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  1. #1
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    Language Schools in bangkok, a selection:

    WALL STREET gives you a grammar test before the interview so that counts most of you out already *

    AUANon-profit organisation that is possibly Bangkok's biggest employer of teachers. Main branch is located on Rajdamri Rd and employs approx 100 teachers. AUA has come in for a bit of stick of late, but I still think there are far worse places you could work. Very busy school both during the day and in the evening, so at least they can give a teacher a decent schedule. Large class sizes is definitely a minus. ****

    BERLITZVery window-dressed company that has a mind-numbingly boring teaching method that quite frankly doesn't work with Thais. Very profitable language school that pays its teachers below the average. Still a fairly good school for an inexperienced teacher to gain confidence talking in front of a group. **

    BRITISH AMERICANSchool with a quite dreadful reputation that is also possibly the lowest paying school in town. 220 baht an hour the last time I checked, which quite frankly I wouldn't get out of bed for. A bonus is paid if you wear the British American navy blue blazer while you are teaching. Lots of teachers pass through here. Nuff said. * (and lucky to get that)

    BRITISH COUNCILSnobby set up that thinks its better than anyone else perhaps because it recruits teachers directly from Britain, although I have heard of Bangkok teachers being recruited while living here in Bangkok. Nowhere near as good as they think they are. ****

    ECCAnother school with a reputation which you'd hardly call glowing. Branches all over the city. They don't pay much and expect a teacher to do a lot of hours. Many teachers start here when they first come to Bangkok, but the vast majority move on after a period of time. **

    ELCVery image-conscious school that is known to hire teachers based on the way they look rather than their ability to teach. This school also has the advantage of being able to fill a teacher's day-time schedule, but I'm talking to a lot of ex-ELC teachers these days, and that always says it all. ***

    ELITEDon't know a great deal about this school located on Silom Rd, but firstly they seem to have a fairly high turnover of teachers, and secondly they pay very poorly for out-service company work This school tends to keep a rather low profile. ***

    ENGLISH FIRSTSchool with franchises all over the place, loads of them in Indonesia. Recent newcomer to the Bangkok EFL scene, but from what I've seen don't really offer anything new. ***

    INLINGUASchool with at least seven branches in Bangkok, and very big on corporate image. One of the better language institutes in the city, but still way short of perfection. Lots of company classes for teachers who enjoy teaching business English. Good choice for the teacher who is looking to make good money with a big schedule or the teacher looking to fill specific gaps. ***

    MELSA school with a very good reputation that seems to have slipped of late. You never ever spoke to a disgruntled MELS teacher a few years back, but I've heard one or two recently. Mostly into corporate work and university classes. I get the distinct impression that this school has too many hungry teachers at the moment, and can't feed them all. ***

    NAVASchool that was crap, went good, and now looks to be going crap again. A fair few complaints coming in about NAVA and its branches all over the city. Big on children's classes which is always a huge minus in my book. They will offer a teacher a one year contract but it's nothing to shout from the rooftops about. **

    SIAM COMPUTERBad reputation has dogged this school for as long as I've been in Bangkok. Those who admit they work for Siam Computer always seem to do so in a low almost apologetic voice. Seriously, you ask 15 teachers their opinions and then form your own. Can they all be wrong? Although efforts are being made to improve things, I'd definitely put it at the bottom of the pile. *

    Taken from the old site which I can't remember the name of, but altogether useful.....
    Last edited by DJ Pat; 29-09-2008 at 11:04 PM.

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Pat
    ENGLISH FIRSTSchool with franchises all over the place, loads of them in Indonesia.
    yup true.

    and they really aint got a good rep over here either.

  3. #3
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    I'm working part time for Inlingua and have no complaints. Very professional setup at the branch I'm at. If I have free time, like this month with my holiday from my regular school, they work with me to try and fill it as much as possible.

  4. #4
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    Go International (Chulalongkorn) pays 700 an hour. Teaching is in 3 hour blocks - with 2 x 15 minute breaks - teach 2 1/2 hrs, but get paid for the 3. A lad in my apartment works there on the weekends and says it's a good set up. Has about 20 different levels I think and you choose what one suits you best. Sounds like a good enuf set up.

  5. #5
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    28-12-2013 @ 03:00 PM
    Can anyone recommend a language school which teaches Japanese? I need an intensive month long course.

  6. #6
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blake7 View Post
    Can anyone recommend a language school which teaches Japanese? I need an intensive month long course.
    Ask Marmite^^^

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Pat
    Ask Marmite
    Wrong language, but I have sent a message to a friend who works at a Japanese school in Bangkok to see if he can offer any advice.

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by Blake7 View Post
    Can anyone recommend a language school which teaches Japanese? I need an intensive month long course.
    Similar thread running on TV, worth keeping an eye on it, something may turn up on there.

    Japanese Lessons - Thailand Forum

  9. #9
    Skettios's Avatar
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    31-08-2009 @ 08:33 PM
    Thanks for the list.

    I'm looking for part time work, but the ajarn website has listings for around 300/hr. That with talk of a teacher shortage.

    Does anyone seriously work at that rate? I would probably have to kill myself, if my girlfriend didn't do it first.

  10. #10
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    She prolly wouldn't be your GF if you were earning that little, so not much point in her killing you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Chairman Mao View Post
    She prolly wouldn't be your GF if you were earning that little, so not much point in her killing you.
    You obviously don't know my girlfriend.

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    far right in the white dress innit?

  13. #13
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    You got me. Now I'm going to have to pick up the slack even more.

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Pat
    ECCAnother school with a reputation which you'd hardly call glowing. Branches all over the city. They don't pay much and expect a teacher to do a lot of hours. Many teachers start here when they first come to Bangkok, but the vast majority move on after a period of time. **
    I can second that. Spot on. The only thing I can say for them is that they always, always have work and will try to accommodate your needs. And there is a certain level of professionalism to their organization. The pay is crap, though.

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    Thanks for this most useful and informative thread. It contradicts in some (positive) ways the info that I have gathered so far on realistic monthly salary ranges for a beginner. However, as my alias implies, I'm a Johnny Come Lately so please bear with me

    The consensus that I found on was that for a US passport holder without a university degree, my expectations would be about 30-35K Bhat/month in Bangkok for teaching English.

    The present thread seems to implies that depending on the type of school, substantially better monthly salaries are attainable. Is that for people with a degree?

    Thanks in advance for any useful info or advice.


  16. #16
    angsta's Avatar
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    Are these ratings and reviews still relevant today? I know things can change pretty quickly, any major updates?
    Are AUA and Inlingua still good ish? Siam still awful?

    Oh, and one other thing, how often do you get paid? I worked in some shitty language schools in Chiang Mai and it was every 2 weeks, same in Cambodia. Monthly in Korea. Language Schools in Bkk?

    Many Thanks

  17. #17

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    I have talked to a number of Thais here in Chiang Mai who have graduated from college who said they had English lessons in school. 95% of them are level one beginners in Conversational English.

  18. #18
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    07-06-2010 @ 04:02 PM
    Can anyone give me an idea of what language schools pay teachers nowadays for outside classes at companies? 400-500b an hour?

  19. #19
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    Good for thought as they say.....When I become soo bored I cant stand it any longer I may have to consider teaching English as a second language. I dont live far from Bkk.

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    First ever Teakdoor post!

    Can anyone give me an idea of what language schools pay teachers nowadays for outside classes at companies? 400-500b an hour?

    Not even mate, try 600 baht an hour plus transport allowance. Outside contract with schools sometimes are less, like 400 baht an hour, but companies, no one would want to do it for less.

    Are AUA and Inlingua still good ish? Siam still awful?

    Siam Computer is bad, ECC works you hard for little money, and I hear AUA is excellent, but they never have any jobs on offer (presume as they're good, everyone wants to work there). Inlingua sound okay as well.

  21. #21

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    Looks like a food stamp line up in San Francisco...except the police might be women (?)or men (?). They don't call it GAY Bay for nothing.

  22. #22
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    31-12-2010 @ 07:04 PM

    Siam Computer and Language School = Shit Company

    Do NOT work for Siam Computer and Language School.
    They will reward on-time arrival, diligent teaching, and excellent student testing results with shit pay, shittier management attitudes, and total lack of appreciation for your efforts.
    The very WORST language institute in Thailand, that's Siam Computer.

  23. #23


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    Quote Originally Posted by sallybenelli
    They will reward on-time arrival, diligent teaching, and excellent student testing results with shit pay, shittier management attitudes, and total lack of appreciation for your efforts.
    Maybe consider getting a better qualification than a 4 week course when applying for a job, people are paid what they are worth, sadly a lot of people don't seem to realise this, become a proper teacher at an international school and reap the benefits of a 150k plus plus salary, do a 4 week course on teeching engrish and reap the benefits of your lowly qualification.

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    Siam Computer: The Sweatshop

    Siam Computer now requires a four-year BA from its employee-applicants.
    Yet, it still offers 250-350 baht per hour. Siam Computer is always hiring. Gee, I wonder why?

    International schools mandate MAs and prefer employee-applicants to be British and under the age of 40. There are, typically, 300-400 qualified candidates per job.

    Go figure...........

  25. #25
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pollydolly88 View Post
    Siam Computer now requires a four-year BA from its employee-applicants.
    Yet, it still offers 250-350 baht per hour. Siam Computer is always hiring. Gee, I wonder why?

    International schools mandate MAs and prefer employee-applicants to be British and under the age of 40. There are, typically, 300-400 qualified candidates per job.

    Go figure...........
    Because there are a good supply of mugs who'll take anything to stay in Thailand.

    They've spoiled it for the others, so to speak.

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