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  1. #1
    Thailand Expat
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    "Post" Pandemic teaching.

    Thought starting a thread for this might be better than derailing the "Daily Moan". How is teaching for you after two years of disruption?

    The situation here for me in Mongolia:

    We have been back fully in person for well over a year, but the toll from lockdown continues to make itself rudely felt. Kids are not only having a tough time of it academically (particularly in regards to literacy), but they are also struggling in a social and emotional sense. As frustrating as the behavior can be, I try to remain calm and remember that it a symptom of a situation that we have never really experienced.

    Solution: (cos' a whinge fest just wouldn't be productive and I'm supposed to practice mindfulness lol)

    I try to incorporate collaborative learning as much as possible- slowly but surely old social skills are awakening.
    I try to encourage reading at home as much as possible, although I have no control on the English ability of parents.
    Offering remedial classes for those that have really fallen behind.

    I'm exhausted, but a 2023 or 2024 sabbatical is keeping me going

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    I teach 7 year olds who have been online for almost 2 years and when they did come back it was a soft return. They're struggling massively with routines and socialisation. Loads of behaviour problems because they can't share or problem solve.

    Quite a few just get up and walk off mid way into a lesson like they're still on Zoom.

    Letter formation is terrible,

    Pretty much a nightmare all round.
    I'd like to see what morning looks like
    Don't wanna drink pint after pint
    I wanna wake up without feeling sick
    But I can't cuz I'm a drug-abusing alcoholic

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    Lots of time spent on expectations and getting them to work as a team, (reminding their friends how to sit etc).

    Sucks right now but should pay off later in the year.

  4. #4
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by armstrong View Post
    Pretty much a nightmare all round.
    Stick with it, lads.

  5. #5
    CCBW Stumpy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    Stick with it, lads.
    Indeed. It can't be easy. It's the same quite honestly with adults returning to the office. While I work offshore and am an individual contributor for the most part, my other colleagues say it's been an odd transition back with lots of arguing and people leaving. I can only imagine what teachers are experiencing.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    We have been back fully in person for well over a year, but the toll from lockdown continues to make itself rudely felt. Kids are not only having a tough time of it academically (particularly in regards to literacy), but they are also struggling in a social and emotional sense. As frustrating as the behavior can be, I try to remain calm and remember that it a symptom of a situation that we have never really experienced.
    Same issue here. I have to differentiate so much, because so many students are lagging in Literacy and Math.
    Social skills and expectations for behavior have to be taught and re-taught again and again.

    I've taken a part-time online job teaching English (mostly business English) to adults in South Korea.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by armstrong View Post
    I teach 7 year olds who have been online for almost 2 years and when they did come back it was a soft return. They're struggling massively with routines and socialisation. Loads of behaviour problems because they can't share or problem solve.
    Yup! I find it has impacted the younger kids more since they weren't able to socialize as much online.

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    but a 2023 or 2024 sabbatical is keeping me going
    Nice! Can you take a sabbatical at your job or will you just leave for a year to travel?

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat
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    I seem to have settled into a lesson planning routine, so at least I am able to plan for 32 lessons, even if I am being totally honest, they are not the best lessons I have put together- but I am not going to drive myself into the ground slaving away into the night.

    Admin are as ..erm "charming" as ever! Who is to blame for falling attainment and social skills? Not COVID, no that apparently was just a unwelcome dream- the blame is those awful teachers! 5 observations a month for everyone. Honestly, I think they are trying to quiet fire senior teachers so they don't have to keep paying us our salaries, bonuses and increases. This exhaustion has brought along moderate paranoia and anxiety- not really what I wanted in the workplace.

    MM- I will not be renewing my contract...or they let me go....or I have some sort of work related mental health episode.

  10. #10
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    ^ it doesn't sound worth it financially or from a health perspective, surely its run its course there now and the sooner you move on the better.

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    That is crazy mandaloopy. One a week would send me insane.

    We've gotten rid of formal observations altogether and focusing on coaching where the teacher decides what area of their practice they want feedback on. I'm sure if teachers are deemed underperforming then they'd put in special measures but 5 a month is crazy.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Stumpy View Post
    Indeed. It can't be easy. It's the same quite honestly with adults returning to the office. While I work offshore and am an individual contributor for the most part, my other colleagues say it's been an odd transition back with lots of arguing and people leaving. I can only imagine what teachers are experiencing.
    yes put the little fookers back on zoom, the traffic is terrible

    we have gone back to 3 days a week in the office and if i have to pick up my son it can turn into a 90 minute to 2 hour nightmare getting home. Bangkok has not learned its lessons on traffic (or COVID).
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  13. #13
    Thailand Expat
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    I was wondering if anyone else also has to come into work for "data analysis" days? Last week we got told that this will be the case for 3 Saturdays every year, so that's one a term. I just hope it doesn't turn into a meeting for the sake of having a meeting. It could in theory be quite a helpful idea if it is done properly .

  14. #14
    Thailand Expat tomcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    I was wondering if anyone else also has to come into work for "data analysis" days?
    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    5 observations a month for everyone
    ...admin has no idea how to solve classroom problems except to inconvenience and harass...'twas ever thus: that's why they're admin and not instructional staff...

  15. #15
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    Yeah, admin are a bit grumpy with me for voicing the notion that just coming in to read a google sheet was pointless. I suggested we take a flipped classroom approach to our meeting. So this week our homework as it were is to look at the data and brainstorm some possible solutions so we can powwow next Saturday. It's just gonna turn into the usual moanfest about student behavior etc . Think I might get inconveniently conveniently food poisoned.

  16. #16
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    These people are the bane of a teacher's life.

    A flipped classroom would be teachers giving them advice on payroll, teaching supplies and dealing with parents.

  17. #17
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    We do moderation during our every other week meetings. They'd be a riot if they forced us in on a weekend.

  18. #18
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    Observations so far have gone fine. Not so fine is the continuing insanity from admin. Half way though the term and they have thrown a major hissy fit, dissolved departments and made one giant school wide English department. Of course all the paperwork must be changed immediately. I'm ready to throw the towel in, they are making what was an enjoyable place to work utterly miserable

  19. #19
    Thailand Expat
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    ^Aw that's too bad, Mandy! When does your contract finish?
    Maybe time to move on!

    As you and Armstrong were saying earlier, the children are so behind this year both academically and socially. A lot of need this year, and not a lot of support as in a huge Educational Assistant and supply teacher shortage here in Canada. The dumb conservative government (Doug Ford) has slashed so much in education and we need more support and funding. The schools may strike soon because we are in labor disputes, as it is a contract renewal year for the school board.

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