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  1. #1
    DekNaiow's Avatar
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    17-01-2024 @ 10:11 PM

    School Attempting to Sue for Breach of Contract

    Hi TD, i recently received a summons for breach of contract from a Thai private school. I managed to complete a full term(6 months), but was forced to resign due to personal health issues. I submitted my signed notice of resignation leading up to the end of the term. It was accepted by the school. I then was required to complete a list of required 'final duties' in order to receive my final pay, which i completed and submitted to them. Since then i've received a summons which is demanding I pay damages in excess of well over 1 million baht. I also can't read this summons as it's in Thai language. For the record i have no assets of value. I don't own a home or condo, I don't have a car and I'm currently unemployed. What's the worst they can do if the Thai labor court favours the school? If anyone has any helpful info or suggestions on this subject it would be very much appreciated. Thank you!

  2. #2

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    you need to get it translated first

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    as a potless tefler farang with health issues facing a breach of breach of contract summons i think your options are rather limited.

    the word "suwannaphum" does spring to mind though.

  4. #4
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    Read the contract you signed when you started to see what it says about giving notice to leave.

  5. #5
    Custom Title Changer
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    Is it a court summons, if so it should be printed on light blue paper. If so, get a lawyer.

    FYI, most school contracts are for one year, not 6 months. Do you have a copy of your contract, in English? If you can't read the summons, how do you know what it says?

    Get to the airport or get a lawyer.
    "I was a good student. I comprehend very well, OK, better than I think almost anybody," - President Trump comparing his legal knowledge to a Federal judge.

  6. #6
    Edmond's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    most school contracts are for one year, not 6 months.
    Isn't that what he's saying.

    He managed one school term (semester) which is around half a year. Presumably didn't go back for term 2 due to illness.

    After leaving a job one should get a 7 day stamp as the company cancels the work permit and visa.

    So what visa did you get after?

    I doubt any school is going to go after some foreign teacher legally for breach of contract.

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    A Lulu sleeper?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by britanicus123 View Post
    you need to get it translated first
    I agree...that's logical.
    I wonder what their game is ? Try to screw some money out of you in an out of court settlement ? I would think that a medical certificate would be enough to get you off the hook, especially since you completed 6 months.

  8. #8
    hallelujah's Avatar
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    26-06-2024 @ 12:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by DekNaiow View Post
    Hi TD, i recently received a summons for breach of contract from a Thai private school. I managed to complete a full term(6 months), but was forced to resign due to personal health issues. I submitted my signed notice of resignation leading up to the end of the term. It was accepted by the school. I then was required to complete a list of required 'final duties' in order to receive my final pay, which i completed and submitted to them. Since then i've received a summons which is demanding I pay damages in excess of well over 1 million baht. I also can't read this summons as it's in Thai language. For the record i have no assets of value. I don't own a home or condo, I don't have a car and I'm currently unemployed. What's the worst they can do if the Thai labor court favours the school? If anyone has any helpful info or suggestions on this subject it would be very much appreciated. Thank you!
    Did they pay any of your flights from your home country when you took the job offer up? Provide accommodation on arrival? Give you any settling in allowance?

    If you have finished a contract early, most schools will try to recoup these costs and the cost of the visa- either in full or pro rata.

    I fail to see where they have pulled the 1 million baht figure from though and it surely can't have been included in the original contract that you signed?

    It sounds like they're trying to put you under pressure to see what they can extract from you but, if it's not in your original contract, they shouldn't have a leg to stand on (although T.I.T.).

  9. #9
    Edmond's Avatar
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    Maybe mail them a showbox with your turd in it.

  10. #10
    hallelujah's Avatar
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    26-06-2024 @ 12:30 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by Edmond View Post
    Maybe mail them a showbox with your turd in it.
    When you're not being a bit of a twat, you do occasionally make me chuckle.

  11. #11
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    Use the Google Translate app or Google Lens app to translate the Thai document. The translation will not be perfect but close enough for you to understand it.

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