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Thread: Joe Biden

  1. #76
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    "But this is so much more fun"

    Maybe, but that doesn't say much for Obama's VP pick, does it?

  2. #77
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    ^I've already expressed my hatred for Biden. I'm tempted to go for McCain just so that asshole Biden doesn't go anywhere near the White House. Besides, can you imagine McCain and Pallin in there? And if McCain dies of old'd be fun to watch Pallin run the country. I can't wait to see Pallin tear Biden a new one in the upcoming debates. Will be entertaining for sure.
    "Fuck off. And take your stupid cult with you."

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  3. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by durianfan
    I can't wait to see Pallin tear Biden a new one in the upcoming debates.
    he'll have to tread lightly and let her screw up on her own (or set a well laid trap), because if he goes after her like he would a man, the hypocrites on the right will start start screaming about sexism....all the while conveniently forgetting everything they've said about hillary clinton.

  4. #79
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    ^ Biden already said he thinks she is "formidable" and will therefore go after her with all his plagiarised stories ablazing.

  5. #80
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Oh dear, still can't admit an error, instead going on about politics left-wing this and that.

    I'll do it in pictures for you, Jet, and multiple choice to make it easier.

    Which two of the following three items are legal tender in Canada?






    Choose two of the five pictures.

    (*Hint: I have included a photo of you to shorten the odds )

  6. #81
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jet Gorgon
    Biden already said he thinks she is "formidable"
    what the hell else is he going to say? it'll be a walk in the park?

    as it stands now, if she's still breathing after the debate, she can say it was a 'draw' because of the limited expectations. you really aren't that savvy, are you?

  7. #82
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    From a local paper up towards Bidens neck of the woods:

    To some, Joe Biden's image makeover as a blue-collar warrior is slightly at odds with the blueblood company he keeps in the corporate state.

    Not only is Biden a neighbor to wealthy and powerful company titans and du Pont family members, he's thrown his weight behind issues and legislation that benefited Delaware's big banking interests.

    Imagin that, and Biden was there to help them all along the way:
    As president, Obama said he would make sure bankruptcy laws protect the interests of struggling families.
    "They have spent millions to rewrite the rules with a bankruptcy 'reform' bill that puts the interests of the financial services industry ahead of American families," Obama's campaign literature says.
    "Now, we see he's (Obama) going back to politics as usual by picking someone like Biden. Biden is very much a Washington insider, who has long associated with lobbyists and whose supporters are trial lawyers. All those things suggest Obama is not what he says he was. And that's the central point about the choice."
    Not only has Biden been a recipient of campaign donations from the bank, he sold his house in Chateau Country to an MBNA executive. Biden's son, Hunter, worked for MBNA and later served as a consultant for five years until 2005.
    Charles Cawley, founder of MBNA and a political heavyweight, had enormous influence in the state, Stapleford said. When he spoke, people listened, including Biden, he said.

    "We have a kind of culture of giving deference to the major players," Stapleford said. "It's like insider trading in that there's a small group of people who really know what decisions are being made and why. Party lines kind of blur when it comes to the serious allocation of resources."

    Cawley said Biden is an "absolutely straightforward man."

    "Nothing inappropriate ever happened or could happen. It's not in Joe's DNA," Cawley said.
    Bankruptcy is now 50 percent more expensive for consumers and fewer people are seeking relief, LoPucki said.

    "The bankruptcy bill is an anti-populist bill. It pitted credit card issuers against debtors and Sen. Biden was on the credit card issuers' side," LoPucki said.
    "The evidence shows the law has harmed consumers," said Travis Plunkett, legislative director of the Consumer Federation of America. "Every member of Congress keeps an eye on home state business, but in my view members have obligations to all constituents, to consumers who have credit cards."
    If it took him nearly ten years to get a bankruptcy bill done, I hope Obama doesn't want him to take on anything really big as VP - they do know they get elected for only four years (if they get lucky the'll get eight):
    Biden's camp said the senator worked on the bankruptcy bill for nearly a decade, over five Congresses, to forge a bipartisan compromise. He had to make tough calls, Wade said.
    Woo-who... Biden helps out the banks, and then gets a few more judges for his state to help make sure those banks get the protection the new bill gives them.
    Biden pleased more than the banks with the passage of the bankruptcy bill. He became a hero to many in the state's legal community.

    As part of the 2005 bankruptcy reform law, the U.S. Bankruptcy Court for the District of Delaware, which sits in Wilmington, got four new judges.
    Seems like the folks in Delaware know, if Joe makes it into the white house they can continue to count on him to take care of Delaware first. - No way will Joe forget where he came from.
    "Joe's candidacy is extraordinarily good for Delaware," said R. Franklin Balotti, a corporate lawyer in Wilmington and a registered Republican. "I can't imagine Joe forgetting where he comes from when he gets to be vice president, which I expect he will."
    "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it, you'd have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, it takes religion" - Steven Weinberg

  8. #83
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    I watched Biden on "Meet the Press" yesterday. I thought he did a reasonably good job of things. He kind of fumbled his way thru some questions at the begining, but did a good job on the questions towards the end that deal with Iraq and his ties to the banking industry.

    Here is the transcript:
    Sept. 7: Sen. Joe Biden (D-DE), Tom Friedman - Meet the Press, online at MSNBC -

    The first four pages where Biden, and the last page was an interview with Tom Friedman about his new book "Hot, Flat, and Crowded: Why We Need a Green Revolution and How It Can Renew America" - that bit was pretty good as well.

    What is it with the blue team and issues related to pay grade?
    Biden tried to use the same line when asked why Obama had early on said he would do town hall meetings, but once he had locked up the nomination decided against it.

    As you know, earlier in the campaign, Barack Obama said that he would be willing to appear in town halls, a proposition put forth by John McCain, go around the country, appear two, three times a week in different venues, and then he decided not to. He wanted to confine it to just three debates. Those numbers that we just referred to, 38 million people watching Senator Obama, 39 million watching McCain, 38 million watching Governor Palin the other night, that is an indication this country is really tuned in in a way that I can't remember maybe since 1968. Why not have town halls? Why not have Senator Obama go head to head with John McCain across the country?
    Well, that's a little above my pay grade, to use the phrase. I mean, it's a decision the campaign made before I got on the campaign, before I was picked, but...
    Do you think it's a good idea?
    But--no, I think, I think you're going to learn more from having--look, you just got finished pointing out how many people watched this. I think those debates that are going to take place, the three critical debates between the two nominees, are going to be the most watched debates in the history of American politics, and I think people are going to get everything they need out of those debates, plus they're going to have an opportunity to--look, another reason why, in my view--I can't speak for the campaign, because I haven't gotten into--I mean, I just got on the ticket--is that, you know, we have a different focus. For example, I'm headed to--we think we can win Montana. Now, you know, they'd like very much to not, not spend a lot of time in Montana and Virginia and another 12 states or so that were Republican states we think we can compete in and win. And so when you decide on doing, you know, a campaign, a town hall, you know, every week, what you do, you significantly constrain your ability to get to places where Democratic candidates haven't spent much time before.
    Is there anything that will not be above Obama and Biden's pay grade if they get elected?

  9. #84
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    One more thing about the Biden "Meet the Press" interview - about abortion. I think Biden gave a good response to this issue. But not one that necessarily will work well with other Catholics:

    I'd say, "Look, I know when it begins for me." It's a personal and private issue. For me, as a Roman Catholic, I'm prepared to accept the teachings of my church. But let me tell you. There are an awful lot of people of great confessional faiths--Protestants, Jews, Muslims and others--who have a different view. They believe in God as strongly as I do. They're intensely as religious as I am religious. They believe in their faith and they believe in human life, and they have differing views as to when life--I'm prepared as a matter of faith to accept that life begins at the moment of conception. But that is my judgment. For me to impose that judgment on everyone else who is equally and maybe even more devout than I am seems to me is inappropriate in a pluralistic society. And I know you get the push back, "Well, what about fascism?" Everybody, you know, you going to say fascism's all right? Fascism isn't a matter of faith. No decent religious person thinks fascism is a good idea.

  10. #85
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jet Gorgon
    Biden already said he thinks she is "formidable"
    what the hell else is he going to say? it'll be a walk in the park?

    as it stands now, if she's still breathing after the debate, she can say it was a 'draw' because of the limited expectations. you really aren't that savvy, are you?
    Is it that obvious?

    I agree that Biden's point about abortion and that people form their opinion according to their belief-system is a very good answer - no partisan-religo-claptrap. Accepting that the US is a multi-cultural melting-pot is simply accepting that fact.

    As for the pay-grade analogy . . . old and tired . . . as VP his pay-grade would not be high by many standards.

    Wrong choice for VP-nominee, and the more I watch this circus, the more I believe that none of them are fit for the job.

  11. #86
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bugs
    I think Biden gave a good response to this issue. But not one that necessarily will work well with other Catholics:
    I think there are many Catholics that feel the same as Biden. The Roman Catholic church is not in full harmony on issues of birth control and abortion. US bishops have varying positions on the issue. Some hardline and some liberal. Reckon JFK, a Catholic said it best when responding to Republican accusations that he would impose his beliefs into US law.

    Kennedy said: "I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute; where no Catholic prelate would tell the president -- should he be a Catholic -- how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote."
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

  12. #87
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jet Gorgon
    Biden already said he thinks she is "formidable"
    what the hell else is he going to say? it'll be a walk in the park?

    as it stands now, if she's still breathing after the debate, she can say it was a 'draw' because of the limited expectations. you really aren't that savvy, are you?
    And you, Jason, are delusional in the extreme.

    Palin has energized the Base like nothing else.
    Get yer head outa and the Huff Po / Kos Files and learn what's really going on, eh?
    A Deplorable Bitter Clinger

  13. #88
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee

    this never fails to make me smile.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee and the Huff Po / Kos Files
    seems like only you and jet post about these sites....why is that? does anyone here post links to those sites? i don't think so....but feel free to prove me wrong.

    edit....during the abu ghraib scandal salon was one of the very few sites that put up all the photos and links may have been added here during that.

  14. #89
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    this never fails to make me smile.
    Well, it's nice to smile at your own name I suppose.

    Back on topic: Mad Joe is now taking credit for the Surge working!

    Biden Takes Credit for Success in Iraq

    "Joe Biden claims things in Iraq are getting better. Why? Not because of General Patraeus's "Surge Strategy", but because the Iraqis finally started to listen to the smartest man on Earth--Joe Biden."

    The Jawa Report: Biden Takes Credit for Success in Iraq

  15. #90
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    Joe Blow cannae help himself, Booners. I think he still believes he is running for prez - didn't Obama even introduce Biden as the next prez?
    Just when you think their gaffes will subside, both come up with a juicier one. A pity George couldn't edit the "my Muslim faith" outta that interview. Bet he's repenting at a black Baptist church and wearing a hair shirt to appease cathoic Biden.

  16. #91
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Mad Joe drunk!

    Joe Biden Drunk

    How long before Nutroots moonbats start hypothesizing that Karl Rove was somehow responsible for the choice of the clownish Joe Biden as the Obamessiah's VP?

    Moonbattery: Joe Biden Drunk

  17. #92
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    The Mad Joe Biden Gaffe Machine Rolls On!

    Senator Joe Biden may be one of the McCain campaigns biggest assets. Almost every time he opens his mouth, you can bet that he will blurt out something that will end up getting him in trouble.

    Just recently, Biden said that if McCain-Palin were elected, it would be a "backward step for women." No mention of the fact that electing Biden would be a backward step in human evolution. But that's beside the point. With his slur of women fresh out of his mouth, comes this gem:

    "I hear all this talk about how the Republicans are going to work in dealing with parents who have ... the joy and the difficulty of raising a child who has a developmental disability," said Biden.... "Well guess what folks? If you care about it, why don't you support stem cell research?"

    Biden tried to continue but found it impossible to speak with his foot jammed halfway down his throat.

    American Thinker Blog: Biden Gaffe Machine Rolls On

    And this jerk chastised Sarah for not aborting her son?
    Real quality VP material...not!

  18. #93
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    ^ Sheesh, who's writing his speeches, McCain's people? Isn't he vetted? Just muzzle him -- let him ride in county fair parades or join bowling comps. Do not give him a mike.

  19. #94
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jet Gorgon View Post
    ^ Sheesh, who's writing his speeches, McCain's people? Isn't he vetted? Just muzzle him -- let him ride in county fair parades or join bowling comps. Do not give him a mike.
    No, give him all the rope with which he can hang himself & BO!

  20. #95
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    Jesus H. Christ, he's sticking his head in the gas oven everyday.

  21. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by raycarey View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Jet Gorgon
    Biden already said he thinks she is "formidable"
    what the hell else is he going to say? it'll be a walk in the park?

    as it stands now, if she's still breathing after the debate, she can say it was a 'draw' because of the limited expectations. you really aren't that savvy, are you?
    Is it that obvious?

    I agree that Biden's point about abortion and that people form their opinion according to their belief-system is a very good answer - no partisan-religo-claptrap. Accepting that the US is a multi-cultural melting-pot is simply accepting that fact.

    As for the pay-grade analogy . . . old and tired . . . as VP his pay-grade would not be high by many standards.

    Wrong choice for VP-nominee, and the more I watch this circus, the more I believe that none of them are fit for the job.
    Pay-Grade is a Gov't Personel term.

  22. #97
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    Way, Way South of the border now - thank God!
    ^ Yes, but it has been bastardised to mean insufficient responsibility, an artful way to dodge issues.

  23. #98
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    If folks could vote for a Vice President independent of their presidential choice, Palin beats Biden 53-44.

  24. #99
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    Quote Originally Posted by Norton View Post
    I think there are many Catholics that feel the same as Biden. The Roman Catholic church is not in full harmony on issues of birth control and abortion. US bishops have varying positions on the issue. Some hardline and some liberal. Reckon JFK, a Catholic said it best when responding to Republican accusations that he would impose his beliefs into US law.

    Kennedy said: "I believe in an America where the separation of church and state is absolute; where no Catholic prelate would tell the president -- should he be a Catholic -- how to act, and no Protestant minister would tell his parishioners for whom to vote."
    Catholic bishops sure made it clear they don't agree with much of anything that Biden said related to abortion:

    RELIGION Blog | The Dallas Morning News

    The bit he seems to have gotten right:
    He said rightly that human life begins "at the moment of conception," and that Catholics and others who recognize this should not be required by others to pay for abortions with their taxes.
    The bits he seems to have gotten wrong:
    The first is a biological question: When does a new human life begin? ...human life begins at conception..... The Catholic Church does not teach this as a matter of faith; it acknowledges it as a matter of objective fact.
    Now this bit pretty much hings on the first bit:
    The second is a moral question, with legal and political consequences: Which living members of the human species should be seen as having fundamental human rights, such as a right not to be killed? The Catholic Church's answer is: Everybody...
    In summary:
    While in past centuries biological knowledge was often inaccurate, modern science leaves no excuse for anyone to deny the humanity of the unborn child. Protection of innocent human life is not an imposition of personal religious conviction but a demand of justice.
    Like I said, I liked Bidens response. But did not think it would go over all that well with most catholics. And the above response (from those in the church) should come as no real surprise.

  25. #100
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    Yea got's to love this kind of stuff:
    Biden: Hillary might have been better :: CHICAGO SUN-TIMES :: Elections

    Straight from the non-lipsticked lips of Joe Biden:

    Hillary Clinton is as qualified or more qualified than I am to be vice president of the United States
    ...and quite frankly (Hillary), might've been a better pick than me.

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