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  1. #451
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Because the Left needs to try & blame Patriots for anything:

    A Short, Incomplete History of Media Trying To Tie The Tea Party To Tragedies.

    Notice how many Congressmen were voted in with Tea Party ties last election period? That's right! A whole bunch and this coming November, a whole bunch more!
    A Deplorable Bitter Clinger

  2. #452
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Brian Ross of ABC News fame is the latest fool to try and blame the Tea Party for some act of violence. Let's have a look back at the slander the Tea Party has had to endure:

    FLASHBACK: when Dr. Amy Bishop shot her colleagues, the Left speculated that she was a Tea Partier. In fact, she was an Obama donor. FLASHBACK: Discovery Channel hostage-taker was supposedly a climate change denier. In fact, he was an enviroweenie, D.Channel intern.
    FLASHBACK: the census-taker was supposedly hanged by extremist anti-tax Tea Partiers. In fact, he hanged himself.
    FLASHBACK: the Times Square Bomber was speculated to be upset about [Health Care Reform]. In fact, he was jihadi scum.
    FLASHBACK: the guy who flew his plane into the IRS in TX was supposedly a Tea Partier. In fact, he quoted from the Communist Manifesto.
    FLASHBACK: the guy who was stabbing NYC cabbies was supposedly an anti-Ground Zero Mosque Tea Partier. In fact, he supported the GZM.
    FLASHBACK: the Pentagon shooter was supposedly a Tea Party extremist. In fact, he was a 9/11 Truther.
    FLASHBACK: when the Ft. Hood shooting happened, the Left speculated that it was a “RWNJ.” In fact, it was a Muslim nutjob.
    FLASHBACK: When the Tucson shooting occurred, it was immediately blamed on Tea Party rhetoric. In fact, Loughner was a-political & insane.


    Doesn't it seem odd to you that the media's go-to suspect in these things is always, always on the conservative side of the political spectrum. It's almost like they have an agenda or something...

  3. #453
    Thailand Expat misskit's Avatar
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    ^ It's almost as though whoever wrote that has an agenda or something!

    Brian Ross may have blamed the Tea Party for violence, but is any of the rest of that nonsense true?

    Who in the media claimed any of this FLASHBACK stuff? Are there examples?

    There IS an example where a right wing nut is claiming the Aurora shooter is a Occupy member. Does he have any proof either? NO. He's not the media, he's just some assclown with a website.

    UPDATED: Is James E. Holmes A Occupy Black Bloc Member He Plotted to Kill Cops, James E. Holmes Shoots Up Aurora Co Movie Theater Killing 12 And Wounding 59 As Batman Movie Slams OWS. « Cheaters PI Bill Warner Call 941-926-1926

  4. #454
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    ^ It's almost as though whoever wrote that has an agenda or something!
    Brian Ross may have blamed the Tea Party for violence, but is any of the rest of that nonsense true?,
    No, none of the rest of that stuff is true and that's the point Misskit. The Tea Party was automatically blamed for the above - initially like. Like a knee-jerk reaction...

  5. #455
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    ^Dang, I guess you missed my point. Your post claims the tea party was slandered. I'm asking, who exactly automatically blamed the tea party? I just asked for examples.

    This is just some trash off a twitter account with no way to verify anything stated, much less that the media blamed the tea party for all those violent acts.

    I've at least included a website to point out a rightwingnut's knee-jerk reaction is to blame Occupy.

  6. #456
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    ^Dang, I guess you missed my point. Your post claims the tea party was slandered. I'm asking, who exactly automatically blamed the tea party? I just asked for examples.

    This is just some trash off a twitter account with no way to verify anything stated, much less that the media blamed the tea party for all those violent acts.

    I've at least included a website to point out a rightwingnut's knee-jerk reaction is to blame Occupy.
    Fair enough. In the last case it was ABC News, right?

    As far as who exactly were the perps that blamed the Tea Party, I don't have direct links to that but...when those events cited unfolded,reports in the news listed those allegations. Similar to the Occupy Movement example I sppose although with those folks, their own actions doomed them.

  7. #457
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Because the Left needs to try & blame Patriots for anything:
    Dressing up in a silly costume and sitting in a Hoverround while demanding the gubbmint keep its hands off Medicare does not make a 'Patriot'. It makes an idiot.

  8. #458
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Heh...41 Million Tea Party Supporters Set to Vote.

    The AP/GFK poll shows that 31% of likely voters consider themselves Tea Party supporters. With 131 million votes cast in the 2008 elections, that translates into an incredible voting bloc of 41 million Tea Party supporters waiting to cast ballots. These voters have already made their voices heard in Wisconsin earlier this year, as well as in Republican primaries in Texas and Nebraska.

    Guess what? Don't think they'll be voting for the Obummer!


  9. #459
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Thought the Tea Partiers just faded away did ya? Well, the Tea Party in a Florida rally draws thousands:

    Tea partiers in the Indian River part of central Florida show up in droves to wear oven “Mitts” and tea bags– with the central message being: We must vote.

    Could be just the tip of the iceberg meethinks...

  10. #460
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    The Tea Party has been conspicuous by their absence in Romneys campaign. No prizes for guessing why- they've almost certainly cost the GOP a Senate majority-

    one thing is beyond serious dispute: If not for a series of tea party upsets in Republican primaries, the Republicans would be taking over the Senate majority in January.

    In the 2010 cycle, tea party candidates caused the Republicans to lose three Senate seats that were easily within their grasp: Sharron Angle allowed Democratic leader Harry Reid to keep his seat in Nevada, Christine O'Donnell handed Joe Biden's former seat right back to the Democrats in Delaware, and a tea party favorite in Colorado, Ken Buck, lost a seat that was his to lose.

    Now, tea party picks are in jeopardy of losing two more races that heavily favored Republicans: Richard Mourdock, who beat longtime Sen. Richard Lugar in the Indiana Republican primary, is struggling against Democrat Joe Donnelly; and Todd Akin, who bested the Republican establishment's favorite in the Missouri Senate primary, is expected to lose to the one-time underdog, Democratic Sen. Claire McCaskill, because of Akin's infamous comments on "legitimate rape."

    Read more: Milbank: Tea party is helping Democrats » Ventura County Star

    The ousting of Dick Luger- a well respected Senator who had kept the seat Republican for 36 years- was particularly ludicrous. Now the Dem's are set to win it.

  11. #461
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Obama Supporters Drive Through Parking Lot at Tea Party Rally and Dump Nails

    The Tea Party faithful gathered Saturday for a loud and enthusiastic rally aimed at getting out the vote on Nov. 6 and putting Republicans Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan in the White House.
    The Racine Tea Party’s “Rally for Jobs” kicked off at 2:30 p.m. Saturday inside the old Sam’s Club at 6200 Regency West Drive.
    Before the event could get under way, though, organizers say a truck affixed with “Obama” stickers drove through the parking lot and dumped quantities of nails.

    Typical Desperate Democrats Who See Their God Go Down

    Shame really that people have become so dependent on free stuff that the threat of perhaps some of it being taken away drives them to do stupid actions.

  12. #462
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    A recent study has found the 'official' Tea Party narrative to be a myth. A spontaneous protest movement of concerned citizens, my botty-

    Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaire Koch Brothers

    "Nonprofit organizations associated with the Tea Party have longstanding ties to tobacco companies, and continue to advocate on behalf of the tobacco industry's anti-tax, anti-regulation agenda."

    The two main organizations identified in the UCSF Quarterback study are Americans for Prosperity and Freedomworks. Both groups are now "supporting the tobacco companies' political agenda by mobilizing local Tea Party opposition to tobacco taxes and smoke-free laws." Freedomworks and Americans for Prosperity were once a single organization called Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE). CSE was founded in 1984 by the infamous Koch Brothers, David and Charles Koch, and received over $5.3 million from tobacco companies, mainly Philip Morris, between 1991 and 2004.

    The common public understanding of the origins of the Tea Party is that it is a popular grassroots uprising that began with anti-tax protests in 2009.

    However, the Quarterback study reveals that in 2002, the Kochs and tobacco-backed CSE designed and made public the first Tea Party Movement website under the web address Here's a screenshot of the archived U.S. Tea Party site, as it appeared online on Sept. 13, 2002:

    CSE describes the U.S. Tea Party site, "In 2002, our U.S. Tea Party is a national event, hosted continuously online, and open to all Americans who feel our taxes are too high and the tax code is too complicated." The site features a "Patriot Guest book" where supporters can write a message of support for CSE and the U.S. Tea Party movement.

    Sometime around September 2011, the U.S. Tea Party site was taken offline. According to the DNS registry, the web address is currently owned by Freedomworks.

    Brendan DeMelle: Study Confirms Tea Party Was Created by Big Tobacco and Billionaire Koch Brothers

    As for Freedom works, it turns out over half of their contributions came from two shelf companies-

    These contributions accounted for more than half of the $23.2 million the group raised for the 2012 campaign, and they came from two shadowy Knoxville-Tennessee-based firms—Specialty Group, Inc., and Pike Development LLC—that publicly have no reason to exist other than apparently to make contributions and mask the true source of the money. Moreover, Armey tells Mother Jones that he knew nothing about the donations or the origins of the cash and that he quit FreedomWorks partly because of a lack of transparency.

    Dick Armey: "This Kind of Secrecy Is Why I Left" FreedomWorks | Mother Jones

    Teabaggers, you have been well and truly had.

  13. #463
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    ^Dick Armey gets to act indignant about secrecy and take an $8 million payoff. That's quite a respectable grift.

  14. #464
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    The Tea Party is alive and well - getting stronger by the day thanks to the corrupt Obama Administration.

    Check out this Tea Party rally Norfolk, VA in front of the IRS. More pictures here.

  15. #465
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    H'mm- by my count, less than 20. A bit tongue in cheek there booner?
    (p.s- did the bro have to wear a straw hat?)

  16. #466
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM

    Between 200 and 300 patriots marched on the Federal Building in downtown Cincinnati on May 21, 2013. This was in protest to the IRS abuses against conservative groups (500+), audits of Romney donors (15) and other tyrannical actions by the Obama Administration's tax authority."

    Go get 'em you Tea Party Faithful!

  17. #467
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    Tea Party Follows Ku Klux Klan Ideology

    For the past 21 months, and during this election cycle, there is an increase in hate and vitriol from groups like the Tea Party (led by Jim DeMint et al) that are directly tied to the Ku Klux Klan‘s ideology. There are members of the Tea Party who are not blatant racists, but for the most part, teabaggers espouse a return to a white-only America that is in direct contrast to the Constitution and freedoms it guarantees for all Americans.

    Unlike the KKK, teabagger groups mask their bigoted philosophy with notions of protecting liberty and returning to the strictest interpretation of the Constitution. Regardless the teabag rhetoric, at the core is a hatred of gays, immigrants, Jews, people of color, and non-Christians, which is exactly the same philosophy of the KKK.

    The “birther” movement that denies President Obama is an American citizen and the 14TH Amendment revisionist movement are a direct response to a black man in the Oval Office. Like the Ku Klux Klan, these bigots insist that America is a whites-only nation, and a black man as President is unacceptable; and in their opinion, illegal. The birther movement and the KKK share the belief that our first black president is not a real American.

    There is an alarming movement in some states to deny citizenship to immigrant’s children in violation of the 14TH Amendment, and it is aimed primarily at Hispanics. The KKK hates immigrants and minorities, and now they have agents in the teabaggers who are trying to drive minorities out of the country. It is a step to denying citizenship to any person of color, and like Nazi Germany, people are getting caught up in the herd-mentality and joining the battle against non-white Americans. It is no coincidence that the KKK uses the swastika as their symbol, and it is ironic that teabaggers accuse President Obama of being a Nazi when they follow KKK ideology.

    People who live in the southern United States understand that the culture of bigotry is ingrained in many from the South, and many southerners condone the KKK and teabagger philosophy. If the South had the assets, they would fight the Civil War again for the sole purpose of banning immigrants, people of color, Jews, gays, and non-Christians from being American.

    Politicians like Jim DeMint, Ken Cuccinelli (VA-R), and many other Republican/teabaggers from the south are imposing their Christian morals on the American people by demonizing gays and Muslims. Teabaggers believe America is a Christian nation, and like the Ku Klux Klan, campaign to purify America by enforcing archaic biblical laws to purge non-compliant citizens from the country.

    The Ku Klux Klan burns bible-crosses to glorify Jesus Christ and openly declare their hatred for Jews, Muslims, and Catholics. It is not far removed from Daniel Webster’s (FL-R) wishes to make biblical stoning punishment for heresy. In the case of Webster and the KKK, heresy is any teaching that is NOT evangelical Christian, and their beliefs are those of the Christian Reconstructionist movement.

    This week the NAACP released a report showing the connection between 6 Tea Party groups and extremists like the Ku Klux Klan, supporting the idea that teabaggers are racially motivated. Observers have felt the teabags are racist based on the representation of white people at teabagger gatherings, and their hatred for immigrants; the NAACP report substantiates that belief.

    With the rise in popularity of the teabag movement, the true bigoted nature of many in America is made manifest and one has to wonder just how prevalent the KKK’s influence on American politics will become. Obviously, the KKK and teabagger mentality is not confined to southern states and shows the scope and breadth of bigots all across America.

    Hopefully, exposing the connection between the Ku Klux Klan and the Tea Party will alarm and anger decent Americans enough that teabag candidates and their racially motivated policies will be shunned. However, with the mood of the country becoming more hateful and bigoted toward minorities and non-Christians, it looks like very dark days ahead for everyone in America. Because just as hate and frenzy steered Nazi Germany, it is having the same effect here in America…land of the free, home of the bigot.

    Tea Party Follows Ku Klux Klan Ideology

  18. #468
    Pronce. PH said so AGAIN!
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Between 200 and 300 patriots
    Taxation is tyranny and all local, state, and federal tax rates should be reduced to zero percent. But I support our trillion dollar-per-year military, demand a subsidized prescription drug benefit, whine when Medicare only pays 80% of my MRI, and am first in line to complain when a pothole appears on my street. I am the Tea Party

  19. #469
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    Source: Authorities question person in connection with ricin probe

    Those teabaggin terrorists are at it again;

    Authorities are interviewing a person in Texas in connection with threatening letters sent to President Barack Obama and New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg that are being tested for ricin, a person with knowledge of the investigation told CNN on Thursday.

    Officials on Wednesday intercepted a letter addressed to the president that was similar to letters sent to Bloomberg and a gun-control group he founded.

    The off-site facility that screens mail addressed to the White House turned the letter over to the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force for testing and investigation, U.S. Secret Service spokesman Brian Leary said Thursday.

    The letter was addressed to Obama, the Secret Service said.

    The letters sent to Bloomberg and his group are suspected of containing a deadly toxin. Preliminary tests indicate ricin was found in the letters, New York Deputy Police Commissioner Paul Browne said Wednesday.

    "You will have to kill me and my family before you get my guns," the letters said, a law enforcement official told CNN. "Anyone wants to come to my house will be shot in the face. The right to bear arms is my constitutional God-given right and I will exercise that right 'til the day I die. What's in this letter is nothing compared to what I've got planned for you," the note inside each envelope said, according to the official.

    A memo the mayor's office sent to employees Thursday said the envelope sent to Bloomberg "contained a small amount of ricin," which "did not appear to be in a form that could be inhaled or otherwise readily ingested. Touching the envelope or letter should not be a risk."

    If inhaled, injected or ingested, less than a pinpoint of ricin can kill a person in 36 to 48 hours by causing failure of the respiratory and circulatory systems. There is no known antidote for the toxin, which is derived from castor beans.

    What is ricin?

    Officials have not said whether any such substance was found in the letter sent to the White House.

    The law enforcement official did not know the status of testing on anything found in the letter and did not disclose whether there was a message. But the source said the letter appears similar to the notes sent to Bloomberg and Mayors Against Illegal Guns.

    The letter sent to Obama was postmarked in Shreveport, Louisiana, the official said -- just like the letters to Bloomberg and his group, the law enforcement source said.

    The person who wrote the letters to Bloomberg and his group threatened anyone who tried to seize the writer's guns would be "shot in the face," a source with knowledge of the letters said Thursday.

    New York Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said: "We are assuming that the letters are ... from the same machine or the same computer."

    He said there was no signature on the letter sent to New York.

    That letter was opened at the city government's mail facility, in a biochemical containment box. The employee who handled the letter has no symptoms of illness, and there's no reason to believe any employees are at risk from being in the building where it was delivered, the mayor's office memo said Thursday.

    Bloomberg met with employees at the facility Thursday and "thanked them for their dedication," his office said.

    The letter to the mayor's organization was opened by Mark Glaze, director of Mayors Against Illegal Guns, in Washington on Sunday.

    Glaze is doing fine, a spokeswoman for the group said Thursday.

    Suspected ricin has been included in letters in the past few months sent to Obama and other officials. In April, letters were sent to Obama; Sen. Roger Wicker, R-Mississippi; and Sadie Holland, a judge in Lee County, Mississippi. James Everett Dutschke of Tupelo, Mississippi, has been charged with possession and use of a biological agent in connection with that case.

    There haven't been any more ricin-type suspicious letters to lawmakers since the mailing to Wicker, Capitol Police in Washington said. In addition, a reminder was recently sent to lawmakers urging them to be careful at home and in their state offices.

    The new letter to Obama is not believed to be related to the Mississippi case, the law enforcement official said.

    Source: Person questioned in suspected ricin-laced letters case -

  20. #470
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    Tea Party Conference Call Features Threat To Assassinate U.S. Senator

    Oh my the teatards at it again;

    In a Tea Party-sponsored conference call held on Wednesday night, a participant called for the assassination of Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) over her support for immigration reform. Prominent conservative policymakers Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL)’s communications director Stephen Miller and Heritage Foundation research fellow Robert Rector also joined the call, hosted by the conservative Eagle Forum group.

    The most jarring and unexpected moment of the night was when the moderator opened up the phone lines to callers:

    BOB FROM MAINE: I’m from Maine and our Tea Party will be meeting up next week. What is the best way that we can get our senator to listen to us?

    ANOTHER CALLER: Shoot her. [laughter]

    MODERATOR: Yes, we will shoot her with…(inaudible) and phone calls.

    After the anonymous statement was made, no one on the call voiced their opposition. Instead, the threat was met with laughter and “oohs.” (At the time of the incident, Sessions’ communications director had apparently left the call.) Calling for the assassination of a senator is a federal crime punishable by five years of jail and may require a Secret Service investigation.

    Collins was the sole Republican to co-sponsor Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT)’s withdrawn amendment that would allow bi-national, same sex couples to petition for immigrant visas for their significant others.

    Despite the “joking” nature of the caller, this is not the first time that Tea Partiers have made explicit threats toward government officials. A Tea Partier once threatened a state senator for supporting a bill he believed would lead to government seizure of land, and famed Tea Partier Glenn Beck also called for the use of Special Ops to incite a revolution.

    Tea Party Conference Call Features Threat To Assassinate U.S. Senator Because She Supports Immigration Reform | ThinkProgress

  21. #471
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    12-06-2021 @ 11:13 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee
    Between 200 and 300 traitors marched on the Federal Building in downtown Cincinnati on May 21, 2013.

  22. #472
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    More good news for a responsible government!

    Tea Party favorite Jason Smith wins House seat in special election.

    Missouri State Speaker Pro Tem Jason Smith easily won tonight’s special election in Missouri’s 8th District and will head to Washington, D.C., to work alongside fellow conservatives in the House. Tea Party favorite Smith, 32, was endorsed by Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum, as well as the National Rifle Association.

    Tea Party favorite Jason Smith wins House seat in special election; Palin congratulates | Twitchy

    ...sounds of liberals heads exploding 5..4..3..2..

  23. #473
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    Ken Emanuelson, Texas Tea Party Activist, Calls GOP Black Voter Comments 'A Mistake'

    A Texas Tea Party activist is in hot water over comments charging that the Republican Party doesn't want black people to vote because of tough odds.

    Audio posted by Democratic group Battleground Texas on Tuesday has Ken Emanuelson, a leading state Tea Party figure, answering a question about black voters at a May 20 Dallas County GOP event.

    “I’m going to be real honest with you,” Emanuelson said. “The Republican Party doesn’t want black people to vote if they are going to vote 9-to-1 for Democrats.”

    Later on Tuesday, Emanuelson backtracked on his remarks, clarifying that it "was a mistake" and nothing more than a "personal opinion."

    "I hold no position of authority within the Republican Party and it wasn’t my place to opine on behalf of the desires of the Republican Party," Emanuelson said, according to the Dallas Morning News. “What I meant, and should have said, is that it is not, in my personal opinion, in the interests of the Republican Party to spend its own time and energy working to generally increase the number of Democratic voters at the polls, and at this point in time, nine of every ten African American voters cast their votes for the Democratic Party."

    In late April, an analysis conducted by the Associated Press found that black voters surpassed white voters in turnout for the first time during the 2012 election. If rates had stayed at the 2004 level, GOP challenger Mitt Romney would have narrowly defeated President Barack Obama, the AP found.

    Ken Emanuelson, Texas Tea Party Activist, Calls GOP Black Voter Comments 'A Mistake'

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    14-09-2014 @ 04:20 PM
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    Democrats love Tea Baggers. They are destroying the GOP without our help

    How The Tea Party Destroyed The GOP

    Kudzu is strangling native plants and trees all over parts of the south. In some places, its destroying vibrant forests that have flourished for hundreds of years. It’s a disgusting parasitic plant that devours damn near everything in its path. It provides virtually nothing positive or good in the communities where it is sucking the life out of entire local ecosystems.

    These days when I drive by a stand of trees that is slowly being strangled by Kudzu, the scene always looks like a metaphor for the way the GOP is being hopelessly, brutally strangled — in fact murdered — by a tiny out-cropping of Kudzu-like Teabaggers.

    Papantonio: How The Tea Party Destroyed The GOP - Ring Of Fire Radio: Robert Kennedy Jr, Mike Papantonio and Sam Seder

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