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    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    The 2024 UK General Election

    The UK has announced a general election on 4th July.

    All the polls suggest the Labour party could score big, except... well Keir Starmer.

    Who do you think is going to win?

    And what are the issues that will be at the core of the election debate?

    As an aside, Nigel Farage has decided not to run as he sees "his work" in the US General Election to be more important.

    Obviously "important" is a euphemism for "lucrative".

    The egotistical twat obviously likes getting cheered on by brain dead trumpanzees, not to mention the money he can earn dog whistling to them.

    At the moment the Labour Party have an 11% lead over the Tories.

    General Election poll tracker: Will Labour or the Conservatives win? | Politics News | Sky News
    The next post may be brought to you by my little bitch Spamdreth

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    I'm sure this will guarantee the miserable old white c u n t vote.

    Rishi Sunak says he will bring back National Service if Tories win general election

    The prime minister unveils a plan that would see 18-year-olds given the choice of a full-time military placement for 12 months or a scheme to volunteer for one weekend a month for a year.

    Rishi Sunak says he will bring back National Service if Tories win general election | Politics News | Sky News

  3. #3
    Thailand Expat Pragmatic's Avatar
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    Last but who gives a shit.
    2 years minimum conscription or it ain't worth it.

    Could the UK start conscription?

    When asked in 2023 about the possibility of conscription, a spokesperson for the prime minister said: "There is no suggestion of that. The Government has no intention to follow through with that. The British military has a proud tradition of being a voluntary force. There are no plans to change that.

  4. #4
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    Stupid, lunatic idea, and anathema to any professional officer cadre.

    Punjabi Boy is clearly deranged in his increasing desperation to avoid going down in history as the worst losing Tory Prime Minister.

    Modern armies don’t need fodder, they need an expertly trained human interface that supports and complements the technology involved in today’s killing. The Russians are using human waves supported by artillery simply because Biden won’t allow the use of the requisite ordnance to destroy them as they form up over the Ukraine border and has delayed the supply of aircraft preventing air superiority. If Ukraine had had a functioning modern airforce and the ability to launch long range missiles the war would be over.

    Back in 2003 the US destroyed Iraqi defences and occupied the entire country with a mere 160,000 men in 26 days. With today’s even more accurate and devastating ordnance the boots on the ground would probably be even less.
    Last edited by Seekingasylum; 26-05-2024 at 02:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Next week: The Lib Dems promise to "bring back the birch".

  6. #6
    . Neverna's Avatar
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    ^ That would be better coming from the Green party.

    They should add some oak and elm, too.

  7. #7
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Nigel Farage has decided to give it a go

  8. #8
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    Nigel Farage has decided to give it a go
    I wonder if the bald orange turd getting convicted swayed him.

  9. #9
    david44's Avatar
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    Nige to get extra security on my dime due to phantom tossers.
    It is never a good look to be like a plasterer's radio.
    What ever one thinks of his policies they should be countered by spunk not junk.

  10. #10

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    There was a bit of a kerfuffle about WW II? One of Team Farage thought the UK was on the wrong side? I thought the Allies won WW II.

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 39TG View Post
    There was a bit of a kerfuffle about WW II? One of Team Farage thought the UK was on the wrong side? I thought the Allies won WW II.
    Pray tell.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Pray tell.
    Ian Gribbin of the Reform Party was saying that the UK should have stayed neutral in WW2. The guy also said that women were just a bunch of spongers and should not be provided with health care.

    Reform UK candidate apologises over Hitler neutrality comments

    So, it's not just Farage that talks utter bollox, the party is full of dumbheads.

  13. #13
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    So, it's not just Farage that talks utter bollox, the party is full of dumbheads.
    Well, of course.

    Is Anne 'two seats' Widdicombe signed up?

  14. #14
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    Ian Gribbin of the Reform Party was saying that the UK should have stayed neutral in WW2. The guy also said that women were just a bunch of spongers and should not be provided with health care.

    Reform UK candidate apologises over Hitler neutrality comments

    So, it's not just Farage that talks utter bollox, the party is full of dumbheads.
    Oh FFS what a c u n t.

  15. #15
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    I suppose it was going to happen sooner or later...

    As the United Kingdom heads toward its elections next month, the country is seeing its first instance of a new kind of politician: an AI candidate. AI Steve, an avatar of real-life Steven Endacott, a Brighton-based businessman, is running for Parliament as an Independent.

    Voters will be able to cast their ballots for AI Steve, as well as ask policy positions or raise issues of their own. AI Steve will then incorporate suggestions and requests into its platform.

    Endacott will be the in-person representative attending meetings and parliamentary sessions on behalf of AI Steve. He says that he sees AI Steve as a way to allow for a more direct form of democracy. “We are actually, I think, reinventing politics using AI as a technology base, as a copilot, not to replace politicians but to really connect them into their audience, their constituency,” says Endacott.

    Currently, AI Steve is mistakenly listed on the ballot as Steve AI, which Endacott is working to correct.

    AI Steve was designed by Neural Voice, an AI voice company of which Endacott is the chair. According to Jeremy Smith, the company’s cofounder, AI Steve can have up to 10,000 conversations at once. “A key element is creating your own database of information,” says Smith. “And how to inject customer data into it.”

    The idea for AI Steve came from Endacott’s own frustration with trying to enter politics in order to advocate for issues he cared about. “I’m very concerned about the environment. We need a lot of change in government to actually help control climate change,” he says. “The only way to do that is to stop talking to the outside and get inside the tent and start actually changing policy.” When Endacott attempted to stand for office in years past, he said he felt like it was all about party jockeying and worrying about which seats or districts were “safe” rather than responding to the needs of real people.

    AI Steve, he claims, will be different. AI Steve will transcribe and analyze conversations it has with voters and put issues of policy forward to “validators,” or regular people who can indicate whether they care about an issue or want to see a certain policy enacted.

    Endacott says that his team plans to reach out to commuters at the Brighton train stop, about an hour outside of London, asking them to fill out short policy surveys by email on their commutes to or from the city to help fill this role.

    “Having the voting system of validators to actually check those policies to make sure they’re common sense, and also in control of saying, ‘In Parliament, we want you to vote this way,’ just makes sense to me,” says Endacott.

    AI Steve has only been live for a day or so, but Endacott and Smith say that the primary concerns expressed by people contacting AI Steve have been about the conflict in Palestine and local issues such as trash collection.

    While Endacott says that he expects his own opinions or policy preferences may differ from those of AI Steve at some point, he says he is committed to voting in line with the constituent preferences as expressed through AI Steve.

    “Surely in a democracy, it's what your constituents want,” he says. “I know that it sounds so obvious, that a politician should be told what to do by his constituents. And if he doesn't like it, tough luck. Get out of the job.”

  16. #16
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    F*ck what a load of dreary pointlessness.

    Could you even be arsed reading it yourself?

  17. #17
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    United Kingdom: For the first time, the right-wing party is larger than the conservatives in an opinion poll

    Nigel Farage resigned as chairman of UKIP after the Brexit vote in 2016. Since then, he has made a political comeback and in 2018 founded The Brexit Party, which has since changed its name to Reform UK. (Photo: © Darren Staples, Ritzau Scanpix)

    Jakob Høstrup

    British politician Nigel Farages' right-wing party, Reform UK, has overtaken Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and the Conservative Party in a poll for the first time.

    This is according to a poll conducted by YouGov on behalf of the newspaper The Times.

    Reform UK has the support of 19 percent of voters, while the Conservative Party has the support of 18 percent. Although the difference is within the statistical uncertainty, the poll marks a major shift in British politics, writes The Times.

    Labour has the support of 37 percent of voters.

    Nigel Farages became widely known as the chairman of the UKIP party, which fought to get Britain out of the EU. He subsequently founded Reform UK in 2018 under the name Brexit Party.

    There is a general election in the UK on 4 July.


  18. #18
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Farage pledge to destroy Sunak with the split right ing vote .

    Labour government it is then for four years till they monumentally fvck it up which is guaranteed.

    Then back to the Tories.

    Rinse and repeat with the two party system.

    Proportional representation is needed.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Oh FFS what a c u n t.

    oh it gets better

    Shock as Reform UK candidate says UK should have been neutral against Hitler

    Candidate for Bexhill and Battle also wrote online that women were the ‘sponging gender’ and should be ‘deprived of health care’

    A Reform UK candidate in the general election claimed the country would be “far better” if it had “taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality” instead of fighting the Nazis in World War Two, it has emerged.

    The comments by Ian Gribbin, the party’s candidate in Bexhill and Battle, were uncovered by the BBC and have caused shock and uproar.

    Mr Gribbin also wrote online that women were the “sponging gender” and should be “deprived of health care”.

    In posts from 2022 on the Unherd magazine website, seen by the BBC, he also said Winston Churchill was “abysmal” and praised Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    A Reform spokesman said the comments were not “endorsements” but “written with an eye to inconvenient perspectives and truths”, while claiming the remarks about women were “tongue in cheek”.

    In July 2022, Mr Gribbin posted on the Unherd website: “Britain would be in a far better state today had we taken Hitler up on his offer of neutrality…. but oh no Britain’s warped mindset values weird notions of international morality rather than looking after its own people.”

    The same month he wrote: “In Britain specifically we need to exorcise the cult of Churchill and recognize that in both policy and military strategy, he was abysmal.”

    The previous month he criticised women, the BBC reports, posting on the site’s message board: “Do you think you could actually work and pay for it all too like good citizens?

    “Men pay 80% of tax – women spend 80% of tax revenue. On aggregate as a group you only take from society.

    Shock as Reform UK candidate says UK should have been neutral against Hitler | Evening Standard

  20. #20
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    ^Kind of entertaining

  21. #21
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Gribbin must be a full on Nazi to make those comments, it's like they're straight out of Mein Kampf.

  22. #22
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Probably just born and raised in Seattle

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe 90 View Post
    Proportional representation is needed.
    There was a referendum on this in May 2011. Very poor media coverage, very poor turn out (~42%) and a majority (~68%) against.

    You can't trust the public to vote on these things because they are led by what the media decide they should think, just like Brexit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    ^Kind of entertaining
    For anti semitic racists possibly , at least the golden era Danes helped many escape death by aiding "moonlit flit to neutral Sweden"

    How 90 Percent of Danish Jews Survived the Holocaust

    Normal Danes sprang into action and pulled off an astounding feat.

    There is a memorial in Norreport

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