Looks like Xi's adamant to claim

the never Chinese beautifil isle of Formosa (Portuguese for pretty like Hispanic Hermosa),

The Portuguese were the first Europeans to reach the island off the southern coast of China in 1544, and named it Formosa (Portuguese for "beautiful") due to the beautiful landscape as seen from the sea.

China's president used his party's 100 year anniversary to warn other countries against trying to influence China.
Xi Jinping said that they would "crack their heads and spill blood" if they tried.
He was speaking in Beijing on Thursday at an event marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China, founded in 1921.
The party has ruled continuously for the past 72 years, after triumphing in a long civil war in 1949.
Xi said: "The Chinese people will never allow foreign forces to bully, oppress or enslave us. Whoever nurses delusions of doing that will crack their heads and spill blood on a Great Wall of steel built from the flesh and blood of 1.4 billion Chinese."
Xi said that China would not allow "sanctimonious preaching" from other nations.
Relationships between the US and China have been deteriorating, and other countries have increasingly condemned China for its human rights record, including its placing of millions of Uighur Muslim people in camps.