You live there Cujo- so talk to this elusive 'Average China Joe' and report back to us. But when I read, say, a NYT Editorial I am under no illusions that it is written by an average American Joe. It's a reporter/ journalist.
You live there Cujo- so talk to this elusive 'Average China Joe' and report back to us. But when I read, say, a NYT Editorial I am under no illusions that it is written by an average American Joe. It's a reporter/ journalist.
What happens when newspapers don’t recite the party line.
Chinese crackdown forces Hong Kong-based renowned media house to shut down
Jaysus, I just wrote a whole screed about MyY VIEW from an affluent city in South China, bordering HK and Macau and tried to post a pic and it all went to shit. Anyway, everyone's busy working, going on holidays, sending their kids to school, going to restaurants or getting the freshest produce from the WET MARKETS and cooking up themselves, visiting the fish farm BBQs and getting BBQd and drunk, or shopping at the supermarkets for their daily needs.
The younguns are going to the bars, getting pissed and hooking up, People are going fishing, hiking, to the beach or park.
Taking the super duperhigh speed train to wherever to spend time with the relies or do business. The infrastructure (highways, bridges, airports railway stations) is brilliant and shiny and the public transport is fast, efficient and cheap.
No one who really wants a job can't get one, crime is down. Random violence and graffiti etc is virtually non existent.
People just get on with their lives. In my city at least, BMWs and BENZ are passe. Bentleys, Aston Martins, and Maserati are the preferred wheels. The Malls are busy.
This is just life here. Just up the road in the megatropolis of Guangzhou it's pretty much the same. Can't speak for the small far flung villages and towns but China just seems to be getting on with it.
One recent development that doesn't seem to have been thought through is the banning of the tutoring outfits. I get it. These things are everywhere. My daughter went to maths classes at a place on the 4th floor of the local mall. The whole floor was dedicated to these little private tutoring centers, one big new English taring center that someone had obviously invested a LOT of money in very recently.
These places are everywhere and the societal pressure to have your kids in these classes is huge. But the real issue is they are everywhere and employ a huge amount of people (mostly young women) who are now out of work.
They're also slowly replacing the extremely lucrative kindergardens with government kindergardens. (too late for me). These places are expensive. Ranging from expensive to ludicrously expensive. This is something I completely agree with. They're really trying to level the playing field.
The other thing about demanding entertainers adhere to a moral code, well apparently uncle Xi saw the Chinese equivalent of tik tok (Do Ying) and about the same time notice the rise of the effeminate copycat Korean boybands, and said stop you must, being so fucking gay.
The view from my neighborhood.
Now this really annoys me.
You might notice an elevated walkway through the hills there near the top on that last photo.
Our place is just out of sight to the left of that pic and we used to be able to take a short hike through the bush to the lake for a swim .
OR hike on the many trails though the bush around the lake. Now they've destroyed all the nice natural trails THROUGH the bush and built this monstrosity. You can now only walk ABOVE the bush. Personally I prefer the feel of the soil beneath my feet and the undulations of the path.
The chinkies do do some stupid shit sometimes.
Sometimes I think they're from another planet and can't abide our earths natural environment
Last edited by Cujo; 09-09-2021 at 09:23 PM.
“If we stop testing right now we’d have very few cases, if any.” Donald J Trump.
That path kinda looks like overkill Cujo, like the local or State council had loads of dosh to spend and wanted to spend it on some 'peoples project'. What was the rationale for it- protecting the environment, or protecting local people from getting their feet dirty, and maybe even getting bitten by a snake? Or, was no rationale provided?
Anyway, interesting stuff- cheers. There is no question that where you live (Pearl River delta) is one of the more affluent parts of China.
Are there many other expats around where you live? Zhuhai had a few, back in the day, but not that many.
Last edited by sabang; 10-09-2021 at 01:43 AM.
Nonsense. China is expected to become the world's largest economy in the next decade. You don't think a Chinese (largest population in the world) perspective on things is relevant? Or maybe, you're just not interested- not willing to be challenged by another way of thinking/ doing things that has proven very successful in the current era. Oh, and who's the one calling for Censorship now?
Either way, it's fine- nobody is making you read the thread. In fact, if all you've got is trash comments like that, I would prefer you didn't.
A Chinese perspective? It's state propaganda for fucks sake. You said reasonable in your first post, but it's about as reasonable as Idi Amin.
Give your head a big fucking wobble.
It's a trash thread that deserves calling out for what it is: trash. State propaganda is neither informative nor news.
When will you and your brainwashed brethren understand this?
Actually, it's a Speakers Corner thread- not News. Understand the difference, and maybe stick to News.
The difference....
...There is no difference. Yet more brainwashed propaganda posted by you and the other stooges no matter how you try to dress it up or hide it.
Thankfully, the rest of the board can see through your shite. Save us from your bullshit, eh?
Erm, nope.Save us from your bullshit, eh?
Pray tell.
How is any of what you're republishing from the Global Times and China Daily - mouthpieces of a country that routinely imprisons its citizens for voicing an opinion contrary to the party line - anything at all along the lines of free speech?
I'm all ears. The stage is yours.
Moving right along, here's a different type of Chinese perspective. Is American Affairs journal now to be considered Chinese propaganda, I wonder? I've only copied the ending, but I found it quite an interesting read:-
Warren Buffett has said that the moment one was born in the United States or another Western country, that person has essentially won a lottery. If someone is born a U.S. citizen, he or she enjoys a huge advantage in almost every aspect of life, including expected wealth, education, health care, environment, safety, etc., when compared to someone born in developing countries. For someone foreign to “purchase” these privileges, the price tag at the moment is $1 million dollars (the rough value of the EB-5 investment visa). Even at this price level, the demand from certain countries routinely exceeds the annual allocated quota, resulting in long waiting times. In that sense, American citizens were born millionaires!
Yet one wonders how long such luck will last. This brings me back to the title of Rubin’s book, his “uncertain world.” In such a world, the vast majority things are outside our control, determined by God or luck. After we have given our best and once the final card is drawn, we should neither become too excited by what we have achieved nor too depressed by what we failed to achieve. We should simply acknowledge the result and move on. Maybe this is the key to a happy life.
On the other hand, it seems odd that this should be the principal lesson of a Western education. In Communist China, I was taught that hard work would bring success. In the land of the American dream, I learned that success comes through good luck, the right slogans, and monitoring your own—and others’—emotions.
This article originally appeared in American Affairs Volume I, Number 4 (Winter 2017): 77–86.
The Western Elite from a Chinese Perspective - American Affairs Journal
Those of a more cerebral inclination might wish to read the full article.
You have nothing worthy to say, except Butthurt that a Chinese perspective is being aired. So just ignore it, or continue cluttering up this thread- and I'll just let the the Mods deal with it as they see fit.
^ I'm no fan, either. Certainly not of his recent moves. Perhaps it is important to note that Xi is not by definition actually 'President for Life'- it's just, that he can be. This subject to his being re-elected at, well whatever they call the body of top Chinese gov't geezers. So whether there will be any pushback against him, remains to be seen. He can actually be voted out.
^^ Maybe willy, but this thread is basically about cherry picking. I'm linking to, and quoting, those articles coming from China, or a Chinese perspective, that I think are thought provoking and worth reading. At least to curious and intelligent people. Clearly, some people resent that- they only want exposure to 'our propaganda'. Well good- that is exactly what a meaty Issues thread should be all about.
I've said it before- I like my propaganda in assorted flavours. I am willing to consider, and learn from different perspectives. Others are not- maybe it keeps their life simpler, dunno- but we still haven't found Saddam's WMD's....
Whatever that is? Imo, no such thing and certianly not to be found here. I could be wrong but doubt TD has a single ethnic Chinese member so the perspective consists of only pro and con links highlighting the good Chinese (PRC) propaganda and the bad. Members here will post their propaganda of choice in spite of universally accepted facts.
Good luck Sab but don't expect anything but the usual succession of shit fights here behind the teak doors.
"Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect,"
Well, I was never one to shy away from controversy or a good tussle norts. But why, you might ask- Why? We all know how it goes on TD. Maybe something to do with this-
The New Yellow Peril: Sinophobia in the 21st Century
"In a phenomenon described as “Orientalism” by Edward Said- the west has through the legacy of Imperialism and domination consolidated itself on a series of beliefs that it itself represents a universal and objective standard for “Normality” and “civilization” and in the process subsequently projects conceptions of “difference”, “exoticness” and “inferiority” onto their impression “non-western” nations, which they subsequently argue that they have a mission to “civilize” and “change” to accommodate to their vision of the world.
As a result, whilst racism, prejudice and misunderstandings are found everywhere, western generalizations of the non-west are exceptional because they are the beneficiary of geopolitical inequality and social power which masquerades the assumption of civilizational superiority as an unassailable and divine truth. The west has to power to define, subjugate and characterize the East to its own designs and interests, no matter how prejudiced, misinformed and even outright misleading their claims may be. In turn, such a mindset also means that the western public tend to follow suit and believe such mistruths, their vested belief in “enlightenment” subsequently misrendering their prejudices as a truth. What is perceived to be “Knowledge” is in fact not equal."
...... China is characterized not as a nation or people capable of its own voice or legitimate perspective, but in the light of a “moral problem to be solved” by the superior hands and minds of an altruistic west who must “show it the way” and thus “save it from itself”. The discourse examines China as if it were a specimen in the zoo, to be studied, observed and tamed, than an entity in its own right. Relentless obsession with the country’s ruling Communist Party provides an acceptable facade for this mindset, morphing Sinophobic ideas and the apprehension of China with Cold War cliches and imagery which further propel the belief that China’s acceptance must hinge on the terms which the west has set for it.
Full article- The New Yellow Peril: Sinophobia in the 21st Century – Tom Fowdy
Oh dear, I have had to quote a westerner again. But I feel one has to, when looking at this irrational fear and loathing of China.
Last edited by sabang; 10-09-2021 at 06:50 AM.
You and your regime love these unfounded lies.
A link to the results, of the "inclusive" TD poll, would substantiate your nonsense. A regime members vote record even.
hallelujah and his regime members certainly call to stifle free speech and isolation at every dissenting opportunity.
Inclusive adult conversation or wannabe school yard thug's demands.
Some here have made unfounded accusations. To illustrate/strengthen their racist outlook/credentials to their regime cohort.
Whose members vote in elections for the leadership. Whether tainted voting machines or an Electoral College are involved is not discussed.
Possibly a thread subject, Sabang?
As some are well aware, the importers make great profits and their purchaser make a "great deal" every month when they purchase.
A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.
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