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Thread: TM30

  1. #26
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Asking for my brother who is on his way back from US
    As I was informed 3 months ago, your initial application when "granted" is valid until one leaves the country and then, upon return, a new application is needed and "granted".

    I went again today, I arrived at 10am and was number 1. A second IO said I needed one, upon showing him my issued form he said yes he was the IO who granted it. Obviously a hot topic for the Thai Immigration officers.

    Just another piece of paper stapled in your passport to keep safe. I presume there is a fine if it goes astray.

    I'm going to need a larger briefcase.
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  2. #27
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Possibly off topic.

    Due to my MIL dying recently I took my FIL to the local tesseban to get his name noted as the new official owner of the property.

    Whilst we were there my FIL asked me if I wanted to be added to his blue house book. My wife's house although connected by a party wall, has it's own number and electrical meter, but no blue book.

    I said sure if I can be. The officer confirmed that yes I can be added and gave me a list of documents to collect from various Thai government offices along with a "certified passport document" from the British embassy. The Embassy document requires an additional stamp from the Thai .Minister of Foreign Affairs office,

    I am still in the collection phase and will let you know if I am successful.

    Years and years here and every day a new onion layer is revealed.
    Last edited by OhOh; 03-07-2019 at 07:23 PM.

  3. #28
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Thought it was this on line link.
    Registered with this.

    'checked Status' today and registration was successful.

    But cannot log-in as I have no username or password. There's no option for them on the registration form. And no email (yet) from them giving me them.

    Do you know if ye were sent the username and password by email a day or two after registering?

  4. #29
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luigi View Post
    But cannot log-in as I have no username or password. There's no option for them on the registration form. And no email (yet) from them giving me them.

    Do you know if ye were sent the username and password by email a day or two after registering?
    That seems to be the case.

    I tried the online registration for TM30s at the link above on Sunday, and got no reply Mon-Tues... But then today, to my surprise, I received a user ID and password in a Thai language email from Immigration. Haven't tried to use those yet to actually submit a report online.

  5. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luigi View Post
    Do you know if ye were sent the username and password by email a day or two after registering?
    Never used it myself. Got the link from a Thai friend in Bangkok who has a few rentals.
    He has to file TM30 for his renters.

  6. #31
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luigi View Post
    Do you know if ye were sent the username and password by email a day or two after registering?
    Using the link mentioned above.

    Took one calendar month for me to receive the user name and password - registered successfully and confirmed email address successfully. Got to the message saying "registration requires IO approval within seven business days". Just under four weeks later received the email with user name and password. Logged on and changed password successfully.

    But, the point is, it took almost a full month to receive the user name and password.

  7. #32
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    It just arrived in my inbox.

    So around 24 hours after registering.

  8. #33
    Days Work Done! Norton's Avatar
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    Looks they have improved. Good luck.

  9. #34
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    Reporting myself for staying in my own condo that I own.

  10. #35
    I am not a cat
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    Good grief. Twenty years and cannot ever remember doing this. I have one thing from my landlord each year when renewing visa, but do not think it is this.

    So I am supposed to do every time I return from an overseas trip? With the landlords signature?

    Does using the online method mean we do not need to get something from the landlord?

    More crap they are throwing at us.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    Does using the online method mean we do not need to get something from the landlord?
    As long as you are renting afraid the answer is your landlord must do it when TM30 is required. Which btw is probably what they do now. Use the on line link Lulu is using.

  12. #37
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    As long as you are renting afraid the answer is your landlord must do it when TM30 is required.
    Or owning.

    I was fined 1,000thb by CM immigration last month for not reporting myself to them, for staying at my own place that I own within 24 hours.

    Which is a bit silly really.

    Will be handy if I can do it online whenever I'm in/out next.

  13. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    As long as you are renting afraid the answer is your landlord must do it when TM30 is required. Which btw is probably what they do now. Use the on line link Lulu is using.
    yeah - she is about 80 years old - will get the missus to find out if she has been doing it. Damn sure it will not be done each time I return from an overseas trip.

  14. #39
    R.I.P. Luigi's Avatar
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    Just to point out, that even though it's the landlord that should be fined, it is of course the farang alien that is told to pay by immigration, and whatever business you're there to do, extension, get a CoR, etc etc, won't be done for you until you pay it (or get the landlord to come down and pay it.)

  15. #40
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    All information about TM 30 can be obtained here.

  16. #41
    I am not a cat
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    I know I do an extra form each year at visa time. That might be the TM30. Will check.

  17. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by nidhogg View Post
    I know I do an extra form each year at visa time. That might be the TM30
    It's has to be done by your missus. You shouldn't have to do it

  18. #43
    The Fool on the Hill bowie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luigi View Post
    I was fined 1,000thb by CM immigration last month for not reporting myself to them,
    Well Lu, I never though you, of all people...

    There ya have it, a prime example of a bad falang willfully abusing the Thai judicial system. Yup, a foreign landlord ignoring Thai law. For shame.

    On a serious note concerning the TM30 reports. Yes, the law has been on the books for quite some time. But, as is often the case, never enforced. Now, from somewhere up in the Thai hierarchy the word has come down to start enforcing it. I have known about the law. I use a Thai Attorney. A few years ago he told me I did not have to bother with the TM30 reports. I did a Angkor Wat trip a bit back and did not bother with it. nothing was said or mentioned. The attorney recently notified me the I now must file or I will be fined. Yes, another hoop - yet, when I filed the TM30 at Nonthaburi the IO did say one week notification is fine, not 24h, and I could file on-line.

    Interesting, but, from my dealings with Nonthaburi Immigration, they are always polite, and, it seems to me, the less they see of me the happier they are. Every communications I've had with them seems beneficial. Never any difficulty. In fact, the only discontent I had was when they wouldn't accept a bank balance letter dated the day before.

    And, as stated before, if I can file TM30's on-line from the comfort of my home it is not a problem and no hassle. Been doing my 90's without issue for years now. Hope and expect the TM30's will follow suit.

  19. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pragmatic View Post
    It's has to be done by your missus. You shouldn't have to do it
    I did check on this. It is the form i do each year with my visa application. Will not help me that much if they link the airport in and out, but i do file it once a year.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Luigi View Post
    Registered with this.

    'checked Status' today and registration was successful.

    But cannot log-in as I have no username or password. There's no option for them on the registration form. And no email (yet) from them giving me them.

    Do you know if ye were sent the username and password by email a day or two after registering?
    My username/pass took 3-4 days to arrive via email

  21. #46
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    What is your interpretation to this?

    Section 37 :
    An alien having received a temporary entry permit into the Kingdom must comply with the following : 1. Shall not engage in the occupation or temporary or employment unless authorized by the Director General. or competent official deputized by the Director General . If , in any case , there is a law concerning alien employment provided hereafter , the granting of work privileges must comply with the law concerned. 2. Shall stay at the place as indicated to the competent official. Where there is proper reason that he cannot stay at the place as indicated to the competent official, he shall notify the competent official of the change in residence , within 24 hours from the time of removing to said place. 3. Shall notify the police official of the local police station where such alien resides, within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival. In the case of change in residence in which new residence is not located the same area with the former police stations , such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within twenty – four hours from the time of arrival. 4. If the alien travels to any province and will stay there longer than twenty – four hours , such alien must notify the police official of the police station for that area within forty – eight hours from the time of arrival.

    I read it as that if you report your address in Thailand on arrival and you later change your mind and go somewhere different you have to do a TM 30 notification within 24 hours of arriving at the new address. I read it that a TM 30 isn't required if you stay at the address you reported at immigration on arrival? Right or bollix?

  22. #47
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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  23. #48
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    ^ Speechless?

  24. #49
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    i posted a thai immigration graphic [it was from the thai immigration website] illustrating the things we immigrants have to do to stay within the law.

    for some reason, it was removed.

  25. #50
    Thailand Expat terry57's Avatar
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    07-12-2022 @ 03:12 PM
    Look, this TM 30 is no big deal and so many punters are soiling their man nappies I'm having a great larf.

    The first step if ya never have done one before is go to ya local immigration office and register. You can then apply to do ya next one on line once ya get a password.

    More Thai fukwittery to deal with but just fokin do it if ya want to stay here trouble free.

    So once ya have ya password you do not have to front up at Immigration again and can simply do it on line same as ya do ya 90 day report on line. Some silly coonts still go to Immi to do it, fuk knows why ?????

    So if ya sort ya shit out correctly ya do ya 90 day report and TM 30 onine and then as per usual ya go once a year to Immi to do ya extention.

    Ya got it ?

    Thank fook for that.


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