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  1. #51
    Guest Member S Landreth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by robuzo View Post
    Maybe it's time to buy shares of a magic underwear maker. Hanes make those? Maybe I'll ask the pair of Elders that hang out near my local BTS station. To be fair, when I asked if they were Romney campaign operatives drumming up support in Bangkok their response was friendly.

    we are all brothers

  2. #52
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    So if Romney chooses Rubio as a running mate they wont be trading underwear.

  3. #53
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    rubio voted no on the violence against women act...

    Sen. Rubio's vote on Violence Against Women Act draws controversy | The News-Press |

    hmmm....maybe there's a spot on the GOP ticket for him after all.

  4. #54
    Guest Member S Landreth's Avatar
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    The rightwing sites I read had Rubio all over their pages less than a week ago, Oh Rubio will bring in those much needed Hispanic votes,….Oh isn’t Rubio so wonderful,…….Oh I am so wet over the thought of Rubio on the ticket,……….

    But over the past couple days, on those same rightwing sites,……….not one story, not one picture. It’s like the man never existed.

    They don’t want another Palin on the ticket.
    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  5. #55
    Guest Member S Landreth's Avatar
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    well it's Chinco de Mayo here in the states (May 5th) so I figured a nice story about that putz Rubio would be in order. He isn't going to help the GOP with that Hispanic vote they need and only people that don't realize it are the FOX news watchers.

    In a year when the economy and unemployment dominate the national debate, it’s unlikely that merely having a Latino as a vice-presidential running mate is going to be enough to sway most of the country’s 12 million registered Hispanic voters, say political experts on the Hispanic vote.

    "We don't have any evidence that [Rubio] would provide any significant boost to Romney if he were on the ticket," said Matt Barreto of Latino Decisions, which in January conducted a widely cited poll of Hispanic voters for Univision and other media outlets.

    He noted the survey found Rubio did best in Florida with first- and second-generation Cuban-Americans, but was less popular with Hispanic voters with roots in Puerto Rico, Colombia and Mexico. Voters of Mexican descent are critical because they represent a significant majority of U.S. Hispanic voters.

    "He's not going to be the type of candidate who can go out and resonate with the Mexican-American audiences in the Southwest," Barreto said.

    Outside of Florida, the Cuban-American senator may be gaining popularity but is still unfamiliar to most.

    A Quinnipiac University poll released Thursday found that voters in the swing states of Ohio, Florida and Pennsylvania were far more likely to support their hometown politicians as vice presidential contenders. In Florida, they support Rubio. In Ohio, it's Republican Sen. Rob Portman. And in Pennsylvania, voters like neighboring New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie the most as a possible VP.

    It's not clear how much Rubio helps Romney in Florida, either. A mid-April poll conducted by Public Policy Polling of North Carolina found that with Rubio on the ticket, Romney drops in Florida from 45 percent to 43 percent. Obama stays at 50 percent, PPP pollster Tom Jensen wrote. Among Hispanics in Florida, the pollsters found Obama leads 52 to 37 percent with Hispanics. With Rubio on the ticket, Obama still leads 52 to 37 with Hispanics.

    Hispanics are not a monolithic voting bloc, said Jill Hanauer, CEO and president of the Colorado-based Project New America, which worked with PPP on the poll. Their findings: Republicans won't be able to make up ground with Latino voters simply by nominating a Hispanic vice presidential candidate.

    entire story: Would Sen. Marco Rubio appeal to Hispanic voters as Mitt Romney's running mate? - Florida -

  6. #56
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    rubio responds:

    Rubio, 40, launched into a rigorous defense of his deep roots in the Hispanic community, telegraphing his sensitivity on the issue. “Dividing Cubans against the rest of the Hispanic community is not only absurd, it’s offensive. I mean, my wife’s not Cuban; her family’s not Cuban,” he said.
    “My point is, my neighbors, my family members — I have family members that are not from Cuba. I mean, Jeanette’s family is now my family. I’m surrounded by neighbors, friends, co-workers. I mean, I don’t live in a bubble, especially in Miami, where we’ve got people from all over Latin America that are our neighbors, our friends, go to school with our kids. I mean, I’ve lived that experience. And growing up in Las Vegas around Mexican-American kids, that’s just — particularly Miami, that’s just silly.

    this guy clearly wants the nod. but the truth is that many latinos aren't so accepting of cubans.

  7. #57
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Rubio has a lock on the VP nomination and the Bliderberg conspiracy whack-jobs are frothing at the mouth!

    He'll make a fine VP & 8 years from now a fine POTUS.

    Marco Rubio as vice president: the Bilderberg conspiracy - Kenneth P. Vogel -
    A Deplorable Bitter Clinger

  8. #58
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    I hope Rubio does get the veep nomination.

  9. #59
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Rubio back in the news today commenting on the obvious:

    Rubio on Obama: Most 'Divisive Figure in Modern American History

    For all the policy disagreements that we may have with the president, it is hard to understate how much he inspired people across this country four years ago, with his promises to unite America and lift it up,” Rubio said about Obama, referring to his 2004 DNC speech and 2008 presidential run. But, Rubio said, President Obama has changed: “The man who today occupies the White House and is running for president is a very different person. We have not seen such a divisive figure in modern American history as we have over the last three and a half years.”

    Go here for the rest.

    It's impossible to argue with that, eh? From the Trayvon Martin example on back, every time there's been a black/white issue Obama has come down on the black side and been wrong every time.

  10. #60
    I don't know barbaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    I hope Rubio does get the veep nomination.
    Because you see him as a liability? Age too young?

    Curious on your insights Sabang, as you are often good at analyzing these things.

  11. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    But, Rubio said, President Obama has changed: “The man who today occupies the White House and is running for president is a very different person.

    This, I agree with this.

    But I don't think he changed. I think Obama just said what people needed/wanted to hear and he was very good at delivering these oratory message. Since office, BO is just another politician.

    We have not seen such a divisive figure in modern American history as we have over the last three and a half years
    I don't think so.

    He's only "divisive" to the the Limbaugh and Fox crowd.

  12. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by barbaro
    Because you see him as a liability?
    Electoral poison.
    Quote Originally Posted by barbaro
    Age too young?
    Age, achievement and experience much too little.

    His nomination as VP candidate would be demolished in the media and with the swing voters- unqualified Latino pretty boy, not even representative (Cubano), merely a cynical demographic popshot- Palin all over again, minus the testicles.

    He's got the looks and the charm, and given a few years he might be a contender for serious public office as Boon says. But some years away yet, some achievement and tenure a requisite.

  13. #63
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang
    His nomination as VP candidate would be demolished in the media and with the swing voters- unqualified Latino pretty boy, not even representative (Cubano), merely a cynical demographic popshot- Palin all over again, minus the testicles.
    not to mention his weird mormon past.

    and i was listening to some politicos on TV the other day talking about how romney (and more importantly his people in boston) aren't going to make the same mistake mccain made.....the nod will go to a good looking, middle aged white guy who knows how to keep his mouth shut.

  14. #64
    Guest Member S Landreth's Avatar
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    These two Republican pussy’s (Rubio and Dim Mitt) will not lead on immigration issues. Dim Mitt wants to appease the far right (and doesn’t want to piss the Hispanic’s off by telling them there is no plan for you kids) and now we find out Rubio is hiding an imaginary Dream Act Plan.

    Marco Rubio's DREAM Act plan might be dead this year -

    Sen. Marco Rubio sounds ready to scuttle his version of a pro-immigrant DREAM Act this year, and he’s blaming President Obama.

    For the past three months, Rubio has been trying to craft a bill ( ) that would give legal residency to young immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally by their parents.

    But on Friday, Obama essentially turned Rubio’s undrafted proposal into an executive rule made by his administration. Rubio and other Republicans say Obama overstepped his bounds.

    “When the president ignores the Congress, ignores the Constitution and forces a policy like this down the throat of the American people, it’s going to make it harder to have a conversation like that,” Rubio said. “It’s going to make it harder to elevate the debate.”

    Obama’s campaign refused to comment, though Democrats buzzed on Twitter that Rubio was scapegoating the president, whose administration denies that he’s making law with an executive rule. They say the president, urged to act by immigration advocates, had no choice in the face of a do-nothing Congress.

    And it’s not like Congress hasn’t acted: The legislation passed the House and has majority support of 55 members in the U.S. Senate — but failed to pass because of a Republican filibuster.

    Janet Napolitano, secretary of the Department of Homeland Security, said the order to stop deporting these young people was a case of prosecutorial discretion — not legislating by the executive branch of government.

    “It is an exercise of discretion,” she said Friday. “Our nation’s immigration laws must be enforced in a strong, accessible manner.”

    Rubio’s nascent proposal and the president’s executive decision differ from the Dream Act in that they do not create a special pathway to citizenship — which critics like Rubio view as “amnesty” — for those who are illegally in the country. Obama’s rule expires in two years.

    Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney, who’s considering Rubio for a vice-presidential slot, has said he’d veto the DREAM Act. But he hasn’t said what he’d do about Obama’s executive rule, which he called an election-year play for Hispanic votes.

    Rubio said the president’s actions will make it tougher to win support from Republicans and critics.

    “It’s going to be hard to deliver this in an election year. The president just made it harder,” Rubio said.

    “I didn’t want this to be a divisive thing. I didn’t want to intro a bill that immediately led to all of the squabbling that has invariably doomed efforts at reform in the past,” he said. “And to do that, you have to sit down with all of the stakeholders.”

    Frank Sharry, an immigrant-rights advocate with the Washington group America’s Voice, said he understood why Rubio would step back.

    “Rubio’s brilliant move was to present a Republican alternative to the DREAM Act that would reposition his party on the issue. And that was trumped by an even-more brilliant move by the president,” Sharry said. “It makes sense for Rubio to step back. Now, instead of being a knight in shining armor, he’d look like a rubber stamp for the president.”

    Rubio said he wasn’t ready to kill his plan entirely just yet. But he acknowledged struggling to find common ground between liberals and conservatives. (yeah good luck with those radical conservatives)

    Some on the right have too much of a deport-them-first view when it comes to immigration, while those on the left portray any opponent of their plans as being “anti-immigrant,” Rubio said.

    “What troubles me about this debate is there doesn’t seem to be room to reconcile these two positions,” Rubio said. “That’s what I’m trying to arrive at. That’s what I’m trying to find room for.”

    Rubio made the comments while discussing his new autobiography, An American Son, in which he laments the difficulties in navigating the “two worlds” he inhabits as a conservative Republican and as the son of immigrants who lives in an immigrant community, Miami.

    “Writing a book about your life is one thing, authoring a proposal on a public policy that could impact 800,000 people is a different endeavor,” he said. “It’s not like ordering a Big Mac at McDonalds. There’s a lot of complexity.”

  15. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Electoral poison.

    I think it will be harder to shoot down Rubio than it was to crucify Palin.

    He's much quicker and more polished than Palin ever was or ever will be.
    He also brings to the table over 10 years of legislative experience, with a record for cutting taxes and reducing government spending.
    For such a young guy he ain't no lightweight, imho.

    He made some good points this morning concerning the recent Presidential edict declaring amnesty for a million illegal aliens.

  16. #66
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Earl
    I think it will be harder to shoot down Rubio than it was to crucify Palin.
    first of all....'crucify palin'?........such drama....the simple fact is that she got everything she deserved because she brought it on herself.....and even though she's making quite a nice living playing the victim card, anyone else equally unqualified would have received the same treatment.

    secondly,'s hoping willard chooses marco. it will be interesting to watch him wilt under the bright lights of national media scrutiny.....particularly when queried about his dubious financial entanglements. and i'm also looking forward to when he has to debate biden.......even with the lowered expectations the republicans will try to bake into the cake, i can't imagine he'll come off as looking 'presidential'.

  17. #67
    Guest Member S Landreth's Avatar
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    Damn I was hoping,...........but it's not gonna happen.

    Marco Rubio Not Being Vetted to Be Mitt Romney’s Running Mate - ABC News

    Even before the Republicans chose a presidential nominee it was widely assumed that Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., would be at the top of anybody’s list of vice presidential candidates. The reasons are obvious: Not only is he young, charismatic and wildly popular with conservatives, but he could also help Republicans win a key state (Florida) and make inroads with Hispanics.

    But knowledgeable Republican sources tell me that Rubio is not being vetted by Mitt Romney’s vice presidential search team. He has not been asked to complete any questionnaires or been asked to turn over any financial documents typically required of potential vice presidential candidates.

    it might be just two old white guys

  18. #68
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by S Landreth
    it might be just two old white guys
    i think i posted something similar earlier on another thread.

    that being said (or typed), why should anyone believe anything 'knowledgeable republicans' say on any topic? in fact, it makes me think that he very well could be going through the vetting process and they want to throw the media and dem operatives off the scent.

  19. #69
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    i can't imagine this will go over well with the teabaggers:

    Rubio writes in his book, which went on sale Tuesday. "If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn't give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn't a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here."
    Marco Rubio says he would come to the U.S. illegally if he had to | The Ticket - Yahoo! News

  20. #70
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    23-08-2021 @ 06:47 PM
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    i can't imagine this will go over well with the teabaggers:

    Rubio writes in his book, which went on sale Tuesday. "If my kids went to sleep hungry every night and my country didn't give me an opportunity to feed them, there isn't a law, no matter how restrictive, that would prevent me from coming here."
    Marco Rubio says he would come to the U.S. illegally if he had to | The Ticket - Yahoo! News
    But you kinda missed the part where Rubio is himself a staunch teabagger and has nearly 10 years of experience as a legislator with a track record of cutting taxes and government.

    So what if he's realistic about immigration! Most sensible people are aware of the immigrant roots of the USA.

    Face it Ray, the eurodream socialwelfare state has died already.

  21. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Earl
    So what if he's realistic about immigration!
    well, guess who's about to get primaried.....from the right.

    Allen West Threatens To Challenge Marco Rubio In 2016 Primary | RealClearPolitics

  22. #72
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Marco Rubio supporters gather for his 2016 Campaign kickoff.

  23. #73
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Marco Rubio is DOA

    Byron York @ByronYork Rasmussen: Rubio had 73% favorable rating among Republicans in February. Now 58%. Very favorables down 44% to 21%.

  24. #74
    I don't know barbaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mr Earl
    So what if he's realistic about immigration!
    well, guess who's about to get primaried.....from the right.

    Allen West Threatens To Challenge Marco Rubio In 2016 Primary | RealClearPolitics
    We all know that Allen West is a bonafide weirdo and buffoon.

    And this challenge or threat of a challenge is only symbolic, as West is not electable.

    As for Rubio, he was on the Charade of 8 correct?

    He is a RINO.

  25. #75
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Marco Rubio- The New Charlie Crist

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