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  1. #476
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    Here’s me thinking you might have a sense of humour. That was a wasted thought wasn’t it?

  2. #477
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    I learn something new every day. Today it is the word bellthronk. It should come in handy.

  3. #478
    Hangin' Around cyrille's Avatar
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    ^^Ah right, OK.

    It was all a joke.

    Not you being staggeringly stupid yet again.


  4. #479
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post
    ^^Ah right, OK.

    It was all a joke.

    Not you being staggeringly stupid yet again.


    You agreeing with everything I say won’t work Cyrille. You are still a cock. Good job your posts have a short shelf life, in that most posters ignore them and you.

  5. #480
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    I learn something new every day. Today it is the word bellthronk. It should come in handy.
    I have never heard of a belthronk, but if it is derogatory then it will do to describe Cyrille.

  6. #481
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman123 View Post
    a belthronk
    thronk - Urban Dictionary › define › term=thronk1. To be hit in the groin with an object. 2. To be dissed, slammed, or made fun of. 3. To be shot down whilst talking to a member of the opposite sex. 1. Haha!


  7. #482
    Thailand Expat prawnograph's Avatar
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    The Economist compares the United Kingdom to Italy but today it is London that makes the world laugh

  8. #483
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    The British Prime Minister - for as long as there is a Great Britain-wpcbe221021-jpg

  9. #484
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    Quote Originally Posted by Switch View Post
    Cyrille. You are still a cock
    Quote Originally Posted by Shutree View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceman123 View Post
    I have never heard of a belthronk, but if it is derogatory then it will do to describe Cyrille.
    Ah, our dear sybill has many admirers

  10. #485
    Thailand Expat DrWilly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cyrille View Post

    Do you ever post anything that hasn't been posted a hundred times previously?

    Or ever substantiate any of your silly claims, motivated presumably just by abject boredom and the emptiness of your life?

    Can't be arsed with you anymore, you pointless Kraut twat.

    Jesus. Projecting much, Cryille?

  11. #486
    Thailand Expat tomcat's Avatar
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    The British Prime Minister - for as long as there is a Great Britain-ffnqqaqwyaalaa5-jpg

  12. #487
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    Prime Minister
    He will NEVER

    This should be moved to jokes and funny pictures.

  13. #488
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Truss is entitled to $129,000 a year as an ex-prime minister, despite shortest term ever

    By Sana Noor Haq, CNN

    Updated 9:51 AM EDT, Fri October 21, 2022

    "Liz Truss quit her post as Britain’s prime minister just 45 days into the job, but she will be able to claim expenses of up to £115,000 ($129,000) a year for the rest of her life.
    Truss, who presided over failed fiscal plans and a deeply polarized ruling party during her disastrous six-week term in office, is set to become the shortest-serving prime minister in British history after announcing her resignation on Thursday. "

    Prime minister'''s allowance: Truss is entitled to $129,000 a year as an ex-prime minister, despite shortest term ever | CNN
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  14. #489
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    ^ You're a bit late to the party with that news, besides I really don't think Liz Truss will be asked to perform any future public duties so her use of the PDCA is a moot point.

  15. #490
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    The pong remains the same but the misery lingers on.

    Mini-budget has 'inflicted lasting damage' on Britain's Conservative Party, says political scientist | Euronews

    Those who lose their holiday, job, home or business won't forget in a hurry

    The ratings agencies have already spoken and UK debt will cost more in the future, some of this is of course global rise following the Fed , but not all.

  16. #491
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    The pong remains the same but the misery lingers on.

    Mini-budget has 'inflicted lasting damage' on Britain's Conservative Party, says political scientist | Euronews

    Those who lose their holiday, job, home or business won't forget in a hurry

    The ratings agencies have already spoken and UK debt will cost more in the future, some of this is of course global rise following the Fed , but not all.
    The damage to the Tory party is self inflicted and incidental. The electorate will suffer much worse.

  17. #492
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    Those who lose their holiday, job, home or business won't forget in a hurry
    Of course no-one lost their holiday home.

  18. #493
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    Truss is entitled to $129,000 a year as an ex-prime minister,
    She'll get paid in dollars? Wow. Only you or Backspit could have posted that, and you are supposed to be British.

  19. #494
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    you are supposed to be British.
    That spiel has been dropped a long time ago . . . he may have British nationality but he's a mainlander through and through

  20. #495
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    "Liz Truss quit her post as Britain’s prime minister just 45 days into the job, but she will be able to claim expenses of up to £115,000 ($129,000) a year for the rest of her life.
    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    She'll get paid in dollars? Wow. Only you or Backspit could have posted that, and you are supposed to be British.
    Now now

    I'm sure that it's also posted in dollars for a reason.

    Not everybody is familiar with currencies as inferior as the British Pound.

    To be fair

  21. #496
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    I'm sure that it's also posted in dollars for a reason.
    [QUOTE=OhOh;4442955]Prime minister'''s allowance: Truss is entitled to $129,000 a year as an ex-prime minister, despite shortest term ever | CNN[/QUOTE]

    The source!

    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    She'll get paid in dollars? Wow
    If you had read the post, you would have seen this:

    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    but she will be able to claim expenses of up to £115,000
    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    you are supposed to be British.
    That's what my UK birth certificate, current UK passport and UK state pension suggest.

    Although, a Canadian passport option could be useful, I suppose.

    At my last crossing of the Canadian/Nagastan land border, many years ago, the only question was, "nationality". I replied "UK", "On you go sir." was his reply.

    My last entry by air into NaGastan was, "Passport". Then a 5-minute wait, whilst the officer read my online file. I did ask if there was anything interesting, but she just smiled.
    Last edited by OhOh; 24-10-2022 at 10:30 PM.

  22. #497
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    a Canadian passport
    Some had mistakenly assumed you were a Comedian

  23. #498
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    a Comedian
    You would kill for that passport

    Edit: Ya woolen kilt lacks a PiessPorter
    Last edited by helge; 24-10-2022 at 10:36 PM.

  24. #499
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    That's what my UK birth certificate, current UK passport and UK state pension suggest.

  25. #500
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    Keir Starmer: I will abolish House of Lords to ‘restore trust in politics’

    Keir Starmer will abolish the House of Lords and replace it with a new elected chamber as part of plans to “restore trust in politics”, the Observer understands.

    In a sweeping constitutional overhaul, the Labour leader has told the party’s peers that he wants to strip politicians of the power to make appointments to the Lords as part of the first-term programme of a Labour government. Starmer said that the public’s faith in the political system had been undermined by successive Tory leaders handing peerages to “lackeys and donors”.

    It is understood that Labour will hold a consultation on the composition and size of a new chamber as well as immediate reforms to the current appointments process. Final proposals will be included in the party’s next election manifesto.

    Meanwhile, Liz Truss is also said to be planning a resignation list of new peers despite a disastrous leadership that lasted just seven weeks.

    In a meeting last week, Starmer told Labour peers that there was now strong support for reform of the Lords, both across party lines and among the public. He outlined “some very clear principles” for reform, including that any new chamber should be elected by voters rather than appointed by politicians.

    “I want to be clear that we do need to restore the trust of the public in every part of the United Kingdom in our system of government,” he said. “House of Lords reform is just one part of that … People have lost faith in the ability of politicians and politics to bring about change – that is why, as well as fixing our economy, we need to fix our politics.”

    He added that it should be “truly representative” of the UK’s nations and regions, meaning it should have a clear role in safeguarding devolution. However, he also said that his proposals would ensure it should not replace any of the functions of the House of Commons, remaining a second chamber charged with amending and scrutinising legislation. The Commons would retain exclusive powers over the public finances and the formation of governments.

    The proposals will also set out much stronger devolved powers, as part of a review of Britain’s constitutional arrangements overseen by Gordon Brown, the former prime minister.

    Starmer told party peers on Wednesday that he regarded reforming the Lords as a critical part of his agenda aimed at “promoting inclusive growth and restoring trust in politics”. While he said that they would continue to play a “vital role” in the campaign to win the next election, reform was needed to show the public that Labour would provide a fresh start after a series of Tory scandals.

    He pointed to Johnson’s recent use of his power to appoint peers as showing the need for reform. He said Johnson’s plans to reward “lackeys and donors” made him the latest in a long line of Tory prime ministers who have played party politics with the Lords and ridden roughshod over the appointments system: “We should be rebuilding trust in politics, but this can’t just be an article of faith – we need to show how we will do things differently. Reforming our second chamber has to be a part of that

    more: Keir Starmer: I will abolish House of Lords to ‘restore trust in politics’ | House of Lords | The Guardian

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