A place to share ideas on our children's well being for the forceable future...

Many countries are predicting that students will be off till September!

The impact could be disastrous for children at a very important time in their lifes, or we can turn it into a positive.

Already exams have been cancelled and the knock on effect will be felt for a year or two.

My idea would be to bring the 5/6 week summer holiday forward to now and combined the Easter and Summer hols giving a potential 2/3 months off now with minimal adverse effect on the schooling calender.

Students could work through July and August instead of March,April and May then start the new school year in September.

We'll see how things pan out.

The main thing is now!

Don't let them spend to much time on their screens, easier said than done.

We started the fitness and P.E classes lat night with Just Wii Dance videos, a great fun cardio workout.

Here's a few to give you an idea...

You don't even need a Wii, just copy the youtube dance moves on screen