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  1. #1
    david44's Avatar
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    GRU lies and what to do with a problem called Maria Adela Kuhfeldt Rivera

    Lies, damned lies and Russian spies lies.

    Inventing ‘Maria Adela’

    links to the Salisbury murderers

    “Sergey Pavlov”, real name Sergey Lyutenko (top), and “Alexander Danilin”, real name Alexander Kovalchuk (left), known GRU officers, had passports differing from that of “Maria Adela” (right) in the last three digits

    On 8 August 2005, the Civil Registration office of the Independencia District in Lima, Peru, received an application for inscription of a new Peruvian citizen into the country’s national citizen database. The would-be citizen stated that her name was Maria Adela Kuhfeldt Rivera, and her lawyers presented a birth certificate from the civil registry of the seaside town of Callao. The birth certificate was dated 1 September 1978 and carried the sequential number 1109 on Peru’s record of births for that year.
    According to a letter from the Peruvian civilian registry reviewed by Bellingcat, the civil officer handling the case put the application on hold and requested additional evidence for the actual birth of Maria Adela.
    On 19 August 2005, “Maria Adela”’s lawyers submitted an extra document: a baptism certificate from the Cristo Liberador parish in Callao. According to the church document, baby Maria Adela was born on 1 September 1978, and was baptised two weeks later, on 14 September 1978.

    The Lima civil officer was not convinced and reached out for verification to the parish priest at the Cristo Liberador dioceses, the Rvd. José Enrique Herrera Quiroga. Unluckily for the citizen-in-waiting, the priest would not even have had to check the church records to report that the document was fake. He had had the honour of being the founder and inaugural priest at this church which was established in 1987, nine years after the supposed baptism of Maria Adela had taken place. The website of the Cristo Liberador dioceses details the date it was founded, something a representative of the parish confirmed when Bellingcat contacted it.

    More here of FSB/SVR/GRU incompetence

    Last edited by david44; 06-09-2022 at 03:54 PM.
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    your brain is as empty as a eunuchs underpants.
    from brief encounters unexpurgated version

  2. #2
    Thailand Expat
    Shutree's Avatar
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    09-06-2024 @ 12:36 PM
    One heartbeat away from eternity
    Interesting. There's a bit at the end of that link that spotlights the professionalism of the former agent. If anyone is ever 'former':

    The picture that “Maria Adela” had used as her Facebook profile had also been used by Olga as her profile image on WhatsApp. “Maria Adela” had also posted the picture to her Instagram page.

  3. #3
    david44's Avatar
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    Il filo rosso tra la nuotatrice Linda Cerruti e la spia Olga Kolobova

    La nuotatrice Linda Cerruti è stata bersagliata sui social per una foto in cui mostrava gambe e medaglie. La spia russa a Napoli Olga Kolobova ha fregato tutti. Entrambe sono vittime del pregiudizio contro le donne. A cui si chiede solo modestia, ritegno e capacità di tornare nell’ombra.

    27 Agosto 2022 16:16Lia Celi

    Cosa lega Linda Cerruti, la campionessa di nuoto sincronizzato plurimedagliata agli ultimi Europei di Roma, e Olga Kolobova, alias Adela Kutscher, la spia russa infiltrata nell’alta società napoletana con vista sulla base Nato? La giovane età, certo, la piacevolezza dell’aspetto e il fatto di avere servito, ognuna a modo suo, il proprio Paese, l’una vincendo gare per i colori azzurri, l’altra carpendo segreti, o cercando di carpirli, per il Gru, l’intelligence del Cremlino. Ma fra l’atleta e la spia c’è un altro nesso, più volatile in quanto creato dalla concomitanza della cronaca, e al tempo stesso più profondo, perché c’entra con lo sguardo, il giudizio e il pregiudizio con cui si guarda alle donne.

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