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  1. #1626
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    So in your opinion, the Chinese government is not beating us hands down, in terms of delivering the benefits and profits of society to the average citizen PH?
    No, because it's a totalitarian state where people are afraid to criticize the government for fear of incarceration or worse, you complete fucking idiot.

    Are you the sort of moron that would like to live like that?

  2. #1627
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Are you the sort of moron that would like to live like that?
    Obviously not, which is why the clown lives in the comfort of Australia. Clearly, he must be getting some coin from Beijing to shill as hard as he does.

  3. #1628
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    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post
    Obviously not, which is why the clown lives in the comfort of Australia. Clearly, he must be getting some coin from Beijing to shill as hard as he does.
    Well it's either that or he's an abject tosser.

  4. #1629
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    Like taking candy from squealing little babies-

    Meanwhile, economic growth in China has been so strong that -- despite widening inequality -- the incomes of the bottom 50 percent have also “grown markedly,” the economists wrote. Their analysis found that the poorest half of Chinese workers saw their average income grow more than 400 percent from 1978 to 2015. For their American counterparts, income decreased 1 percent.

    “This is likely to make rising inequality much more acceptable” in China, they noted. “In contrast, in the U.S.. there was no growth left at all for the bottom 50 percent (-1 percent).”

  5. #1630
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cujo View Post
    It's a free world isn't it ?
    Does anyone complain when Chinese officials visit abroad.
    They are generally invited by the host countries government's official office.

    Have you been successful in travelling on an airline without a valid visa, destination government issued authority?

  6. #1631
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    A ship carrying Australian iron ore docked in China’s Shandong province last week. As Australia’s biggest buyer, there’s nothing unusual about that. What was remarkable was how that iron had been paid for.

    The transaction had been in Chinese yuan. Not US dollars.

    The Beijing-controlled Global Times saw this as a small – but significant – victory.

    “Australian firms understand they cannot always play by their own rules in business partnerships with Chinese clients, their largest global buyer, and the use of the Chinese yuan for trade is a positive change,” it quoted East China Normal University Australia Studies director Chen Hong as saying.

  7. #1632
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    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on August 1, 2022


    During the Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the SCO, foreign ministers of some member states released a joint statement on strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention (BWC) on July 29. Could you offer more details and China’s position on that?

    Zhao Lijian:

    During the SCO Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, the foreign ministers of Russia, China, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan released a joint statement on strengthening the BWC on July 29.

    The joint statement affirms the significance of the BWC for international security, emphasizes the need to comply with and strengthen the Convention, calls for resuming negotiations on a verification protocol, and expresses concern over the absence of a verification mechanism under the BWC framework. The statement expresses support for a balance between security and development and upholding all countries’ lawful rights to the peaceful use of biotechnology. It also notes the initiatives proposed by various parties to enhance global biosecurity governance, including the call by Russia and China to include information on the overseas military biological activities by the BWC States Parties in the reporting form, the Tianjin Biosecurity Guidelines for Codes of Conduct for Scientists put forward by China, and the creation of an International Agency for Biological Safety proposed by Kazakhstan. This joint statement fully demonstrates the parties’ sense of responsibility and firm resolve to practice true multilateralism and strengthen global biosecurity governance.

    Biosecurity bears on the security and development interests of all countries. When putting forward the Global Security Initiative, President Xi Jinping stressed that we need to jointly maintain world peace and security and work together on global challenges such as biosecurity. The BWC Ninth Review Conference will be held at the end of this year. The international community should work in concert for a substantive conference to strengthen the BWC mechanisms and ensure universal compliance. We stand ready to work together with all parties to further advance dialogue and cooperation on biosecurity under the SCO framework, strengthen the BWC mechanisms, and improve the global biosecurity governance system.


    Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern today asked China to condemn Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. She also said that China has a duty to uphold international rules. What is your response?

    Zhao Lijian:

    It is said among Western journalists that “only bad news makes good news”. I noticed that Prime Minister Ardern also made quite a few positive statements on New Zealand’s relations with China. For instance, she has said she would have interaction with China, make in-person visits and lead a business delegation to China. 

    As to your question, China’s position on the Ukraine crisis is consistent and clear. We urge relevant parties to cease hostilities through dialogue and negotiation, and the international community should also create conditions and space for that.

    As to China-New Zealand relations, China and New Zealand are each other’s important cooperation partners. For 50 years since the establishment of diplomatic ties, the bilateral relations have made substantial progress and created many “firsts” in China’s relations with developed countries, bringing tangible benefits to the two peoples. This has set a good example for bilateral relations between countries with different natural endowment and socioeconomic systems and at varied development stages. China is ready to work with New Zealand to seize the opportunities of the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties, follow the principle of mutual respect and win-win cooperation, carry forward the spirit of “striving to be the first”, promote mutual trust, advance practical cooperation and properly handle differences to work for an even more productive China-New Zealand comprehensive strategic partnership


    US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is scheduled to visit Southeast Asia and East Asia this week and Taiwan is not mentioned in her itinerary. What’s China’s comment?

    Zhao Lijian:

    Recently, the Chinese side has repeatedly made clear to the US side our serious concern over Speaker Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan and our firm opposition to the visit. We have been stressing that such a visit would lead to serious consequences. As President Xi Jinping stressed to US President Joe Biden in their phone call, the position of the Chinese government and people on the Taiwan question is consistent, and resolutely safeguarding China’s national sovereignty and territorial integrity is the firm will of the more than 1.4 billion Chinese people. The public opinion cannot be defied. Those who play with fire will perish by it.

    We believe that the US side is fully aware of China’s strong and clear message. 

    We are closely following the itinerary of Speaker  Pelosi. A visit to Taiwan by her would constitute a gross interference in China’s internal affairs, seriously undermine China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, wantonly trample on the one-China principle, greatly threaten peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait, severely undermine China-US relations and lead to a very serious situation and grave consequences. 
    We want to once again make it clear to the US side that the Chinese side is fully prepared for any eventuality and that the People’s Liberation Army of China will never sit idly by, and we will make resolute response and take strong countermeasures to uphold China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, What the US should do is to abide by the one-China principle and the stipulations of the three Sino-US joint communiqués, fulfill President Biden’s commitment of not supporting “Taiwan independence” and not arrange for a visit by Speaker Pelosi to Taiwan.

    Phoenix TV:

    The Iran nuclear talks have stalled since March. Ali Bagheri Kani, Iran’s deputy foreign minister and chief nuclear negotiator, said on July 31 that Tehran had responded to the EU’s new draft aimed at bringing the US and Iran back to compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) nuclear deal, “to give another chance to the US to demonstrate good faith”. How does China view the prospects of the negotiations?

    Zhao Lijian:

    The negotiations on resuming compliance with the JCPOA are now at a critical juncture. Parties concerned should stay committed to the direction of dialogue and negotiation and step up diplomatic efforts to strive for consensus on outstanding issues. The US, as the one who started the Iranian nuclear crisis, should fully rectify its erroneous policy of “maximum pressure” and respond positively to Iran’s legitimate and reasonable demands, which will help to enable the negotiations to produce results at an early date.

    Two questions about Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Asia. The first is that in her official schedule, she said she’s going to Singapore, Malaysia, South Korea and Japan. There was obviously no mention of Taiwan. What’s China’s take on that? Is that cause for optimism? The second question is, you said the military would not sit by idly. Can you elaborate on that? What are we likely to see if she were to visit Taiwan? 

    Zhao Lijian:

    On your first question, we’ve seen the press release issued by Speaker Pelosi’s office, her own tweets and the press reports. I have made the Chinese government’s position very clear just now. 
    On your second question, Pelosi is the third highest-ranking official in the US government, which means it would be highly sensitive for her to visit Taiwan no matter what. Whatever the timing or way she chooses to go to Taiwan, it will seriously violate the one-China principle and the provisions of the three Sino-US joint communiqués and seriously undermine China-US relations. It will undoubtedly create an egregious political impact.

    If Pelosi visits Taiwan, the Chinese side will respond resolutely and take strong countermeasures to defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity. As for what those measures will be, let’s see what happens if she actually goes.

    Zhao Lijian:

    The Chinese side has repeatedly made clear our serious concern over Speaker Pelosi’s potential visit to Taiwan and our firm opposition to the visit. We will take firm and strong measures to safeguard our sovereignty and territorial integrity. I would like to stress that the one-China principle is what underpins peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait. It is the US side that has kept distorting and hollowing out the one-China policy, making irresponsible remarks and creating factors of tension on the Taiwan question. The US has recently begun to emphasize the importance of upholding all countries’ sovereignty and territorial integrity. We hope the US will honor those words first and foremost on the Taiwan question and refrain from applying double standards."

    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Zhao Lijian’s Regular Press Conference on August 1, 2022
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  8. #1633
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    Renminbi gets global currency basket upgrade

    By ZHOU LANXU | China Daily | Updated: 2022-08-02 07:22

    Still remains in third place behind dollar, euro but ahead of yen, pound

    "The enhanced standing of the renminbi as a key global reserve asset will further boost the Chinese currency's accelerated march toward playing a more central role in the international financial governance system, officials and experts said.

    Nevertheless, more reform and opening-up of China's financial markets are still necessary for the renminbi to become a well-acknowledged global currency like the US dollar and the euro, they added.
    Taking effect on Monday, the International Monetary Fund has raised the weighting of the renminbi in the basket of currencies that make up the Special Drawing Rights-an international reserve asset also known as the SDRs-by 1.36 percentage points to 12.28 percent.

    The IMF made the decision for the weighting hike based on developments in global trade and financial markets from 2017 to 2021.After the weighting increase, the Chinese currency continues to hold the third-largest overall share within the SDR basket, behind the dollar and the euro but ahead of the Japanese yen and the British pound.
    As evidence of the hastened progress of the renminbi further integrating with the global financial governance system, experts said the weighting increase will help boost overseas holdings of renminbi-denominated assets and solidify market confidence in the currency.

    Zhang Liqing, director of the Center for International Finance Studies, which is part of the Central University of Finance and Economics, said the upgrade marks the latest progress in the internationalization of the currency.

    As an emerging international currency, the renminbi's roles in acting as a medium of international transactions, a pricing unit and a reserve currency, have appeared in different degrees, though it is still quite behind the dollar and the euro, Zhang said.

    The renminbi has retained its position as the fifth most active currency for global payments by value in June, with a share of 2.17 percent, up from 2.15 percent a month earlier, according to the Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication, or SWIFT.

    As for the renminbi's function as a reserve currency, its share in global foreign exchange reserves has risen to 2.88 percent as of the first quarter, ranking fifth worldwide and marking the highest reading since the IMF began releasing the figures in 2016.

    Moreover, the Chinese currency has also played a bigger role in safeguarding global financial stability as the Bank for International Settlements said in June that it will develop a Renminbi Liquidity Arrangement. The arrangement will act as a yuan reserve pool, from which participating central banks can obtain renminbi liquidity when needed to deal with market volatility.

    The internationalization of the renminbi has somewhat been boosted by the dollar's credibility being challenged, while the renminbi can further act as a safe-haven currency if a global economic recession occurs, Zhang said.

    "More importantly, whether China can seize these opportunities depends on whether the country can make more positive progress in deepening reform and opening-up, especially in terms of financial opening-up," Zhang said."

    Renminbi gets global currency basket upgrade -

  9. #1634
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by panama hat View Post
    My opinion? My opinion is that being an apologist for a murderous totalitarian regime is vile, any murderous totalitarian will do for you and your two brainless mates.

    Yes, that is my opinion.
    Yup, pair of drones.

  10. #1635
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    China threatening the USA regarding Pelosi's potential visit to Taiwan certainly has put the world on the edge of its seat. Markets are down, and analysts are wondering what China's air force will do if Pelosi's aircraft heads to Taiwan. China certainly thinks it can control the world, and losing face on their threats might not be an option. Let's hope things settle down and the next few hours will tell.
    You Make Your Own Luck

  11. #1636
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    Quote Originally Posted by thailazer View Post
    China certainly thinks it can control the world,

    You are from the US right?

  12. #1637
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Well it's either that or he's an abject tosser.

    or both

  13. #1638
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    Or neither. Are you brats ever going to grow up?

  14. #1639
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Or neither. Are you brats ever going to grow up?
    You cannot like an abject tosser and then complain if folks call you a tosser. It’s how free speech works.

    PS: You are not grown up, you are very, very far from it.


  15. #1640
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    Chinese singlehandedly pull global pollution stats into positive territory


    Without China’s efforts, the planet would have seen average pollution levels increase instead of fall, says the report by the university’s Energy Policy Institute.


    What was the secret? Restrictions on coal burning, limitations on car usage, and large investment in renewable energy, researchers say. With practical strategies allocated to achieving long and short term targets alike, China is well on its way to transforming from a bad example into a good example for change.

    And yet, let’s face it, China does not receive nearly enough credit for this amazing feat.

    China is often identified as the world’s worst polluter (see image below, from the Economist). However, the response to that should be to say: Of course it is: what would you expect since it is the largest manufacturer and hosts the largest population? For a fair picture, see the same statistic viewed on a per person basis: China is not even in the per capita top 40, as measured by Worldometer.

    It can be argued that no major country is doing enough to fight climate change, including China – yet the Chinese are making measurable efforts. They began by planting billions of trees. While the world worries about the erosion of the Amazon, forest coverage in China has increased by 12% since the 1980s. There’s also been much progress in developing wind and solar energy – and producing smaller, safer, nuclear power plants.

    The International Energy Agency deemed China to be a major contributor for bringing down global costs for solar photovoltaics, many of which are made in Xinjiang. The country has also tightened restrictions, implementing strict laws and higher penalties.

    The aim is to peak carbon emissions by 2030 and achieve carbon neutrality in 2060. China also actively participates in global talks to combat climate change, and reprimanded the U.S Supreme Court for its decision to constrain the power of the Environmental Protection Agency.

    Finally, the Chinese educate the younger generation about the importance of the environment, preparing them to create a cleaner future. It is mandatory for primary and secondary schools across China to provide a “green education” concerning environmental topics.


    Yet, despite all this, the stereotype persists: the tales of children never having seen a blue sky in their life, of air pollution in Hong Kong being blown in from the mainland, of the Chinese being involuntary smokers.

    Despite my associate’s comments, my trip to Beijing was rather delightful. The city was not enveloped in thick smog at all, and the sky was reasonably clear. When will the real story be told?

    Slowly, the truth will emerge. Back in Hong Kong, a friend showed me a recent headline in Bloomberg: “London pollution worse than Beijing…”

    Chinese singlehandedly pull global pollution stats into positive territory – Fridayeveryday
    Last edited by sabang; 03-08-2022 at 07:34 AM.

  16. #1641
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    Or neither. Are you brats ever going to grow up?
    Oh shut up you abject tosser, you are laying in a bed of your own making. Probably having a wank.

  17. #1642
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post
    No they don't, because as has already been explained to you - and as you ignore yet again - the chinky bastards are simply exporting the problem to the victims of their predatory loan sharking instead. They are the world's biggest polluter, end of.

  18. #1643
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    The only reason the world has reduced it's pollution output is because of one single country- China!!

    Meanwhile, the glorious West has abandoned all of it's high falutin' targets (only ever lies anyway) because- proxy War! Nothing like a good losing war to make you abandon all of your climate control, and 'Build back Better' political promises now, is there? Suckers.

  19. #1644
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    The only reason the world has reduced it's pollution output is because of one single country- China!!

    How well is your country doing, vs it's political promises? Oh, forget about the USA- it has totally abandoned it's commitment to Gaia and the human race.

  20. #1645
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    Quote Originally Posted by sabang View Post

    How well is your country doing, vs it's political promises? Oh, forget about the USA- it has totally abandoned it's commitment to Gaia and the human race.
    While chinkystan remains the most toxic country on the planet, the brown noser comes out with this.

  21. #1646
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    China calls for rejection of double standards in nuclear non-proliferation

    Source: Xinhua

    Editor: huaxia
    2022-08-03 2302

    The international community should reject double standards in the area of nuclear non-proliferation, head of the Chinese delegation Fu Cong told the 10th Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) on Aug. 2, 2022. (Xinhua)

    The nuclear-powered submarine cooperation between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia poses severe nuclear proliferation risks, in contravention of the purposes and principles of the NPT, says Fu Cong.

    UNITED NATIONS, Aug. 3 (Xinhua) --

    "The international community should reject double standards in the area of nuclear non-proliferation, a Chinese official told the 10th Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) on Tuesday.

    The nuclear-powered submarine cooperation between the United States, the United Kingdom and Australia poses severe nuclear proliferation risks, in contravention of the purposes and principles of the NPT, said Fu Cong, head of the Chinese delegation.

    This review conference should conduct in-depth discussions on its implications in all aspects, including its challenges to the safeguards system of the International Atomic Energy Agency, in order to firmly uphold the international non-proliferation regime, he said."

    China calls for rejection of double standards in nuclear non-proliferation-Xinhua

  22. #1647
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    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on August 3, 2022


    Chinese military said it will carry out targeted military operations in a few areas around Taiwan.

    Some of these areas encroached into the “internal waters” of Taiwan, which according to UNCLOS is not allowed.

    Taiwan said that this endangers their national security and hinders the freedom of navigation protected under international law. What’s your comment on this?

    Hua Chunying:

    On the actions taken by the Chinese military, I’m sure you have seen the statements made by the spokespersons of the Ministry of National Defense and the PLA Eastern Theater Command. The actions are aimed at deterring the “Taiwan independence” forces, so they are legitimate and necessary. 

    We have never seen any problems with the freedom of navigation in relevant waters. I think what truly needs our attention is how the US military vessels and aircraft would fly thousands of miles all the way from their homeland just to flex muscles at the doorstep of China.

    And also for the US side, maybe it is better not to mention UNCLOS. If the US wants to mention it, please join UNCLOS now first. Taiwan, being a part of China, has no right to claim “internal waters”"


    Another question on China’s military exercises around Taiwan. Japan has said that some of the military drills are taking place in the Japanese exclusive economic zone (EEZ). In holding these exercises so close to Taiwan, including to the east of Taiwan, is China prepared for the situation to escalate if there’s a misfiring or a close encounter with other vessels or aircraft?

    Hua Chunying:

    The Chinese military has carried out exercises and training in the waters off China’s Taiwan island. This is necessary and legitimate as a response to the major provocation of the US side and the “Taiwan independence” separatist forces and as a step to firmly uphold China’s sovereignty and territorial integrity. The relevant Chinese authorities have issued safety alerts and navigation warnings in advance.

    Since China and Japan have not yet carried out maritime delimitation in relevant waters, China does not accept the notion of so-called “Japanese EEZ”.

    The Chinese side urges Japan to uphold the one-China principle and the spirit of the four political documents between the two countries and be prudent on the Taiwan question."


    Many Chinese people were disappointed when China did not and could not take more concrete actions to prevent Pelosi from making this visit to Taiwan. On hindsight, should China have done more to guide the public to understand more rationally what is best for the development of US-China relations?

    Hua Chunying:

    The Chinese side has made its serious position clear through statements and actions. Once again, people have seen that certain US politicians would put up a self-serving political stunt at the expense of regional peace and stability and the overall interest of China-US relations, whereas China’s behavior shows its commitment to regional peace and stability as well as its own sovereignty and security interests.

    The Chinese side has the firm resolve and will to uphold China’s sovereignty, security and territorial integrity. There should be no questions about our strong capability to do so. Our countermeasures will be strong, effective and resolute, which will be felt gradually and continuously by the US side and the “Taiwan independence” separatists.

    The Chinese people are rational patriots. We have full confidence in the ability of our country and our government to firmly defend our sovereignty and territorial integrity. I recommend that you study closely the century-long history of the Communist Party of China. What challenges haven’t we been through? And look at how far we have come. We have every confidence in our future."

    Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on August 3, 2022
    Last edited by OhOh; 04-08-2022 at 01:36 PM.

  23. #1648
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Did it cover chinkystan being the most toxic country on the planet?

    Maybe they forgot to add that bit to the banal press release. Probably too busy whining about Pelosi.

  24. #1649
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Did it cover chinkystan being the most toxic country on the planet?
    Nope. Not to mention that it's rape of Africa and every other vulnerable nation they can get their hands on. Factor those variables into the equation.

  25. #1650
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    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    While China remains the most toxic country on the planet
    Quote Originally Posted by harrybarracuda View Post
    Did it cover China being the most toxic country on the planet?
    Quote Originally Posted by bsnub View Post

    Google is your friend :

    "Who has contributed most to global CO2 emissions?

    • the United States has emitted more CO2 than any other country to date: at around 400 billion tonnes since 1751 (271 years), it is responsible for 25% of historical emissions."

    400,000,000,000 tonnes/271 years

    = 228,440,892 tonnes/year;

    Google is your friend :

    "How old is China as a country?

    3,500 years.

    Amongst the oldest nations in the World, the next on the list is China as it has been known to exist for over 3500 years."

    Some might suggest Chines reported data includes all it's emitted CO2 for approx 3,500 ears

    • this is twice more than China – the world's second largest national contributor;"

    50% of 400,000,000,000 = 200,000,000.000 tonnes

    200,000,000.000 tonnes/3,500 years

    = 57,000,000 tonnes/year.

    Approximately 25% of NaGastan annual CO2 Emittance.

    Quod Erat Demonstrandum.

    China has committed to reduce it's emission by xxx in YYY years. If we are all alive then, another discussion may be warranted.

    The View, from China-annual-change-forest-area-jpg

    Some are willing to show their achievements, others prefer not to and hide their data, why?

    Last edited by OhOh; 04-08-2022 at 11:03 PM.

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