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  1. #1
    Matthew's Avatar
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    Cool Returning after 6 years...

    Hello Teakdoor teacher people.

    So...I came back the the US after teaching in Thailand (2005-2011) and taught full-time at language schools, immigrant programs, etc. while completing a great MA TESOL program. Became a CELTA tutor, started presenting at conferences, got more professionally involved. I haven't been published academically though, regretfully. But things have been pretty good, even if you only scratch by doing this stuff around here (well, most places). I really enjoy the work.

    I'll be due back in the Kingdom by late January 2018 and have a few warm irons work-wise but nothing lined up yet. I'm open to all kinds of situations, but I hope to be able to find a university position or something in teacher education/training. There are a few CELTAs here and there, of course. There's the BC's RETC/Boot-Camp programs for Thai teachers. That's all on my radar.

    I'm just doing everything I can do to network and keep my eyes and ears open. Even a lame post like this one on Teakdoor...nothing is beneath me.

    I'll be doing some teacher training in S. Korea November-January. Just hoping I don't get blown up in the battle-of-the-tiny-dicks and make it back to the land of sun and smiles.

    So, a request: if you or someone/somewhere you know will be looking for a professional and Thailand-tested teacher to employ as an instructor, curriculum developer, trainer (the helpful type, not the obnoxious type), or other...let me know! Help a brutha out.

    I know this isn't a forum full of teachers or anything...but I plan to be at the 2018 ThaiTESOL conference in CM in late January. Anybody else?

    Cheers all. It's a trip to be back on a Thai forum...been kicking around these things since fuckin 2005.
    Last edited by Matthew; 27-09-2017 at 08:58 AM.

  2. #2
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    Welcome back, Matthew. I'm sure you'll find something.

  3. #3
    Matthew's Avatar
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    Cheers Neverna.

  4. #4
    hick's Avatar
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    Matthew (my man!),

    I'll definitely keep you in mind if I hear of anything promising.

    The thing with you is,'ll always work out for the best.

    Like attracts like and you've got some serious positivo' energy vibes being released.

    Best to your best, as always.


  5. #5
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew View Post
    So, a request: if you or someone/somewhere you know will be looking for a professional and Thailand-tested teacher to employ as an instructor, curriculum developer, trainer (the helpful type, not the obnoxious type), or other...let me know! Help a brutha out.
    If all else fails Matthew I know a couple of cassava pickers who could put some work your way. They're Cambodians but don't let that put you off. Good luck.

  6. #6
    Matthew's Avatar
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    17-05-2020 @ 05:06 PM
    Perfect fall-back.

  7. #7
    Matthew's Avatar
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    Heh - j-bo ;; what's up homeboy. PM coming your way.

  8. #8
    Matthew's Avatar
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    I must say...I'm pleasantly surprised that this forum seems to be very much alive and kicking. I might even hang around now and then.

    I'd almost forgotten...all these house building threads are ace.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    I'm pleasantly surprised that this forum seems to be very much alive and kicking.
    Only cuz someone left the crypt door open.

  10. #10
    I'm in Jail

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    Need some new blood Mathew. We're all getting old and argumentative.

  11. #11
    I'm in Jail

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    Welcome back to the door

  12. #12
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    Good to hear it mate. Seven year itch gets to some of us!

    We'll catch up at Oh my Cod or Cheap charlies

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by beerlaodrinker View Post
    Welcome back to the door
    I hear teacher, backdoor ?

  14. #14
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    Welcome back through the teak doors Matthew.

    How much are you looking for salary wise in Thailand?

  15. #15
    Days Work Done! Norton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew View Post
    I'm just doing everything I can do to network and keep my eyes and ears open. Even a lame post like this one on Teakdoor...nothing is beneath me.
    Welcome back. I know a couple professors at MSU. Have a look. A bit in the sticks but Mahasarakham is a fine uni city.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Pat View Post
    We'll catch up at Oh my Cod or Cheap Charlies
    Are they not both closed?

    I see what you did there Pat

  17. #17
    Matthew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chittychangchang View Post
    Welcome back through the teak doors Matthew.

    How much are you looking for salary wise in Thailand?
    Thanks CCC.

    Salary wise, well...more than I made when I left. It being Thailand, you tend to get out what you put in, IME. I need a base salary that pays the bills and more. Then I hustle to try to double it if I can.

    That is what I did back in the day. In my best months, I made 80-100k with a FT position + some p/t work and as many privates as I could organize.

    I'm not a kid anymore, so I won't be jumping from motorbikes to canal boats to taxis all over the show to fit in one more private lesson, etc. but I am now a knowledgable professional and hoping I can work smarter not harder for a similar pile of sheckles.

  18. #18
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    That said - I'm also not as attracted to the Bangkok life, where you really just dive in and stay on. My wife and I would love to settle down in a mid-sized town (ideally PKK, close to home) and live slow n' organic.

    Hell, moving all the way home (like, back to the village) is sort of a possibility. But I think taking it in steps is good. That'd be a bit of shock treatment.

  19. #19
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    Shekels...sheckles don't buy much.

    Howzit, Matthew?

  20. #20
    Matthew's Avatar
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    Dammit...don't let Thai universities know about my Hebrew spelling.

    Good to see you Happy

  21. #21
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Matthew View Post
    That said - I'm also not as attracted to the Bangkok life, where you really just dive in and stay on. My wife and I would love to settle down in a mid-sized town (ideally PKK, close to home) and live slow n' organic.

    Hell, moving all the way home (like, back to the village) is sort of a possibility. But I think taking it in steps is good. That'd be a bit of shock treatment.
    Anyway Matthew, Bangkok ain't the same place as in back in those days.

    And you've had the distinction of being in the same room as Smeg, at that Noriega's gig I put on with the Fake Degrees band

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    Welcome back. I know a couple professors at MSU. Have a look. A bit in the sticks but Mahasarakham is a fine uni city.
    That's excellent, thanks Norton. I'll send them my stuff - wifey's not sure about moving out to Isaan but she's certainly learned (even better) to keep an open mind being stuck here in the US with me for a good while

    Actually, I have a good sense that Isaan unis have an independent streak and at least a layer or two of intellectual honesty that can be a bit buried on campuses in the centers of power and all that. I'm into it!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by DJ Pat View Post
    Anyway Matthew, Bangkok ain't the same place as in back in those days.

    And you've had the distinction of being in the same room as Smeg, at that Noriega's gig I put on with the Fake Degrees band
    I bet it isn't. A little sad, but things change always. I wouldn't be the same to engage wth it the way it was these days.

    But a lot of interesting stuff going on. I'd love to spend a year there, maybe. Maybe living in the suburbs though? In April, visiting, the Skytrain was...evil.

    Have you heard of this?

    I've lost track of pics of that night..I recall Smeg glaring out from the background

  24. #24
    Being chased by sloths DJ Pat's Avatar
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    ^That's the first I've seen of the Island, looks innovative. Might try to drag myself there if it's open soon. Good track on that video A Tribe Called Quest ''Award tour'' of my favourite 'soft' (ie. not gangsta) rap groups along with De La Soul.

    I had some photos of that night, but nothing other than what I posted up on AF in years gone by..

  25. #25
    Matthew's Avatar
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    Cheers for all the hellos from friends and acquaintances from days gone by in PMs

    Every little thing helps make a fella feel better about slipping back into the belly of the beast - not an easy decision

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