid dealing with any Immigration office.

    When exiting shitsville through an Airport they do not give a flying fook regards TM -30.

    If you need to go into an Immi office then they will Check up on TM-30.

    I never need to Visit Immi because my 90 day report Is done on line and I exit Lieland twice a year.

    Good innit. Just saying.

  14. #64
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry57 View Post
    So if ya sort ya shit out correctly ya do ya 90 day report and TM 30 onine and then as per usual ya go once a year to Immi to do ya extention.
    But for us long stayers that annual visit is unavoidable and that's where immigration pounce. Just did a 60 day extension at Buriram today. When asked why I needed a 60 day extension I told them it was because of a passport renewal and my 800 g's hadn't seasoned in the bank. On telling that, I was told they'd overlook the seasoning period for 15 g's. Fcuk giving them 15 Baht let alone 15 big ones.
    Last edited by Pragmatic; 24-07-2019 at 06:48 PM.

  15. #65
    I'm in Jail

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    Its got me fucked why all you thailand based punters put up with all this ever changing shit. Its pretty fucking obvious thwt its no longer the land of smiles or even shits n giggles. I understand some punters are heavily invested with FAMILY , property etc and that makes it hard to tell the coonts to just fook off and stop taking the piss. If it were me thailand based i would be weighing up my options on wether to stay or fuck of. It seems to me the horseshit aint gonna change, just gonna get worse. . Prayuth has his master plan. He dont like d farang.

  16. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerlaodrinker View Post
    I understand some punters are heavily invested with FAMILY , property etc and that makes it hard to tell the coonts to just fook off and stop taking the piss. If it were me thailand based i would be weighing up my options on wether to stay or fuck of. It seems to me the horseshit aint gonna change, just gonna get worse. . Prayuth has his master plan. He dont like d farang.
    I'm one of the 'heavily invested with FAMILY'. 3 kids on the last count. I'm sure as hell am not going back to the UK to live so I have to put up with this shit. Side note. I suppose due to phones etc the immigration officer never actually spoke the sum involved to overlook my problem. He wrote it down on a piece of paper and passed it to my wife. Give 'em their dues they're crafty.

  17. #67
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerlaodrinker View Post
    Its got me fucked why all you thailand based punters put up with all this ever changing shit...
    I understand some punters are heavily invested with FAMILY , property etc and that makes it hard...
    It seems to me the horseshit aint gonna change...
    dont like d farang.
    BLD - everything you see and say is true. The folks that remain have roots. Family and financial. The ever changing goalposts have been happening for decades, Thai's want tourists not resident foreigners. But, that being said, the aggravation is minor - it is a nuisance, it is irritating, but, for the most part it can be easily handled.

    You need money - here and elsewhere. Matter of convenience as to where an individual decides to live. Retirement - my wife wanted to go home, so, here we are. I get by the aggravation with the simple thought that I can go wherever I damn well please, and, the pauper paper pushers who derive pleasure in demanding this, that and the other thing, well, can't.

    Figure that my first years rent alone was double or triple their annual salary. If they did apply for a tourist visa to my home country - well, first, they couldn't afford the airfare and second, their application would most probably be outright rejected. They are prisoners of their own birthright.

  18. #68
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    You are only one punter of thousands who live full time in Shitter ville. So many others in your boat but you seen to be the only one on this forum who is having so much problem dealing with and meeting Immigration requirements.

    You would be well served to get on board with the requirements and simply do what needs to be done.

    Every other fuker is doing it or has done it.

    Further more every Ex-pat is only here until their Visa expires.

    Way it is and always has been, ya set up shop here under these rules.

    Fuk that, I would never do it.

    We all make our choices eh.

  19. #69
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    That post is to Prag by the way

  20. #70
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    I think as the years have gone by the pigs have got greedier. Hence why every year they throw another spanner in the works. When I first came here it was all so straight forward never a problem really but these last 6 or so years the officers are getting more and more blatant in their ways of trying to scam aliens. In some way I think you pointing the finger at me Terry as to why I seem to keep getting the shit thrown at me. Well you'd be wrong as I take my missus every time to do my extensions and she too can't believe how openly corrupt the fcukers are.
    Terry you admitted that you'd pay tea money/bribe to ensure your treatment will run smooth whilst at the office but I see it as it's your doing, along with others, that has brought about the shit we now get. You've made them greedy.

  21. #71
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Nope never been asked for Tea money but can tell ya this.

    Knowing how this shit show rolls and knowing that as a Farang living here as a guest in Thailand I have no business trying to sort out their corrupt nature.

    Farang can change nothing here, it's the Thais business to deal with it.

    So that said, if I was asked to sling a red one to facilitate the smooth passage of a Visa or some other document I'd pay it in a heart beat.

    Not pointing the wicked finger at you mate but simply saying what I would do if asked to pay corruption.

  22. #72
    last farang standing
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    I think as the years have gone by the pigs have got greedier. Hence why every year they throw another spanner in the works. When I first came here it was all so straight forward never a problem really but these last 6 or so years the officers are getting more and more blatant in their ways of trying to scam aliens. In some way I think you pointing the finger at me Terry as to why I seem to keep getting the shit thrown at me. Well you'd be wrong as I take my missus every time to do my extensions and she too can't believe how openly corrupt the fcukers are.
    Terry you admitted that you'd pay tea money/bribe to ensure your treatment will run smooth whilst at the office but I see it as it's your doing, along with others, that has brought about the shit we now get. You've made them greedy.
    Think it depends where you're from too Prag. I can get from bangers on a direct flight to Qld stop off at the pub to catch up with the mates have a meal, shower and into bed in less time than the train takes to get to Chiang Mai. Tez lives on the other side but he would be in the same boat. When I get sick of the 8 hour flight I'll hole up in the phils or Malaysia where the visa requirements are much easier, no new language to learn and just commute every couple of months and still a quick trip back to Oz when the mood takes me. Unfortunately nothing will happen until the only tourists are from the third world and western expats are rarer than an honest immigration officer. I love the place but too much crap for me to bother with.

  23. #73
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    I recon it's all about whether Ex-pats are willing to throw their lot in their home land and move to an Asian cuntry where they know that they will always be an outsider with zero rights and zero chance of any security what so ever.

    Some accept the risk and others say fuk that, no fukin way.

    I'm in the last group.

    It's a free world so do what ya want but don't complain about shit when the host cuntry moves the goal posts.

    There were none to begin with.

  24. #74
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by terry57 View Post
    never been asked for Tea money
    Been dealing in/with Thailand for 25+ years. I have never been "asked" for tea money (as I would define it a "bribe"). Now, for the most part in critical stuff I use Attorneys, US and Thai to take care of my business. As part and parcel of my financials I must use Attorneys to protect myself. On the thai side, as I use a Thai Attorney/legal firm for financials, family law, real estate, our wills, etc. adding immigration to the package was without a second thought.

    As far as "tea money" or bribes, I have heard about them, third hand, and of course on the expat forums, and I do believe they exist. The only reason someone should need to pay tea money is if they are "illegal".

    Now, I do not consider using a visa service to do the visa paperwork "tea money". You are paying them for a service. I would consider paying a visa service to bypass the financial requirements or circumvent a law, a "bribe". And, persons that do that are one crackdown away from IDC and scrambling for an airline ticket.

    Now, as per Prag, good for you, follow/comply with the regs and ignore the paper slips with numbers.

    Terry, if I were doing immigration on my own, and a "tip" was solicited, I too, would probably slide a purple, maybe a 1kbt, maybe, as a "tip". More than that, well, doubtful. Have done a lot on my own with vehicles, drivers licenses, insurances, house services, upgrades, etc. I do tip, at figures approved by the better half. I have yet to be taken advantage of or had a bribe solicited - But, for the most part, I do have my Thai family riding shotgun on all my financial dealings.

  25. #75
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Sounds all good to me mate and i'm in your boat.

    In 1989 when I was involved in Diving on koh Tao they were building the first Police station. They come to our shop and asked for a donation so I called our Thai partner for direction.

    He said to give them 1000 BHT which I did.

    Money well spent mind you, we were in with the cops after that.

    All about making good contacts in this shit house and 1000 BHT is money well invested in my opinion.

    Never blinked an eye lid.

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