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  1. #151
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Even Corbyn looks good now.
    Steady on now.

  2. #152
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    We'll be back.
    To, sooner or later, leave the country on its knees again, no doubt.

    There is a degree of doubt that it will be as tories though.

    Such is the current omnishambles.

  3. #153
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    I doubt the Tory party will ever make a return, not as we know them anyway. The ERG destroyed them from within. Truss and Sunak were never strong enough to take hold of the party.

    Too many, like Tax, thinking only about themselves, and not the country as a whole. No one with the charisma to tackle Farage, the spiv, head on. It should be easy enough to quash his right wing shite, but nobody seems able to do so.

  4. #154
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    No one who has worked, or is working, or have saved and invested for their children or their retirement and have already paid taxes on that income will complacently sit back and let a socialist rabble of idealistic virtue signalling and divisive dreamers filch their hard earned nesteggs in order to redistribute it calling it a fair and necessary levelling up.

    Labour will inherit an economy in recovery and proceed to take the country back to the dark days of the 70s. as they stifle initiative and ambition with their marxist dictats thought up and delivered through a massive bureacracy of committees, sub committees, planners, faciltators and enforcers.

    Socialism has never, ever worked.

  5. #155
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    Socialist capitalism...

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    No one who has worked, or is working, or have saved and invested for their children or their retirement and have already paid taxes on that income will complacently sit back and let a socialist rabble of idealistic virtue signalling and divisive dreamers filch their hard earned nesteggs in order to redistribute it calling it a fair and necessary levelling up.

    Labour will inherit an economy in recovery and proceed to take the country back to the dark days of the 70s. as they stifle initiative and ambition with their marxist dictats thought up and delivered through a massive bureacracy of committees, sub committees, planners, faciltators and enforcers.

    Socialism has never, ever worked.
    Well, it seemed to have worked very well for the three successive Labour governments from 1997 to 2008 until the private sector capitalist bankster cowboys destroyed the system, three governments which marked the greatest boom in businesses, industry and home ownership in post war Britain.

    You really are a silly chaimi arse, Tax.

    And as a bloodsucking parasite who extorted fat fees from the NHS subsidising his private health scams who later evaded taxes at every opportunity, you are one helluva hypocrite.

    You paying back the £300,000 you conned out of the taxpayer, Tax?

    What is it about you geriatric retired dentists Tax. Every one I’ve met over the years is a right wing racist bigot tinged with a skein of swivel- eyed lunacy.

    Was it all that nitrous oxide you sucked up through your anus?

  7. #157
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Brace yourself for Keir Starmer’s puritan war on life’s pleasures

    Britain will soon become a paternalist’s paradise, where egalitarianism and bureaucracy reign supreme

    24 June 2024 • 6:00am
    Tim Stanley

    Keir Starmer

    This is how the Conservative world ends, not with a bang but a flutter. The Tories in office were gamblers, shaggers, nutters and clowns, but at least they were funny – and their wrist too limp to grasp power entirely. Now the cavaliers are leaving the stage; here come the roundheads. Brace yourselves for a war on joy.

    The most significant moment in this campaign was when Keir Starmer got angry about people laughing at his hundredth recital of the “daddy was a toolmaker” line. He couldn’t grasp that they were laughing at him, not his father. Though some will assume his fury was concocted to save face, what little we know suggests it was 100 per cent real.

    The Tories have never understood the man. They call him Corbyn in disguise, a commie dressed as a Blairite – and thus every attack line fails because voters can sense it’s not true. He’s a hawk on war; a tough guy on security. There’s no grand plan to redistribute power and wealth. Keir’s character is conservative: calm and honourable, concerned less with method of government than style, with shades of Ted Heath’s “to govern is to serve”. He likes beer, 1980s music and football. He had a strained relationship with his dad, which fascinates touchy-feely media types but is familiar to those of us whose fathers were “present but not involved”. And he self-defines as working class to emphasise he’s the very opposite of Corbyn, that while the radical Left is motored by ideas, he is all about biography – a “lived experience” that super-rich Rishi could never understand.

    Starmer is exciting, says Labour, because he is boring. So boring he could be an android. In a recent interview, he said he didn’t have a favourite novel or poem, and wasn’t afraid of anything as a child. Asked by a journalist desperate for colour what he dreamt of last night, he replied, “I don’t dream” (not even of electric sheep). He goes to bed at 11, passes out and wakes around 5am.

    Want to know how he’ll govern? Look at how he’s silenced and expelled the Labour Left. Listen to his highly personal attacks on his opponents: Rishi is a liar, Boris was “a pathetic spectacle of a man”, “without shame” and “ridiculous”, His preferred tone is sanctimonious, which in No 10 will quickly become tedious.

    The Left is always over-earnest. It can deploy humour as a weapon, but the reason why its efforts at satire are never truly funny is because they are uni-directional, the gags at service to a crusade that is almost unconsciously religious. “Joking aside,” they’d like to say, “the Tories are pure evil.” And one must never discount the possibility that the old crone at the edge of the village really is a witch.

    See, the great divide in British history isn’t Right v Left but cavalier v roundhead, a historic war between those who think life is a mess but we should try to enjoy it versus those who see it as a deadly serious struggle to build heaven on earth. Starmer looks unoriginal because he’s not here to start a revolution, he’s here to complete one. For decades, perhaps centuries, we’ve been eradicating our traditional order to build something egalitarian, bureaucratic and politically correct –though we’ve hitherto permitted a little bit of extra wealth or freedom or Ruritanian camp as a nod to how things used to be. Those are the relics that Labour’s puritans find most offensive. They are what will be swept away.

    The Lords has no teeth anymore, but it must go. Foxes cannot be chased, but even drag hunting will end. Private schooling is already exclusive, but Starmer will make it prohibitive (grammars and home-schooling will be next). Gentlemen’s clubs will be encouraged to admit women. Shrunken heads will be returned with a letter of apology. The CofE can bumble on because it’s Labour at prayer anyway, but the last vestiges of Christian ethics will be erased from the law books – abortion decriminalised, suicide to be assisted – as a new moral paradigm is clinically entrenched. You know what’s coming: rainbow flags everywhere, ministers reeling off pronouns, the Equality Act expanded, gender nonsense endorsed.

    The next government will also go to war on the car, declare a climate emergency, discourage meat, scream at smokers that they’re going to Hell, and chip away at property. No, Starmer won’t raise the big three taxes; that would hurt productivity. But he implied in his definition of “working people” – those who cannot write a cheque – that idle wealth is a decadent luxury.

    Charles I collected Van Dycks. Cromwell sold them off. And, if the Labour super-majority were so inclined, it would ban maypoles and Christmas puddings.

    If you want a vision of the future, remember lockdown – an attempt to make the country do the “right thing”, with the noblest of intentions but demoralising and destructive. And absolutely no laughing at the back.

    Whatever gimmicks are tried by Labour, no matter how comically they go wrong, critics will be accused of frivolity – of insufficient concern for the public’s welfare. The second most significant moment of the election campaign was when Sunak admitted to a diet of Haribo and Twix, and an angry caller demanded to know why he was making light of tooth decay.

    Britain is going to be run by people like that for five long years.


  8. #158
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post

    And as a bloodsucking parasite who extorted fat fees from the NHS subsidising his private health scams who later evaded taxes at every opportunity, you are one helluva hypocrite.

    You paying back the £300,000 you conned out of the taxpayer, Tax?
    Jesus H. What are these scams are you going on about

    and whats this £300K ?

    I know times must be hard for you, drug dealing as a teen then deskbound one notch up from the ditchdiggers throughout adulthood and now washed up in minge city living with a gammy leg on a UK penpushers pension where your yearly increases are cruelly denied.

    But no need to attack those who are financially literate and have taken their education seriously, worked assiduously, saved and not wasted, invested and planned well for their futures without having to fiddle their tax or go cap in hand and apply for handouts from the government.

    Will it be sour grapes as usual for your dessert tonight?

  9. #159
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    Tim Stanley joined the Labour Party but failed to get elected and then saw the light when he supported Trump's Republican party and started to suck Tory ERG cock and writes full time for the Torygraph as a Brexitory cum guzzler.

    Poor sap.

    He’s got nowhere to go now and is reduced to writing pap.

    Tax, the Tory filth have created an entire generation raised on food banks and excluded another from home ownership.

    Who gives a fuck if Starmer is an ordinary, decent Joe.

    You scuttled back to Blighty from your tax evading Thai idyll because you needed free NHS care to save your life.

    Now fuck off with your arrant hypocrisy.

    I pay taxes and never took a benefit in my life. Unlike you, I contributed to Britain, you just exploited it and ran off to taxexile engorged with the fat proceeds of your fraudulent dentist claims rendered onto the NHS.

    I am of an honourable cadre devoted to service in the employ of the Crown, you were a money grubbing, chaimi, twobit chiselling tooth puller feathering your nest from the pain and suffering of your victims.

  10. #160
    Thailand Expat taxexile's Avatar
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    You scuttled back to Blighty from your tax evading Thai idyll because you needed free NHS care to save your life.
    Nonsense, i had aready been resident in the UK for 3 years, and was on holiday in Thailand when my rare malignancy was discovered. Unable to receive treatment at Bumrungrad or any other hospital in Thailand because there are no facilities, specialists or experience in treating this disease, my travel insurance had
    already enquired, I was advised to return to the UK, where they have 2 centres dedicated to treating this, and I was subsequently treated at one of them. Having paid taxes and NI all my working life I received the treatment I was fully entitled to, unlike the fucking scum that wash up on our shores daily and are given housing and free treatment instantly, whilst our own sick and needy are pushed to the back of the queue.

    As for food banks, if the lazy slovenly fat dross would turn off their Netflix, cut back on the drugs and tatts and learn to cook, they could afford to feed themselves and their families, but they cant be fucking bothered. Better to have a meal of pies and pizzas delivered for £15 than buy healthy ingredients for £10
    and feed four for 2 days.

    You have no fucking idea. Like a rancid sponge you mop up the nonsense the media feed you with. There is no shortage of money in the UK, there is only a shortage of intelligence and common sense coupled
    with an out of control sense of entitlement and victimhood stoked to hysterical levels by a gormless and hypocritical media circus and their marxist paymasters.

    the uk needs badenoch, braverman and a sprinkling of farage, not the poison of socialism and their idealist dreams. Life is pain, the world is shit, its survival of the fittest, you sink or you swim. Its been like that for 10,000 years and the kneeler and his gobshite arent going to change a thing. ...... and lets all hold our breath as Lammy goes begging in Brussels.

    SA, wake up. Surely a man who knows lots of long words cant be that fucking dumb.

  11. #161
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Troy View Post
    I doubt the Tory party will ever make a return, not as we know them anyway. The ERG destroyed them from within. Truss and Sunak were never strong enough to take hold of the party.

    Too many, like Tax, thinking only about themselves, and not the country as a whole. No one with the charisma to tackle Farage, the spiv, head on. It should be easy enough to quash his right wing shite, but nobody seems able to do so.
    Reform were decimating the tory party long before Farage decided it was more lucrative on their bandwagon than baldy orange cunto's.

  12. #162
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Well, it seemed to have worked very well for the three successive Labour governments from 1997 to 2008
    And you still ignore the hapless Gordon Brown flogging the UK's gold at basement prices because he was so fucking inept.

  13. #163
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    Minimum wage Britain is the poor man of Europe and way behind the Americans. The combined incompetence of Brexitories and Osborne's austerity plan, penalising the poor and the lower middle classes, ensured that Britain became the worst performing economy of the G7 and created a demographic that could do nothing to offset the impact of inflation that saw their disposable incomes reduced by 9%. The subsequent insanity of Trussonomics created a vortex of further devaluation that anchored over 10 million of the occupational workforce in a bind that meant their incomes were rapidly losing value with no opportunity to increase them.

    Migrants do not get accommodation on demand at the expense of indigenous folk, no more than migrants get a salary of benefits at the expense of workers. That is a cheap propaganda spouted by Faragists feeding the credulous and stupid whose bigotry ensures they believe such tosh.

    Tax, narrow minded bigoted Jews such as you love to stoke hate by playing their anti nigger/ wog Arab card, it's what you learned from the Nazis. Now whitey is playing it everywhere in Europe in the hope they can generate sufficient populist, nationalistic and jingoistic support for their respective political factions. They have no other doctrine to commend them and that is why they generally fail in the long run, usually because they try to steal too much or collapse their economies - a bit like Brexiteers. Patel, Braverman, Badenoch are all failures.

    Suck it up Tax, Labour is the man.

    Back in the EU in no time.

  14. #164
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    Migrants do not get accommodation on demand at the expense of indigenous folk, no more than migrants get a salary of benefits at the expense of workers. That is a cheap propaganda spouted by Faragists feeding the credulous and stupid whose bigotry ensures they believe such tosh.
    they get hotel accommodation from day 1. single ensuite rooms, restaurant food. all paid for.

    whilst brits waiting for council housing are shoved 4 to room into houses of multiple occupation. and charged rent.

    and i think you will find its france, belgium and germany that are becoming europes basket cases these days.

  15. #165
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    And you still ignore the hapless Gordon Brown flogging the UK's gold at basement prices because he was so fucking inept.
    It amounted to a mere £3.5 billions. Gold reserves are merely totemic and of no great value in the scheme of things. Currently, the UK retains 310 tonnes of it worth around £15 billions. GDP is £2 trillion annually.

    Only little comprehensive nerds such as you ‘Arry think it’s a big deal.

  16. #166
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    they get hotel accommodation from day 1. single ensuite rooms, restaurant food. all paid for.

    whilst brits waiting for council housing are shoved 4 to room into houses of multiple occupation. and charged rent.

    and i think you will find its france, belgium and germany that are becoming europes basket cases these days.
    Seen the accommodation Tax, seen the budgets. Only gammons sucking Farage cock and licking his arse believe it is the lap of luxury and worth having. Your coon baiting is no different to the hook nose Jew Nazi shite.

    You just can’t see it.Farage, Tice, Meloni, Pen, Orban, Putin……just another bunch of fascists singing the same old song.

    God, you’re all such fucking bores.

  17. #167
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    narrow minded bigoted Jews such as you love to stoke hate by playing their anti nigger/ wog Arab card, it's what you learned from the Nazis.

    did a moist and horny full breasted and willing jewess break your heart after getting a whiff of your smegma encrusted dick by any chance?
    Last edited by taxexile; Yesterday at 08:06 PM.

  18. #168
    Isle of discombobulation Joe 90's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    As for food banks, if the lazy slovenly fat dross would turn off their Netflix, cut back on the drugs and tatts and learn to cook, they could afford to feed themselves and their families, but they cant be fucking bothered. Better to have a meal of pies and pizzas delivered for £15 than buy healthy ingredients for £10
    and feed four for 2 days.
    I concur.

  19. #169
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    Well, you would, wouldn’t you. Fucking eejits flock together.

  20. #170
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    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    Better to have a meal of pies and pizzas delivered for £15 than buy healthy ingredients for £10
    and feed four for 2 days.
    £15 for a pie? Bloody hell. Pies are expensive in Yorkshire.

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