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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    I was recently offered a job teaching English at a gov school. Not interested of course, but for any unemployed teflers out there with an empty fridge, the pay is 17.6k/pm, part time, hours/conditions not mentioned, and no immigration issues. Not sure who you would need to contact, probably City Hall.

  2. #27
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    30-04-2022 @ 02:44 AM
    cool story bro

  3. #28
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    Winding down for the extended winter break, unless there is a vaccination program here during the break I guess I will be online in 2021 for a bit. Some takeaways from this experience:

    Kids have been great, mostly well behaved and punctual with work. Parents have been totally decent with realistic expectations.

    Management have mostly been very supportive, so I am lucky in that sense. A lot of international schools here lost a lot of teachers due to COVID, nobody left or was booted prematurely where I work.

    A lot of work needs to be done to make these apps more secure. It is troubling that they take ownership of student work given that you can't expect a 7 year old to have a deep understanding of the legalities of that .

    Expecting parents to play the part of teacher after a day of work is one reason why this isn't really sustainable in the long term.

    Kids with SEN have regressed and it is hard to give them the individual support they need in the social and emotional sense and this is pretty frustrating for all involved.

    The whole thing is just a bit too clinical and throws the importance of learning social skills to the side.

    I wouldn't want to teach like this forever, until VR really makes some strides I don't think online learning is viable. There is also the issue of access to technology, while this is often fine for students in international schools here, it is another matter entirely for 99% of students. My Mongolian friends report that school simply hasn't happened for rural Mongolia this year for the youngest students.

    Learned a new skill: editing videos.

    For some reason teaching online makes everyday feel like it should be Friday without actually being Friday. Roll on the holiday, this year has been a real piece of work.

  4. #29
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    ^Sounds like quite the time. I totally agree with you that it isn't sustainable long term, especially for elementary students. Glad you learned something. I too have learned many tech things in a short amount of time. I also feel like it is a lot of work making assignments for google docs and marking online/assessing online.

    It is hard when you don't have parents that are supportive at home. I have maybe two parents that are supportive of their kids. I have two more weeks left till Xmas break, like you it'll be a much needed break. Many other teachers I talk to are having issues with the online learning in that the students aren't self motivated, and many don't do their assignments. Also, having problems with student attendance and lack of participation. I don't know what will happen next semester yet, but we may be going back to the school to teach mid-January if it is safe to do so. You made me laugh about the everyday should be a Friday thing.. lol.. a year unlike no other no doubt. Take Care

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    Schools in Thailand seem to be taking their sweet ass time to recruit this year. And it's not just me not getting contacted back, I've checked!

    Maybe waiting to see if the borders open before settling for old Armstrong already in Thailand?

  6. #31
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    I suppose there are some positives in all of this. I don't have to walk to work in this, for example.

  7. #32
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    I suppose there are some positives in all of this. I don't have to walk to work in this, for example.

    Ugh . . . that's nasty . . . My brother is in a similar place at the moment. Max -12, min -22

    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    the big issue here in Mongolia is as it always has been; a nasty seasonal flu that hits the kids hard due to pollution, cold and normal sickness. Many kids here end up in hospital with pneumonia during the winter, so they are being extra cautious this year.
    I know it isn't similar but NZ has just come out of winter and the 'flu has been virtually unseen due to the previous 6-week lockdown - an advantage of not having been in circulation. Lief has been normal here for months now, since May and zip - nothing.
    No 'flu
    Less traffic = less pollution


    Hope it turns out that way for you

  8. #33
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    So I managed to get a leadership in name only role because of drama and people threatening to quit 555. It turns out that managing four adults who are all sensitive and somewhat introverted (yet ironically very extroverted and telling people they are introverts) is actually harder than managing young children.

    I am going to lose even more hair at this rate!

  9. #34
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    ^do a Bruce Willis & embrace your baldness. Comb-overs are weird.

    Cheers! Good luck on your new leadership role.

  10. #35
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    It appears all of Google is "broken" according to the news. A bit tricky if it has gone down when you are supposed to be teaching and a pretty big reminder at how this new "normal" isn't really sustainable. I sure am glad to be in the time zone I am, it's beer time not working time here!

  11. #36
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    Yeah was down from 630 to 800pm here in Thailand. Reports said it was a big world wide problem.

  12. #37
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    Got the annual are you going to finish your two year contract, please don't run away email 555
    I am glad the contract finishes in 2022, I don't think this would be a great year to be moving countries. Those ASQ meals look meagre and Champagne is forbidden juice.

  13. #38
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    Got the annual are you going to finish your two year contract, please don't run away email 555
    I am glad the contract finishes in 2022, I don't think this would be a great year to be moving countries. Those ASQ meals look meagre and Champagne is forbidden juice.
    Yeah been keeping an eye open for decent jobs but not much about.

  14. #39

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    Those ASQ meals look meagre and Champagne is forbidden juice
    You've gone full Tomcat.

    Never go full Tomcat

  15. #40
    In Uranus
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dillinger View Post
    Never go full Tomcat

  16. #41
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    Grade 12 will be going back to school as normal here, although I am guessing with masks and social distancing. Not that matters much to given the grades I teach.

  17. #42
    Thailand Expat armstrong's Avatar
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    There's talk of the opposite here. KG and primary returning first.

  18. #43
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    Apparently I will be back to face to face learning on March 1st. I have also been told that as a teacher I will be in the first group for vaccinations here, we'll be getting the Pfizer vaccine by the looks of things.

  19. #44
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    Still online and I think it will remain this way until September. A lot of local anger from parents and those in education that we are second to last on the to be vaccinated list. I can tell my students are starting to bet a bit fed up of all this remote learning, too. At least they remain cheerful and polite for the most part- compared to the last year my classes are much more chill and easier to handle with more involved parents- it makes a big difference!

    A couple of fellow expat teachers who work at other schools have decided to repatriate.

  20. #45
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    I think I might be teaching in person but the news is not very clear on the finer details. It could be a 7 day working week to play catch up, I hope this is something that got lost in translation and that would be pretty punishing kids and teachers. I guess these politicians have never tried to teach a child and just regard them as some kinda robot to be programmed. Here's to another dumpster fire of an academic year.

  21. #46
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    I'm going to be back to classroom teaching online starting week after next for students at a Thai school. Any recommendations for teaching a large group online?

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by pickel View Post
    Have you tried getting your tits out?
    One of my kindergarten teachers took her sweater off and they came out

  23. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mandaloopy View Post
    Got the annual are you going to finish your two year contract, please don't run away email 555
    I am glad the contract finishes in 2022, I don't think this would be a great year to be moving countries. Those ASQ meals look meagre and Champagne is forbidden juice.
    I post on these forums cuz I'm curious how other ppl live
    Is it difficult to bridge the downtime ? How much down time do you get in a given contract year ?

    I don't have the gift of gab so I never got into it. Had fiends that did.

  24. #49
    Thailand Expat Saint Willy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Topper View Post
    I'm going to be back to classroom teaching online starting week after next for students at a Thai school. Any recommendations for teaching a large group online?
    introduce some content, names sts to answer some questions, use zoom breakout rooms, set a task to be completed (online, not all kids will have a printer).

  25. #50
    Thailand Expat tomcat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Backspin View Post
    I don't have the gift of gab so I never got into it. Had fiends that did.
    ...dribbling nonsense is a similar gift. Maybe your fiends have tried that...

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