I'm looking to the professionals for an answer:
Recently I assisted with an English Camp as a volunteer. A Thai woman teacher who spoke excellent English led the class. I assisted as requested/necessary. All went well until the very end, when the teacher played a Thai song on the room's video player. The song was The Watermelon Song ( ). It's in Thai......and I can read the lyrics enough to see that they're suggestive, but not obscene by themselves. The video, on the other hand, is highly suggestive.
Most of the students, ages 10-13, seemed to sing along with the Thai singer......and the song was a hit with older male students passing by on their way to lunch.
When I got home, I read up on the song and found several school videos showcasing this song with students singing/dancing. I searched google to see if Thais objected to the music (in a classroom setting) but found precious few comments that were negative toward the music.
I'm reaching out to other teachers to see how you would handle such a situation.