I went to my beloved immigration today to say my quarterly hello...

Today's issues....there were several....

1. The boss calls me over to the desk and tells me I need to process this paperwork in Chiang Mai as my current address is registered in CM. Needless to say, excuse me? Chiang Mai?

She goes, "Yes, have you ever been to Chiang Mai" I replied I was there a couple of years ago on holiday for two days...two days. Apparently the hotel properly provided immigration our hotel information to immigration and immigration registered the hotel as our permanent address only two years later.

She shows me their "computer printout" of my current address. It shows the hotel we stayed at in CM (for two days) with my "90 day address" underneath. I then point out the address on all of the paperwork I've submitted for the last 5 years shows the same address as my 90 address and point out my last visa was granted in Bangkok, so chances are the computer may have a slight error in it.

She then starts telling me the rules are that I have to change my address and tells me I need to get a queue ticket for counter "B". I point out that since it's 3:35, my chances of getting a queue ticket are exactly zero and reminded her that my visa expires today, I've brought all of the same paperwork I've always brought. To her credit, phone calls were made, I filled out the change of address paperwork, immi made the necessary copies of my passport themselves and I was given a note that the change of address was registered. Paperwork proceeds..

2. Then it's the additional paperwork from court thing, including calls to the lawyer. I think its just low level harassment so they can let me "slide" on the above knowing it was a issue on their part.

The point of this tale....

If you're a long term resident who takes a vacation and registers in a hotel, that hotel could come up as your primary residence (hotels have to report foriegners to immi), which might cause an issue at visa renewal time.