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  1. #51
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Proper journalist: "If NATO membership is that worrying to you, how come you haven't invaded Finland and Sweden?"

    Hoohoo-approved journalist: "What's your favourite teletubbie?"

  2. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by seekingasylum View Post
    1994 budapest memorandum
    correctomundo a double blackbush for the lad oh ho no cigar

  3. #53
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    Oh-oh is an exercise in a mental patient therapy regime in which he is encouraged to imagine he is not a simian twat two branches short of a tree.

  4. #54
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    Oh-oh is an exercise in a mental patient therapy regime in which he is encouraged to imagine he is not a simian twat two branches short of a tree.
    I'm thinking more somewhere between a fungus and a protozoan.

  5. #55
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    This treaty I am assuming you refer to:

    Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

    5 December 1994

    1. Respect the signatory's independence and sovereignty in the existing borders (in accordance with the principles of the CSCE Final Act).[7]

    2. Refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of the signatories to the memorandum, and undertake that none of their weapons will ever be used against these countries, except in cases of self-defense or otherwise in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations.

    3. Refrain from economic coercion designed to subordinate to their own interest the exercise by Ukraine, the Republic of Belarus and Kazakhstan of the rights inherent in its sovereignty and thus to secure advantages of any kind.

    4. Seek immediate Security Council action to provide assistance to the signatory if they "should become a victim of an act of aggression or an object of a threat of aggression in which nuclear weapons are used".

    5. Not to use nuclear weapons against any non - nuclear-weapon state party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, except in the case of an attack on themselves, their territories or dependent territories, their armed forces, or their allies, by such a state in association or alliance with a nuclear weapon state.[8][9][10]

    6.Consult with one another if questions arise regarding those commitments.[11][12]

    Budapest Memorandum - Wikipedia

    Quote Originally Posted by Seekingasylum View Post
    invasion of 2014 when it seized those parts of the Ukraine acknowledged to be within Ukraine’s jurisdiction following the 1991 ratification of independence. This was in contravention of the 1994 Budapest memorandum under which the UK,USA and Russia agreed to honour and safeguard the state of Ukraine and its borders agreed in the grant of independence by the Russian state in return for Ukraine giving up all its former Russian operated nuclear arsenal.
    You appear not to view the actions of Ukraine and others between 5 December 1994 Budapest memorandum signing and the following events:

    1. "The Declaration of Independence of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol was a joint resolution adopted on March 11, 2014 by the Supreme Council of Crimea and the Sevastopol City Council that proclaimed the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol a sovereign state — the Republic of Crimea.

    According to the Declaration, the newly formed state has the right to apply to Russia for the inclusion of the territory in the federation as a separate subject.

    Russia recognised the Republic of Crimea's declaration of independence,[8][9] and following a referendum in the territory"

    2. The Minsk Agreements.

    "The first deal, known as Minsk I, was reached in 2014, but failed. This led to Minsk II in 2015. This agreement was ostensibly more stable, but Ukraine’s previous President Petro Poroshenko never truly implemented it.
    When Zelensky ran for president, he had differentiated himself from Poroshenko by pledging to “reboot” peace negotiations with the Russian-speaking separatists in the east and “continue in the direction of the Minsk talks and head towards concluding a ceasefire”.

    But soon after coming to power in 2019, Zelensky did a 180.

    In an interview with the German daily Der Spiegel, published on February 9, 2023, Zelensky made it clear that he intentionally chose to sabotage Minsk.

    The Ukrainian leader complained that the Minsk agreements were an unacceptable “concession”.

    Zelensky recalled telling French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Angela Merkel that “we cannot implement it”.

    “Procrastination is perfectly fine in diplomacy”, Zelensky said, explaining that he only “jumped on the train” and pretended to support Minsk in order to negotiate a prisoner swap with Russia – and give his country more time to prepare for war.

    Minsk II stipulated that Ukraine had to reform its constitution, decentralize state authority, and provide autonomy for the Russian-speaking eastern provinces, with “special status” and “self-governance” for the regions Donetsk and Lugansk.

    Kiev refused to do so, under both Ukrainian governments of President Poroshenko, who signed the Minsk accords, and his successor Zelensky, who took office in 2019.

    Points 11 and 12 of Minsk II mandated (emphasis added):

    11. Implementation of constitutional reform in Ukraine, with the new constitution to come into effect by the end of 2015, the key element of which is decentralization (taking into account peculiarities of particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, agreed with representatives of these districts), and also approval of permanent legislation on special status of particular districts of Donetsk and Luhansk Oblasts, in accordance with the measures spelt out in the footnotes, by the end of 2015.

    12. Based on the Ukrainian law, “on the temporary order of self-governance in the particular districts of the Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts,” questions dealing with local elections will be discussed and agreed upon by representatives of the areas of the Donetsk and Lugansk oblasts within the framework of the Trilateral Contact Group. Elections will be held in accordance with the relevant OSCE standards and monitored by OSCE/ODIHR.

    The Ukrainian government did not implement these measures. Zelensky has dispelled any doubt as to why: It was an intentional choice.

    German Chancellor Merkel clarified what Ukraine chose to do instead:

    Pretend that it was going to implement Minsk II while using the time to stock up on Western weapons and train its military to prepare for war with Russia."

    West blocked peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia

    "Zelensky’s admission that he sabotaged a peace deal with Russia came just after Israel’s former leader disclosed that the West did the same.

    Former Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett revealed in an interview that the US and Europe “blocked” his attempt to negotiate peace between Russia and Ukraine.

    In a video he published on his YouTube channel, Bennett said “there was a legitimate decision by the West to keep striking Putin”, to escalate the war, instead of seeking peace.

    “So they blocked it?” the interviewer asked, referring to Bennett’s attempt to broker peace. And the former Israeli leader responded, “Basically, yes. They blocked it, and I thought they’re wrong”.

    This was not the only time the West blocked peace.

    In December 2021, Moscow demanded from the West written security guarantees, including the promise that Ukraine would not join NATO and that the US-led military alliance would not carry out activities in Eastern Europe, on Russia’s borders.

    Moscow published two draft treaties for peace. But Washington and Brussels rejected them. The US and NATO insisted that they have the right to continue expanding their aggressive military alliance onto Russia’s borders.

    This blatantly violated the agreement that the US, Britain, and France made with Moscow in 1990, in which the former Soviet Union allowed German reunification on the condition that NATO must not expand “one inch east”. Instead, NATO added 14 new members, all in Central and Eastern Europe – some on Russia’s borders.

    Having exhausted all attempts at a diplomatic resolution to the conflict, Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022.

    Just a few weeks into this new phase of the war, in March, Türkiye held negotiations in Istanbul between Russia and Ukraine. Both sides came to an agreement to end the war, according to the anti-Russian newspaper Ukrainska Pravda and a former top US government official.

    But British Prime Minister Boris Johnson traveled to Kiev to kill the peace deal, and the West instead escalated the proxy war, seeking to destabilize and overthrow the Russian government."

    Ukraine's Zelensky admits he sabotaged Minsk peace deal with Russia, West blocked negotiations - Geopolitical Economy Report

    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  6. #56
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    No-one cares about your stupid propaganda hoohoo, when will you ever learn you're just a laughing stock?

  7. #57
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    Putin’s Statecraft

    Cory Brickner

    12:15 pm on February 10, 2024

    "I think for most of the Lew Rockwell audience Vladimir Putin’s viewpoints from the Tucker Carlson interview are nothing new. I’ve been watching and reading what this man has to say for years. My guess is you have as well. However, in there is a nuance that I realized while watching him talk to Tucker. He has extremely long time preferences a la Hoppe’s “Democracy – The God That Failed.”

    Vladimir Putin has 16+ years being Russian head of state and he is reminiscent of a monarch’s ownership stake in his country. He most definitely has skin in the game and Russia’s long-term interests at heart. It is from this aspect that he can run circles around western politicians with short time preferences, who adhere to post modernist and neocon ideologies, along with having trouble remembering if they put on their Depends when they woke up.

    A perfect example of his personality, leadership, and ability to communicate is when Putin makes a seemingly minor digression to talk about Tucker’s unsuccessful application to the CIA. In one sentence he subtly communicates volumes. On the one hand he implies that he literally crawled up Tucker’s private parts and dug decades deep to get background information on him. It tactfully but playfully conveys a warning that says “I know very private and confidential things about you.”

    Yet, at the same time, he had to have sent the State Department and the intelligence (sic) services into a tizzy disclosing that Russia has access to at least a roster of CIA applicants, if not more.

    In one strategically placed “off-the-cuff” remark President Putin creates a pucker-factor of 10 on multiple levels.

    This is real 3D Chess in action folks. I admire his style, his intelligence, and his statecraft. You should as well. If the US had politicians this well versed in history and its ramifications, with even half his ability to articulate and communicate policy objectives in order to make sure that the citizens and their families of our country continue to have the ability to thrive in a future full of change, we would be much better off in incalculable ways.

    It is why Tucker has been threatened with imaginary crimes for interviewing President Putin. It’s also why the leaders of western countries don’t want to talk to him. Putin removes the mask.

    He reminds them that they are corrupt, unintelligent, and ineffectual politicians, and he’s unwilling to subvert Russian interests for “the rules based order” that only benefits US hegemony. The emperor has no clothes. And he throws responsibility for their actions squarely back at them. There is no “Potomac Two-step” when Putin holds you responsible.

    If you can’t intelligently debate the nuances that surround the truth and come to understand those other perceptions, all you have left is coercion and violence."

    Putin's Statecraft - LRC Blog

  8. #58
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    That was fucking hilarious, both original and edit. Tucker has some balls trying to pull this off and that fucking laugh, Jesus

  9. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Putin's Statecraft - LRC Blog
    maim jail exile murder, hardly original?

  10. #60
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    maim jail exile murder, hardly original?
    Yes, imagine going down in history as the world "leader" with the most murders by defenestration AND poisoning.

  11. #61
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    12 Feb, 2024 18:13

    HomeWorld News

    Tucker Carlson reviews Putin interview and reveals what ‘radicalized’ him

    The American journalist was himself the subject of questioning at the World Government Summit in Dubai

    "Following his two-hour interview with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Moscow, US journalist Tucker Carlson opened up about his experience at the World Government Summit in Dubai.

    In an hour-long interview with TV presenter Emad Eldin Adeeb, Carlson addressed why the conversation with Putin did not touch on certain topics, how the US political establishment had reacted to it, and why Washington has failed to understand Moscow, among other things.

    Putin the diplomat

    Carlson claimed that he had an off-the-record conversation with Putin after their interview, but would not reveal what was discussed, however.

    Carlson did say that Putin seemed willing to negotiate with the West about both the end of the Ukraine conflict and a new balance of power in the world. Diplomacy is the art of compromise, and almost everyone “other than maybe the United States during the unipolar period” understands this, Carlson said. But while Putin wants the conflict to end, his position will only harden the longer it goes on, he added.

    NATO and Russia

    One of the major revelations in the interview for Carlson was that Russia had asked to join NATO – and while then-US President Bill Clinton seemed receptive, his aides pushed against the idea and it ultimately failed.

    Since the entire point of NATO was to keep the Soviet Union out of Western Europe, Carlson said in Dubai, “if the Russians ask to join the alliance, that would suggest you have solved the problem and you can move on to do something constructive with your life. But we refused.”

    “Go sit in the sauna for an hour and think about what that means,” he added.

    The problem with Western politicians

    Politicians in the West aren’t setting themselves “achievable” goals, Carlson has argued.

    “I have heard personally US government officials say well we just have to return Crimea to Ukraine,” he said. “That’s not going to happen, short of a nuclear war. That’s insane, actually.”

    Even bringing up this kind of idea “shows you are a child, you don’t understand the area at all, and you have no real sense of what’s possible,” the journalist concluded.

    It’s always Munich 1938

    According to Carlson, one of the biggest issues in the US and the West in general is the tendency to reduce everything to the 1938 Munich conference, at which Britain and France sought to “appease” Nazi Germany by giving it a portion of Czechoslovakia.

    “The American policymaker historical template is tiny – in fact there’s only one – and it’s a 2-year period in the late 1930s, and everything is based on that understanding of history and human nature. That’s insane,” Carlson said.

    How Moscow ‘radicalized’ him

    Carlson pointed out that he’s 54 and grew up in an America that had nice, safe and beautiful cities, “and we no longer have them.”

    It was “radicalizing” to see Moscow “cleaner, safer and prettier” than American cities, he said, or be reminded of that in Dubai and Abu Dhabi – while in the US, one can’t ride the subway in New York City because it’s dirty and unsafe.

    “That’s a voluntary choice,” he said. “You don’t have to have crime, actually.”

    Reacting to the backlash

    Asked why he hadn’t raised certain topics with Putin, Carlson said he wanted to do the interview because he was interested in how the Russian leader saw the world – and not to inject himself into the discussion.

    Most journalists who interview leaders the US dislikes tend to make it about themselves, Carlson added, and since he only cared about the approval of his wife and their children, he didn’t need to virtue-signal.

    Asked to comment on former US presidential candidate Hillary Clinton calling him a “useful idiot” for Russia, Carlson laughed it off.

    “She’s a child, I don’t listen to her,” he said. “How’s Libya doing?”

    Tucker Carlson reviews Putin interview and reveals what ‘radicalized’ him — RT World News

  12. #62
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    Tucker Carlson interview Vladimir Putin, Musk says X will tream-ap9wzl9_460s-jpg

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    Tucker Carlson interview Vladimir Putin, Musk says X will tream-xi-tucker-jpg

    Tucker: Comrade Xi, how's your relations with Taiwan?

    Xi. OK, so 5,648 years before Christ...

    Tucker: Fuck, please, not that...

  15. #65
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    Putin says he didn't like the Tucker Carlson interview because it was too soft.

    "I honestly thought he would be aggressive and ask tough questions. I wanted that, because I would have given tough answers back [...] to be frank, I didn't get much pleasure from this interview."

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    Quote Originally Posted by misskit View Post
    Putin says he didn't like the Tucker Carlson interview because it was too soft.
    In Vlad’s defense, I doubt Tucker Carlson has ever gotten anyone hard.

  17. #67
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    Putin signals interest in Ukraine talks

    "The great beauty of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s interview with the famous American journalist Tucker Carlson is that there is something in it for almost everyone — be it historians who memorialise the past; diplomats who isolate history and take it out of context; spymasters who were cold warriors with adrenaline flowing still; politologists who contrived to create false narratives; and even an American president or two and one colourful British Prime Minister most certainly, who may have blood on their hands.
    Carlson stated modestly that he wanted to sit down with Putin because “most Americans are not informed” on how the war in Ukraine is “reshaping the world.”

    In the event, as their 2-hour long conversation progressed, a vast panorama unfolded:

    from the origin of Rus to the “artificial state” that is Ukraine;
    from Dostoevsky to the Russian soul;

    from the US’ rebuff to post-Soviet Russia’s hankering to be part of the western alliance to CIA’s support for separatism and terrorism in North Caucasus;

    from NATO’s expansion to the appearance of its bases in Ukraine;

    from the US’ proactive deployment of ABM system in Europe to Russia countering with hypersonic strike systems;

    from weaponisation of dollar to the blowback of de-dollarisation; and,
    the imperative need for the US to adjust to the geopolitical reality that “the world is changing.”

    The interview has broken the internet, garnering dozens of millions of views on X. Its reverberations may likely continue during the campaign for the November elections. Independent Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr wrote: “Tucker Carlson has been smeared for days. The legacy media and Democrat establishment are upset at him for simply doing his job. Americans can handle thought-provoking conversations. We can handle dangerous thoughts or contrary ideas that don’t fit the MSM narrative. Let us decide for ourselves.”

    Without doubt, the war in Ukraine was the leitmotif of the interview. When asked about the prospect for peace, Putin suggested, “If you really want to stop fighting, you need to stop supplying weapons.” Putin further responded, “It will be over within a few weeks. That’s it.”

    The tantalisingly easy solution is anchored on Putin’s belief, which he held consistently since the conflict began in February 2022, that this is at the core a civil war and a fratricidal strife that divided families, relatives and friends, which might not have happened without the maleficent, intrusive behaviour by Western powers.

    The interplay of three related factors may account for Putin’s guarded sanguineness. First and foremost, the interview comes as momentum on the battlefield has swung in Russia’s favour. Also, at a deeper level, the Congressional resistance to aid to Ukraine underscores the transformation of party dynamics and the electorate in the US.

    The Republican Party, which once distinguished itself by its tough opposition to Russia, is increasingly leaning toward isolationism and, in some circles, there is even sympathy for Moscow.

    Of course, if American politics is feverish, it is not due to Putin but due to the growth of populism, the polarisation of society, which are internal phenomena with historical roots. After decades of bipartisan Cold War consensus about America’s role in the world, for many, globalisation, flow of illegal migrants, foreign wars, etc. have discredited the old way of thinking.

    A second factor could be the nascent sense in some quarters in Moscow that although President Zelensky “deceived his voters” by turning his back on his mandate to end the conflict in Donbass, and instead decided in self-interest that it was “beneficial and safe… not to clash with neo-Nazis and nationalists, because they are aggressive and very active, you can expect anything from them, and secondly, the US-led West supports them and will always support those who antagonise with Russia” — nonetheless, he still can negotiate with Moscow.

    Putin recalled the stunning disclosure in an interview on Ukrainian television by Davyd Arakhamia who headed the delegation to negotiate with the Russian officials in Istanbul in March 2022 and had, in fact, initialled the final document, that “after we returned from Istanbul, Boris Johnson visited Kyiv and said that we should not sign anything with the Russians and ‘let’s just fight’.”

    To quote Arakhamia, who currently is the leader of the ruling party’s faction in the Ukrainian parliament and a top advisor to Zelensky, “The war could have ended in the spring of 2022 if Ukraine had agreed to neutrality. Russia’s goal was to put pressure on us so that we would be neutral. This was the main thing for them: They were ready to end the war if we accepted neutrality, like Finland once did. And for us to make a commitment that we will not join NATO. This is the main thing.”

    Arguably, this is where the power struggle in Kiev and the ouster of Gen. Valery Zaluzhni, formerly Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces comes into play as the third factor. Significantly, on Monday, according to a Tass report, the head of Russia’s foreign intelligence service Sergey Naryshkin issued a statement in Moscow that the US and its G7 allies are nervous about defections from Ukrainian regime and are floating an idea to appoint a special representative in Kiev to ensure that Zelensky acts on the dotted line. Naryshkin hinted that there is basis to such fears in the G-7 capitals.

    Indeed, at the fag end of the interview with Carlson, Putin also left a parting message that “There are options (for peace talks) if there is a will.” He added:

    “Up until now, there has been the uproar and screaming about inflicting a strategic defeat on Russia on the battlefield. Now they (NATO) are apparently coming to realise that it is difficult to achieve, if possible at all. In my opinion, it is impossible by definition, it is never going to happen. It seems to me that now those who are in power in the West have come to realise this as well.

    “If so, if the realisation has set in, they have to think what to do next. We are ready for this dialogue… to put it more accurately, they are willing but do not know how to do it. I know they want. It is not just I see it but I know they do want it but they are struggling to understand how to do it… Well, now let them think how to reverse the situation. We are not against it.”

    The big question is whether the Biden Administration will bite the bullet. The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited the White House on February 9. In his media remarks before the meeting with President Biden, Scholz doubted Putin’s intentions, saying “He wants to get the part of the territory of its neighbours. Just imperialist — imperialism. And I think it is necessary that we do all our best to support Ukraine and to give them the chance to defend their country.”

    On his part, though, Biden remained circumspect. Later, a detailed White House readout focusing on West Asian developments, merely stated: “President Biden and Chancellor Scholz reaffirmed their resolute support for Ukraine in its struggle against Russia’s war of aggression. The President commended Germany’s exemplary contributions to Ukraine’s self-defence, and Chancellor Scholz emphasised the significance of sustained U.S. support.”

    It seems the high probability is that the Biden administration intends to keep the conflict alive at least until November while its main focus will be on West Asian developments that have a direct bearing on the president’s candidacy in the November elections . "

    Putin signals interest in Ukraine talks - Indian Punchline

  18. #68
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    09-06-2024 @ 10:31 AM
    A teenage Russian girl makes a lot more sense than some of our posters:

  19. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Putin signals interest in Ukraine talks
    Fuck off vatnik.

    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Indian Punchline
    More complete BS.

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    Looks like Hoohoo is a big fan of pricks who hate women.

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    John Stewart’s take.

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    I wonder if Tucker is going to mention the high heeled murderer's execution of his biggest rival?

  25. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by beachbound View Post
    Excellent piece. It shows what a fucking retard Tucker really is.

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