Been here 10 years. Never have I had a home visit by immigration. Just a bit of info first. Up until about a month ago Kap Choeng Imm office did a 'Retirement Extension' on the spot. Now they give you '30 days Consideration' stamp first. They gave no notice of rule change.

About a month ago we booked an hotel for a long w/e away. Whilst at KCI we got told that we would have a home visit in the coming week. My wife points out that we go away on the coming Friday so won't be in. The fooking stupid officer then asks my wife why didn't we wait until we'd finished with the 'Retirement Extension' before booking. Is it me or are they all numpties? They changed the rules.

So what happens if they phone Thursday to say they're coming Friday? Do we have to be in? Will it affect my extension by them not being able to come? After all, I'd assume they're going to blitz around where I live and won't want to come back the following week for just one person, due to the distance of travel?