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  1. #26
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    question #7

    on which president's watch did oil go from $30/barrel to $127?

  2. #27
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    question #8

    which president entered office with a $230 billion budget surplus and seven and half years later turned it into $410 billion deficit?

    great thread!

  3. #28
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    12-09-2009 @ 04:32 PM
    The deaths from the Great Leap Forward was over 2 to 3 years, estimates I have read state 10-30 million starved to death.

    Point is, too many individuals rely on simplistic labels instead of logic in evaluating political issues. The reality is always much more complex.

    For example, Until G.W. Bush came around, Nixon was the one number bad guy of the leftists? Why? Nixon pulled US Troops out of Vietnam, which the Left wanted, Nixon acknowledged Communist China, which the left wanted and even imposed a price freeze, an anti-market-socialist policy. The Left's hatred of Nixon had little or nothing to do with his policies, the hatred was caused by the labels attacked to him. Even if he was actually guilty in Watergate, trying to gain a sneak peek at the campaign strategy of your opponent is hardly the most hideous crime of the century.

    But seems like RC wants to only engage in simplistic Bush-basher, as I suspect has occupied a large amount of his time over the past 7+ years.

  4. #29
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    12-09-2009 @ 04:32 PM
    Next example, “anti-war” marches by “peace” activists are only conducted against wars the US is involved in. How many “anti-war” advocates protested the USSR’s invasion of Afghanistan? How many peace rallies were there to decry North Korea’s and China’s unprovoked attacks on South Korea?

  5. #30
    Thailand Expat raycarey's Avatar
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    question #11

    which american president sold arms to iran, and then gave the proceeds to the blood thirsty contras in nicaragua?

    bonus question...which president eventually pardoned 11 administration officials convicted for their involvement in these crimes?

    whoo hoo!
    great thread!

  6. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Accidental Ajarn
    For example, Until G.W. Bush came around, Nixon was the one number bad guy of the leftists?
    Was he?
    Maybe "leftists" don't fit your simplistic stereotyping - just a thought.

  7. #32
    The cold, wet one
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    Quote Originally Posted by Accidental Ajarn
    People did not oppose the war in the Balkens because a labeled liberal made the decision to go to war. The same people opposed the war in Iraq because a labeled conservative Christian made the decision. The decision of most individuals with left of center political orientations to support the war in the Balkans and oppose the war in Iraq had nothing to do with the circumstances, judgments were passed based on the political party of the person who made the decision. To be fair, many conservatives are often guilty of this type of thinking as well.
    I'll admit to knowing very little about US politics (OK, next to nothing) but this remark struck me as incongruous, if not biased. You may or may not be right about the reaction to the war in the Balkans Kh Ajarn, but I seem to remember that same Democrat president bombing Libya in a move that was widely criticised as simply a manouevre to divert attention from a little scandal that was taking place at home & to garner him some support.

    I think the actions are what are judged by the world, not the political party. The party line is what the die hards (of whichever party in whichever country) fall back on when their chosen one is criticised. Oh, they're socialists/libbies/fascists - what do they know? Rubbish. Policies and actions are important, not labels.

  8. #33
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by Accidental Ajarn View Post
    But seems like RC wants to only engage in simplistic Bush-basher, as I suspect has occupied a large amount of his time over the past 7+ years.
    Yep...that describes redcarey to a tee.

  9. #34
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    It was just as controversial as the Iraq invasion outside the US.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Boon Mee View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Accidental Ajarn View Post
    But seems like RC wants to only engage in simplistic Bush-basher, as I suspect has occupied a large amount of his time over the past 7+ years.
    Yep...that describes redcarey to a tee.
    Accidental Ajarn seems to have nothing more than partisan hyperbole to contribute.

    Latest example:
    "Next example, “anti-war” marches by “peace” activists are only conducted against wars the US is involved in."

    Well, US citizens may well feel stronger about actions of their own government, and think protesting might have more of an impact. Do you think the Russians or China give a toss about a demonstration in a US town against their policies?
    A little reflection and you'd find the explanation yourself.

  11. #36
    Thailand Expat Boon Mee's Avatar
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by stroller View Post
    Do you think the Russians or China give a toss about a demonstration in a US town against their policies?
    Like maybe if there was enough attention paid to particular issue i.e. lead paint on Christmas toys last year? Folks in the states demonstrated with their respective pocketbooks against China and it got their attention real quick.

  12. #37
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    "attention paid ... to lead paint...with their respective pocketbooks" is different from an anti-war demonstration in the streets, don't you think?

  13. #38
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by stroller View Post
    "attention paid ... to lead paint...with their respective pocketbooks" is different from an anti-war demonstration in the streets, don't you think?
    Well, true I suppose but try this one on then: Anti-war demonstrations that took place throughout America during Viet Nam sure enough strengthened Charley's spine.

  14. #39
    I don't know barbaro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Accidental Ajarn View Post
    For example, Until G.W. Bush came around, Nixon was the one number bad guy of the leftists? Why?

    Maybe for the Anti-war left.

    Nixon was very moderate at the least.

  15. #40
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    11-12-2013 @ 11:30 AM
    Which Carter administration official said: "Khomeini will eventually be hailed as a saint."

    Which other Carter administration official said: "Khomeini is a Gandhi-like figure."

    Which Carter administration adviser said Khomeini was not a mad mujahid, but a man of "impeccable integrity and honesty."

    Okay, I've given you a hint that all the quotes come from people in the Carter administration. Take it from there.

  16. #41
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    12-09-2009 @ 04:32 PM
    "Well, US citizens may well feel stronger about actions of their own government, and think protesting might have more of an impact. "

    What about non-Americans?

    Plenty of "peace" marches in Europe over US military involvements, but when was the last time you have seen a anti-war march through the streets of Paris or Rome protesting rockets fired at Israeli civilians from Palestine or for peace in the Congo?

    Politics not peace is the issue of both the left and right.

  17. #42
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    This is in US Domestic Issues and you quoted from "American Politics Quiz".

    That's what my answer related to.

    Now if you want to move the goal-post to the US and Europe, we'd need to look at some material, frankly I am not up to date which wars and occupations have been protested in Europe, but the UK's Falkland war and the Iraq invasion spring to mind, as well as Tibet and Timor.

    Is it about politics, not peace? Left and Right?
    For some it is, but I'd say you'd find a mixture of the two as motives.
    Your polarising is oversimplistic and factually wrong.

  18. #43
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    12-09-2009 @ 04:32 PM

    Yes, the term "Leftist" is an oversimplification. However, those on the "left" appear to have more uniform views of the world than those on the right. Leftist in Europe Seems to equate with anti-American.

    How many leftist question the evidence that global warming is actually happening? (I am not an environmental scientist myself, but I know enough about research methodology to know that measuring the temperature of the Earth is a tricky business with many possibilities for skewed results. Also, correlation does not mean causation and I am old enough to have gone through many “the sky is falling” scares, therefore I take the evidence with a grain of salt.).

    How many leftists support privatization efforts?

    How many leftists have served in the military?

    How many leftist oppose government policies aimed at racial and gender equality?

    How many leftists are Christians?

    I don’t equate leftist with Democrat, but the Ralph Nadar types.

    I think most Americans are actually pretty central in their views. Most Americans could be labeled “Republican” in regards to economics and “Democrats” when it comes to social issues.

    Both the left and the right want to allow some freedoms (the ones they take advantage of) while denying the right to other freedoms (those they don’t take advantage of).

    The Left thinks you should have the right to smoke dope but not own guns

    The Right thinks you should have the right to own guys but not smoke dope

    (Us Libertarians believe one should have the right to both own guns and smoke dope).

    Many from the left want to remove religion (at least Christianity) and economic freedom from public life.

    Many from the right want to remove the right to marry someone from the same gender.

    Same-same, but different

  19. #44
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    Many on the modern US Right think that anyone not on the Right is a Leftist.

    Such illogical presumption precludes logical debate.

    It is no wonder that the same people who belong to this group also possess a collective Siege mentality, in the face of the barrage of criticism both nationally and internationally about the consequences and results of the Right wing Bush administration- some of which were quoted by raycarey above, and never addressed.

    Calling any critic of Bush policies a 'Leftist', 'Appeaser', 'America hater', 'Liberal', or whatever else the flavour of the month is, addresses nothing and just further reinforces your collective siege mentality- whilst further reinforcing the notion on the part of the critics that you are totally out of touch with the real world.

  20. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Accidental Ajarn
    How many leftists have served in the military?
    Several million if Communists and Socialists are considered leftist.

  21. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Accidental Ajarn
    Stroller Yes, the term "Leftist" is an oversimplification.
    You could have left it at that, no need to provide further examples of how it is done.

  22. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Accidental Ajarn View Post
    How many leftists have served in the military?
    How many rightists have served in the military?

    Most guys I know (meaning more than 50%) that are in the military are not very political. They are just about as political as civilians seem to be. (No, I don't have data, sorry. But I did grow up in a military town.)

    The guys and women in the military are like a lot of civilians when it comes to basic political opinions IMO, and many aren't even very political.

    The military is a government organization. A socialist monopoly, in my opinion.

    Being in the military is a government job.

    And there are certain limitations on political activity for folks in the military.

    Why would a right-winger be in the military, when it's a government job, supported by taxpayer money?

    You cannot vote for the GOP and work for the federal or state government in my opinion.

    But my father does, like many Americans on the public payroll do.

  23. #48
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    13-09-2019 @ 04:18 PM
    Which party 'stretched the truth' in order to get elected?

    You got it! The Dems!

    Rep. Kanjorski admits the Democrats Over-Promised on Iraq

  24. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milkman View Post
    How many rightists have served in the military?
    I'd say slightly more than the number of leftists.

    Most guys I know that are in the military are not very political. They are just about as political as civilians seem to be.

    The guys and women in the military are like a lot of civilians when it comes to basic political opinions IMO, and many aren't even very political.

    The military is a government organization. A socialist monopoly, in my opinion.
    I wouldn't think of it in those tewrms, but probably not incorrect.

    Being in the military is a government job.
    Well, yes, of course it is.

    And there are certain limitations on political activity for folks in the military.
    Fewer than you might think. The sticking point is representing the military (in uniform) at a political event. As a military member, you have nearly every right as any other civilian to support a candidate. You may not use your affiliation with the military, however, to advance that cause. Ever see a GI at a political rally? My guess is you have, but you didn't recognize it without the uniform. You also can't serve as paid staff of a candidate. Volunteer on off-duty time is OK.

    Also you never see candidates campaiging on military bases. Despite RC's claim that the GOP politicizes the military, no party is permitted to stump at military bases. Elected officials are welcome to visit/inspect/question etc at bases, but they may not hold press conferences or make campaign speeches.

    Why would a right-winger be in the military, when it's a government job, supported by taxpayer money?
    Why not? If the pay and benefits are decent -- do it. Don't confuse job fit with political leanings. You said before most GIs aren't political, so what's the difference?

    You cannot vote for the GOP and work for the federal or state government in my opinion.
    Absolute hogwash. It's been my experience that roughly 60-65 percent of servicemen, military civilians and contractors vote Republican. Generally, GOP administrations pay better, provide more job security and introduce policies that don't send SES executives leaping off tall buildings.
    Last edited by Texpat; 24-05-2008 at 11:42 AM.

  25. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Texpat
    The sticking point is representing the military (in uniform) at a political event. As a military member, you have nearly every right as any other civilian to support a candidate. You may not use your affiliation with the military, however, to advance that cause. Ever see a GI at a political rally? My guess is you have, but you didn't recognize it without the uniform.
    You are correct. It is forbidden to wear a uniform at a political event but it does happen.

    Senator John McCain posed for a photo with Sergeant First Class Chad Kozdra at a rally in Londonderry, N.H., earlier this month. The event was part of McCain's "No Surrender" tour.

    Army personnel spoke at McCain campaign rally in apparent violation of military rules - The Boston Globe
    "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"

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