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  1. #1
    david44's Avatar
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    Scomo's Double Bubble pulls of Biden+Boris

    While satisfying the puppeteers in Washington, Langley and the Kangeroo tamers/userers in City of London the Okker regime has also managed to frazzle the frogs and torpedo major trading partner.

    Pissed Macron pulls envoys out
    Boris pulls stops out for UK jobs
    Biden pulls his pants up
    Scot Morrison pulls his finger out, a sheep relaxes.
    Xi Jinping pulls his Gobshite news shills to portray Van Demonsland as a wondrous mine temporariy run by white Imperialists as the Kurri masses yearn to rise up and go to the Bottlo and turn their Centerlink portfolio into liquid assets.

    His excellency the French ambusheer Sir Enda-Monquee said it was a relief to be withdrawn fron Canberra a hardshit posting without Michelin food , whose women ressembled Michelin men and smelled worse.

    Those familar with military history and Catholic contraception practices said they were unsurprised by French withdrawal.

    French Forces were roused to stanby and prepare for any eventuality even surrendering to Germany early this time once the brothel Menus translated.

    France recalls ambassadors to US, Australia over submarine spat – POLITICO

    No sense of Cynicism marrying your teacher syndrome?

    France recalls ambassador to Turkey after Erdoğan questions Macron's mental state | Recep Tayyip Erdoğan | The Guardian

    Vive La Rope Pubic et merde aux branleurs yanquis
    Quote Originally Posted by taxexile View Post
    your brain is as empty as a eunuchs underpants.
    from brief encounters unexpurgated version

  2. #2
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Yesterday @ 07:58 PM
    la frunce will just kick their francophone servants a bit till they assuage the affront to their egos

    hopefully australia will see a flushing of the liberal turds by may next year and the new govt can set up a real ICAC and start spending the cash in ways that will benefit the people more that the corps

    and make an effort to tax the offshore corps and the very rich private companies who hide their wealth behind archaic laws

  3. #3
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    I think it was Wellington the French soldiers never very good after lunch, I think Brits concerned about teh French whose Exocets created havoc in the Falklands War and of course their brave murder of teh Rainbow Warriors Portuguese volunteer in Aauckland Harbour, the DGSE were spirited away and some still at large.

    French spy who sank Greenpeace ship apologises for lethal bombing | Environmental activism | The Guardian

  4. #4
    Thailand Expat
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    This will teach them...

    France is so mad about the Australia submarine deal that it canceled a big party in D.C.
    SEP 16 2021

    French officials in Washington canceled a gala at their compound over frustration with the new security partnership between the U.S., U.K. and Australia.

    The development comes after France expressed outrage over a new partnership that, in part, ends a long-standing submarine contract between Australia and France.

    “It was a stab in the back. We had established a relationship of trust with Australia. This trust has been betrayed,” France minister of foreign affairs Jean-Yves Le Drian said earlier.

    WASHINGTON – French officials in Washington canceled a Friday evening gala at their sprawling compound over frustration with the new security partnership between the U.S., U.K. and Australia.

    A French official confirmed to CNBC that the event, which was slated to commemorate the 240th anniversary of the Battle of the Capes, will no longer take place at the embassy in Washington.

    France cancels gala in D.C. over Australia submarine deal

  5. #5
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    You better be careful with your finger pointing:

    Scomo's Double Bubble pulls of Biden+Boris-macron-biden-jpg

    France is the oldest ally of the US but is the alliance under strain?

    Afghanistan crisis: How Europe'''s relationship with Joe Biden turned sour - BBC News

  6. #6
    david44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    It was a stab in the back
    Losing your oldest ally by faili to signal in advance seems like a double diplomatic error.

    Oe thing you can say about teh Thais they understand how a well stuffed envelope saves loss of face.

    With Fed literally helicopteronh money to the feckless and illegal immigrants bunging one of onl 2 allies on the security council seems like a faux pas and in the long run for enemoes of democracy.

    Sure Xi Putin and all the others are delighted.

    I am neither a fan or enemy of USA nor France as an impartial neutral observer seems the wrong optics.

    The goal seems to wave a big Pacific stick at teh new whelp China but merely cahnging the provenance of what will be a redundant weapon by the time in service seems utterly banal.

    Am I missing something, I know my formatting grammar and typos are not world class but why piss of the French capricious, accidental or unless deeper darker motives?

    After bugging Merkel and the ramifications of Brexit beginin to make German voters wonder if they wish to be teh sole backstop for ever Spendthrift to ths South it may be a play to ensure a CDU /CSU catch up in what is slated to be a Socialist /Green win in EU's lead economy next week.

    Being a Spitzenkadidate is hard to swallow.

  7. #7
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    26-09-2021 @ 10:28 PM
    I think: just wait and see... A distraction from other problems... The problems that never cease be a problem. Can the politics - the real ones - live without problems?
    Hopefully no other 9/11 - after the pandemic (isn't it 9/11.02?) - will plague us...

  8. #8
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    Fucking cheese eating surrender monkeys whining about Australia, they weren't whining when some 50,000 out of 300,000 Diggers died fighting the enemy on their soil while their own soldiers dropped their guns and hid under their mothers skirts till it was all over. Yeah fuck off home you frog cvnts, and take your tears with you.

  9. #9
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headworx View Post
    Fucking cheese eating surrender monkeys whining about Australia, they weren't whining when some 50,000 out of 300,000 Diggers died fighting the enemy on their soil while their own soldiers dropped their guns and hid under their mothers skirts till it was all over. Yeah fuck off home you frog cvnts, and take your tears with you.
    They seem to have forgotten Brexit.

  10. #10
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Klondyke View Post
    A distraction from other problems
    like all politics

    one of his , christian porter the rapist and ex attorney general has just admitted to being paid off by unknown benefactors and thinks it is not a cause for concern

    and scotty from marketing is trying to distract from being an utter slimy cnut by using his idols strategy of shouting the slanty eyed chins are going to invade and only he can lead us in his coming war ,thinking that this will win him the election - it just might considering the commercial press loves the click baiting that they can use to drive the stupid to their advertising money

    but still , sinking this submarine abomination whose specs were designed by a committee of lawyers breast fed on hollywood movies is a good result

    even though this will tie us to the seppo systems , it should manage to get a new strategic northern territory port and a naval vessel that will really surveil the coastline and beyond and have the ability to make shipping uncomfortable when needed

    those frunce cnuts can go back to manipulating their ex colonies in the name of francophonie and total like they always have because they have gotten a free pass from the rest of us who know i happens but do not deliver swift kicks to the gonads - thou the seppos and the canadians are not exactly free of this

  11. #11
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Let's not forget when the world has enemies, it's usually the fucking froggies that are sneaking in the back door trying to do business with them on the sly.

    The UK hasn't forgotten them fixing missile launchers so the argies could fire Exocets at RN ships.

    So fuck them.

  12. #12
    Excommunicated baldrick's Avatar
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    Yesterday @ 07:58 PM
    guaranteed they paid people off for the sub deal - normal business procedure

  13. #13
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Headworx View Post
    Fucking cheese eating surrender monkeys whining about Australia, they weren't whining when some 50,000 out of 300,000 Diggers died fighting the enemy on their soil while their own soldiers dropped their guns and hid under their mothers skirts till it was all over.
    I'm sure you are talking WW1 here.

    Never heard that the french ran anywhere then. Please tell

    About your horrendous losses:

    You should take that up with your own commanders or the brits, who probably were the ones, who ordered the ..diggers over the top.

    A slaughter...for everyone

  14. #14
    david44's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    Never heard that the french ran anywhere then
    Perhaps you need to try this new gangled GO Ogle prog some of the youngsters use it every month.
    Send me a pm when sober and I'll send you an invite, Somme nam na
    I have it on my mobile telephone apparatus but too pissed so I have my staff ring a Miss Siri or a Mr Cortana who apparently are knowalls.
    It's fantastic like being able to give Socal a pull 24/7 or havnfun or deeks proffering their winnowed wisdom, if you go for the premium Tossaposergold subscription you may even get Lulu interwankliy or subincontinental Willy anytime.

    Of course some of Les Poilus the Fransk "home team" sneaked off to deliver the sausage at weekends to their sweethearts or the many brothels that emerged to entertain young men with cash but no gals away from home.Hard to envision love for sale in a Buddhist paradise. Others serviced teh many lonely boys from England's pubic schools who so tired of writing poetry would bend over backwards for a Gallic jerk.

    Some struck for larger baguettes, delayed pay , penalties for buggery, and of course the mindles "over the top" slaughter at behest of pissed generals.

    Worthy Danes won the battle of Tannenberg which effectively knocked Russia outta WW1

    Whiley Danskers imported shoddy beef from Fray Bentos and similar Argey Bargey in the era of sub Smeg refrigeration some esitmate that over a quarter a million suffered from taking the Danish porking,.

    One of teh first cases in hsitory of mass spamming

    Steff Houlberg were able to pick up prime real estate and businesses from Rafaeloen to Westerbrogade , liek Chicago 1970s Copenhage had downtown abbattoirs,I myself saw many a stunner cycling down Istegade to my humble ship on Kalvebod Brygge, the army had turned their barracks into a bong trainging school cllaed Christiana , ah those were teh days........

    1917 French Army mutinies - Wikipedia

    Alimentary my dear Stuffa helgeburger

    Despite all the apolgist films we note STDs almost equal shell shock, it was like Pattay without condoms or penicillin wiith added shelling

    Thyphus Fever in World War I - Insects, Disease, and Histroy | Montana State University

    All in all pretty grim for the footsoldiers on all side, I listened to their tales as a lad and almost incredible horror.

  15. #15
    Thailand Expat helge's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    Worthy Danes won the battle of Tannenberg which effectively knocked Russia outta WW1

    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    Whiley Danskers imported shoddy beef from Fray Bentos and similar Argey Bargey in the era of sub Smeg refrigeration some esitmate that over a quarter a million suffered from taking the Danish porking,.

    One of teh first cases in hsitory of mass spamming

    Steff Houlberg were able to pick up prime real estate and businesses from Rafaeloen to Westerbrogade , liek Chicago 1970s Copenhage had downtown abbattoirs,I myself saw many a stunner cycling down Istegade to my humble ship on Kalvebod Brygge, the army had turned their barracks into a bong trainging school cllaed Christiana , ah those were teh days.......
    I'm impressed

    Would have been better if this proud intermezzo in danish history was forgotten.

    And then again; a lesson or two to be learned from the appearance of the Gullash Barons.
    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    All in all pretty grim for the footsoldiers on all side, I listened to their tales as a lad and almost incredible horror.
    An aussie myth that only they took the losses and were sacrifized.

    Quote Originally Posted by david44 View Post
    Alimentary my dear Stuffa helgeburger
    Seems so

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