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  1. #101
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    06-09-2020 @ 10:42 AM
    You're looking for logic where there is none to be had there Steam.

    Tryin' to rationalize something as quirky as 'thai logic' <-(an oxymoron if there ever was one) is even more futile..

    In other only slightly related news, I talked to the two big visa run companies in bangkok and they're nearly fully booked for their last 'official' trip to Vientiane for double entry tourist visas before Friday. One company said they were looking in a chartering a big bus as they had a whole herd of people calling them up wanting to go get one before it's too late.

    Interesting times that's for sure..

  2. #102
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    25-06-2024 @ 05:34 PM
    i dont know who the new metv is aimed at
    but i seriously think any "REAL" tourists ever would need it or a double entry
    Most come way less than even the length of a singe entry

    So for 1,000 baht for a single + 1,900 for a 1 month extension, make a border run an get another 30 days for free ( if ur a G7 member) gives u 4 months
    repeat for an additional three months with one trip to a embassy

    the only ones affected will be the expats working/hanging out in LOS an traveling to Laos every 6 months for a double entry
    now they can go anywher ( Cambodia, Malaysia, Vietnam, Malaysia, etc) every 3 months.
    SO more countires will get more revenue while ONLY Laos might lose a little
    "I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol or insanity, but they've always worked for me" HST

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  3. #103
    Thailand Expat
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    06-09-2020 @ 10:42 AM
    I hafta agree with Phuketrichard. I too have no idea what demographic of tourist this METV is supposed to be targeting.

    Early on, with the b/s press blurb from the MFA and the TAT, it seemed as if it was the best thing since sliced bread. Now with the crazy strict implementation policies cooked up at the various thai embassies and consulates it ain't all it's cracked up to be. . .

  4. #104

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    19-11-2015 @ 08:07 PM
    Except they want proof of employment which backpackers dont have cause they quit work to go travelling. Unless they drop this or accept old work letter. Also 5000 baht is a lot for these bps who aim to spend 400 baht on a room.

  5. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by toddaniels View Post
    I hafta agree with Phuketrichard. I too have no idea what demographic of tourist this METV is supposed to be targeting.

    Early on, with the b/s press blurb from the MFA and the TAT, it seemed as if it was the best thing since sliced bread. Now with the crazy strict implementation policies cooked up at the various thai embassies and consulates it ain't all it's cracked up to be. . .
    Divining Thai logic and searching for some coherent rationale contained within it is always a challenge and this latest initiative is no different.

    Personally, I think it is simply just another turn of the screw preventing illegal de facto residence by foreigners who struggle to qualify for long term residence as a retiree or spouse etc.

    The truly silly aspect of all this is the fact that we live in a third world country within a third world region where thousands enter daily as "tourists" who quite simply haven't a pot to piss in.

  6. #106
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    25-06-2024 @ 05:34 PM
    Personally, I think it is simply just another turn of the screw preventing illegal de facto residence by foreigners who struggle to qualify for long term residence as a retiree or spouse etc.
    getting a long term extension if ur over 50 using the combo method has got to be the simplest thing in the world an if ur married its only added paperwork

    its aimed at those UNDER 50 not married and trying to eke out a meager existence here

  7. #107
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    06-09-2020 @ 10:42 AM
    ^ what he said...

  8. #108
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    06-09-2020 @ 10:42 AM
    So far I haven't read a single post anywhere out on the inter-web of someone applying for this METV yet.

    Being a nosy prick, I called the MFA in Bangkok today and spoke with someone who seemed slightly more clued in. They said, we know people live here on tourist visas, that's fine. Just meet the requirements to qualify for it and get it in your country BEFORE you come here.

    It looks like it's totally designed to try to curtail people living here on back-to-back tourist visas gotten from neighboring thai embassies/consulates. TO me it really seems targeting people who possibly work illegally on tourist visas as well, but that's just my take on it.

    In reality the qualifications for this visa are far lower than ANY yearly extension of stay in terms of proof of finances. If you're gonna come and stay in thailand for half a year, show you can meet the requirements and I bet they'll stamp said visa into your passport.

    I'd wager it's not even gonna be a blip on the proverbial radar in the grand scheme of "all-things-touristy" here.

    What it might do is send a LOT more business to the companies which sponsor foreigners for those year-long multi-entry Non-B visas.

    Dunno really, time will tell...

  9. #109
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    Once again ,, if you want the truth check it out yourself do not ask the person on the next bar stool.

  10. #110
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    Bunthrik Ubon
    Don't know if this is relevant or not, but as I posted on he Savanakhet visa thread, guy I know was refused a double entry tourist visa[ [Thursday]. He asked and he's fluent in Thai, could he come back and get another 60 day tourist visa.
    They said they didn't know, but he could try.
    Seems a bit up in the air at the moment if even the consulates are unsure what's happening.

  11. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by toddaniels
    we know people live here on tourist visas, that's fine

    Don't rock the boat - no problem.

    If you do rock the boat though - they have legal recourse to chuck you out.

    Clever system really.

  12. #112
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    06-09-2020 @ 10:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by navynine View Post
    Once again ,, if you want the truth check it out yourself do not ask the person on the next bar stool.
    I do NOT sit on a bar stool.. I had a (foreign sized) wooden chair made for me that they keep Soi side, just in case I show up to drink. It was the best 200 baht I've ever spent in Thailand!!

    Take what I post with a grain of salt..

    I've got really thick skin and the last thing that riles me up is clueless foreigners, because I deal with clueless thais everyday.

  13. #113
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  14. #114
    I am in Jail

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    Have they thought this through? Who that will need longer than a single entry is going to have a job? Nobody will apply for this.

  15. #115
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    out of range
    ...and who'd keep 5k in the bank for 6 months?

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steam
    Have they thought this through?
    as much thought went into the PhDs they probably hold

    thai bureaucracy is comprised of liars , cheats and thieves and every single one of them will have paid for their job

  17. #117
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    02-09-2018 @ 02:44 AM
    What they seem to have done is mimic the style of the visitor visa offered by the UK, schengen area etc. These are six month visas or thereabouts and are mandatory for a Thai even if visiting for a week and require bank balance, proof of job etc as evidence of ability to sustain oneself and then leave.

    As Thailand has no welfare state there will be few economic migrants heading there hence this is directly aimed at preventing tourist visa teflers in the main but I can't fathom the job part. Anyone with a job will be visiting for a few weeks at most hence they don't need a visa unlike Thais with a job visiting Europe or England for a few weeks.

    A lack of thoughtfulness prevails.

  18. #118
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    06-09-2020 @ 10:42 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by baldrick View Post
    as much thought went into the PhDs they probably hold

    thai bureaucracy is comprised of liars , cheats and thieves and every single one of them will have paid for their job
    Hmm, you appear to be painting with a frickin' paint roller instead of your usual broad brush.

    Certainly every government worker didn't buy their position, nor are they all cheats and thieves.

    Some certainly are, but I know a fair few in various governmental positions who are pretty darned stand up, by the book people (for thais, that is).

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