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  1. #26
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    All lined up for the national anthem one morning with all foreigners in one line in the rear.

    All of a sudden several of the male Thai teachers came roaring in on their motosai and starting yelling and screaming ... pointing their fingers at the foreigner teachers.

    Apparently they had issues with one of the Brit teachers but never really figured out the story.

  2. #27
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    ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ
    In Thailand I worked with a likable Dane, sad thing was he was a raging alcoholic. In tribute of his death a friend made a song about him. Had he been alive he'd have been very amused by it.

  3. #28
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    ^ very cool tribute, not that I understand a word.

  4. #29
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Me neither.

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat jabir's Avatar
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    Teacher thoughts on this one: My youngest constantly complains that he's being punished at school by Thai teachers, even when he's done or thinks he's done nothing wrong. He's old enough and understands that he will be punished for talking in class or goofing, but feels the Thai teachers are hard on him, on the boys in general, and easy on the girls. Fex, if he wants to go for a piss, farang teachers will always release him while Thai teachers will make him wait, although they tend to let the girls go anytime they ask. He has no problem with farang teachers.

    Do you teachers feel you treat all students equally regardless of gender, and also do not hold a grudge however mild, taking it out on the target student later on?

    More to the point, do you feel his protests are valid, and that in your experience Thai are more likely than farang teachers to be prejudiced against students, either in regard to gender or history?

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by jabir View Post
    Teacher thoughts on this one: My youngest constantly complains that he's being punished at school by Thai teachers, even when he's done or thinks he's done nothing wrong. He's old enough and understands that he will be punished for talking in class or goofing, but feels the Thai teachers are hard on him, on the boys in general, and easy on the girls. Fex, if he wants to go for a piss, farang teachers will always release him while Thai teachers will make him wait, although they tend to let the girls go anytime they ask. He has no problem with farang teachers.

    Do you teachers feel you treat all students equally regardless of gender, and also do not hold a grudge however mild, taking it out on the target student later on?

    More to the point, do you feel his protests are valid, and that in your experience Thai are more likely than farang teachers to be prejudiced against students, either in regard to gender or history?
    I'm not sure that I have seen prejudice as such. Certainly the Thai teachers know more about each student's history and are less forgiving of the lazy and the rude repeat offenders. Also Thai teachers pick up on the vulgar slang which most farang teachers don't hear. Generally by the time of voluntary education, M4 to M6, the boys are more in-your-face with their cocky idleness. There are plenty of idle girls too, they are just a bit nicer about it. So for that reason the boys probably get treated a bit more severely.
    Possibly I have seen more girls getting tutted at and made to repeat things by Thai teachers than boys. My sense is that this is actually the teacher investing more time and effort with the girls. So there is some bias.

  7. #32
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    ᠮᠣᠩᠭᠣᠯ ᠤᠯᠤᠰ
    I'll explain a bit about The Dane, the video will make a bit more sense then. Firstly, this guy was a solid teacher, until his last month of employment at the school it did not really impact on his work. The Dane always claimed to start the day with two eggs, this was just code for waking up at 4am so he could get two tins in and get away with it before work! At work he was a stickler for paperwork and was mostly liked,he was a shade on the eccentric side but this was mostly tolerated. Now when Friday afternoon came around it was solid drinking until Sunday evening-non stop. Had many good dinners and beers with him and his wife. Alas eventually all that boozing took a toll on his health and he started to turn yellowish. He returned to his native country and within the year he has taken his own life at 60. Pretty bloody sad stuff really and testament to the fact that addiction can be harsh mistress. Miss those boozy dinners and his eccentric quirks to this day.

    Apparently back in the day he arrived in a very dusty Klong 4 Rangsit with 4 equally beer loving Danes in a jeep blaring out music and somehow ended up landing a job and staying over a decade.

  8. #33
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    the teacher investing more time and effort with the girls
    Why do they consider the girls worth more than boys?

    Is it because they deliver better exam results and thus enhance the school's "reputation", tend to makeup a greater % of Mattayom 4 to Mattayom 6 students, which enhance the schools government funding?

    Or are they more "controllable"?

  9. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Why do they consider the girls worth more than boys?

    Is it because they deliver better exam results and thus enhance the school's "reputation", tend to makeup a greater % of Mattayom 4 to Mattayom 6 students, which enhance the schools government funding?

    Or are they more "controllable"?
    Girls certainly make up higher percentages of students and that percentage rises through the school. My last school had 590 students enrol for M1 this year and a little over 300 were girls. By M6, last year was exactly two thirds girls, from memory 202 girls and 101 boys.
    I have asked and Thai teachers have told me that education is the only route for girls. Their dad's farm or business will go to her brother, she could get nothing. That is informed opinion but opinion still. Whether or not that influences the teachers to try harder with the girls I really don't know.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    Their dad's farm or business will go to her brother, she could get nothing
    Is that because she are expected to marry into "property" or due to the brother being older.

  11. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Is that because she are expected to marry into "property" or due to the brother being older.
    I don't follow Thai logic. The boy usually gets the business. Happened to a friend of mine, her mother passed a big tyre business 100% to her brother. She got nothing at all. Her aged mum is still alive and has some rental properties in Bangkok, maybe she will get a piece of that when mum pops off.

  12. #37
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    A Thai teacher told me once that most boys have their future assured...they'll be the one the family works to send to uni and take over the family business so the boy will later support his parents when they're old. Since the boys know this, they tend to be less academically inclinded than girls, from my experience.

    Girls have to make their own way and that's drilled into them from birth as well.

    The Thai girlfriend and I (before I met my wife!!!) were over at a friend of her's house. The 9 year old boy there was being spoon fed by his mother while he played a game on his phone. Meanwhile, his 8 year old sister was washing the dinner dishes.

    @ Jabir....

    If you son is in mathayom, I would do the same thing. The girls ALWAYS get a free pass to go to the bathroom whenever they like as once when I denied a young lady permission to go, she pulled out a tampon to explain her need. However, I would have the students that left the class leave their phones on the teacher's desk. You'd be surprised how much that reduced bathroom traffic.
    "I was a good student. I comprehend very well, OK, better than I think almost anybody," - President Trump comparing his legal knowledge to a Federal judge.

  13. #38
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    Their dad's farm
    Did I once read that it was first born daughter, who inherited mom's farm in Isaan ?

    And then had the retirees on Bed and Breakfast

  14. #39
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    I heard in the old days they used to bequeath the lush fields and plantations to the boys and shit beach stuff to the girls.

    That didn't pan out as intended.

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