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  1. #2901
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    It seems these chinkies are no better than those fly-by-night crooked developers in Phuket who routinely scam people out of their hard earned money.

    Evergrande: Anxious Chinese home buyers reel from crisis - BBC News

  2. #2902
    Thailand Expat OhOh's Avatar
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    Syrian president's first visit to China in 12 years expected to boost cooperation

    By Liu Caiyu

    Published: Sep 20, 2023 09:34 PM

    "Syrian President Bashar al-Assad will travel to China this week, where he is expected to engage in a bilateral summit as well as other high-level meetings. It is the first time the Syrian president has visited China since the start of the Syrian crisis more than 12 years ago.

    Given China's positive role in mediating a deal in March between Saudi Arabia and Iran, Chinese experts believe that Assad's visit will extend the Middle East's recognition toward China's concept of seeking regional peaceful development. Practical cooperation on China's engagement in Syria's reconstruction is expected to be discussed.

    Reuters, citing a statement from the presidency in Damascus, reported on Tuesday that Assad, accompanied by Syrian first lady Asmaa al-Assad and a senior delegation, will travel to China on Thursday for a string of meetings in Beijing and Changzhou, East China's Jiangsu Province. A Syria-China summit will also be held.

    Asked to confirm Assad's reported visit to China at Wednesday's routine press conference, Mao Ning, a spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry, said the ministry will update in due course.

    Assad's visit to China will be perceived as a sign that China-Syria relations could be restored once again to the level prior to the "Arab Spring," when the two sides were engaged in a broad range of cooperation and shared a steady friendship between peoples of the two countries, said Yin Gang, a research fellow at the Institute of West-Asian and African Studies at the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

    It is expected that Assad will touch on practical cooperation when meeting with Chinese leaders, including the resumption of previous projects such as the construction of reservoirs, oil fields and other infrastructure projects, as well as discussing new potential areas of cooperation, Yin said.

    The Assad visit comes at a time when Syria is seeking a new balanced and comprehensive diplomacy in the new historical period, and China is undoubtedly a very important part, Yin told the Global Times on Wednesday.

    Syria pins great hope on China to engage in the reconstruction of Syria and to facilitate communication with Turkey, Iran and Russia as an independent, neutral major country so as to gradually restore Assad's central government's control of the country, Yin said.

    Assad's visit to China is an extension of the Middle East's recognition of China's diplomatic concept. China firmly supports Arab states' strengthening of coordination and strategic independence to jointly boost regional stability and development, Li Weijian, a research fellow with the Institute for Foreign Policy Studies of the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies, told the Global Times on Wednesday.

    China's concept of seeking regional and national peaceful development has played a positive role in prompting regional reconciliation in the Middle East, Li noted. He said that Middle Eastern countries are now seeking a more harmonious geopolitical environment and bilateral relations since the accelerated reconciliation in the Middle East. Their fundamental demand is to develop themselves, which is also China's consistent position.

    In sharp contrast to the US, which has an image of provoker in the Middle East, shirking the responsibility it should have taken, China consistently adheres to solving conflicts through diplomatic dialogue and opposes foreign interference in Syria's internal affairs, Wang Jin, an associate professor at the Institute of Middle Eastern Studies of Northwest University, told the Global Times on Wednesday."

    Syrian president's first visit to China in 12 years expected to boost cooperation - Global Times
    A tray full of GOLD is not worth a moment in time.

  3. #2903
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Oh look, Dictators Club Away Day Jolly.

    How very fucking exciting.

  4. #2904
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Oh look, another great "fuck you chinkystan" from the US and the Phillippines.

    I daresay that will kick off some more chinky whining.

    The United States military kicked off two weeks of multilateral exercises with its Philippine allies and multiple international partners on Monday amid rising tensions between Manila and Beijing over territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
    Maritime Training Activity Sama Sama 2023 is the seventh and largest iteration of the drills as participants from Australia, Canada, France, Japan, the United Kingdom and Malaysia join the US and the Philippines, according to a US Navy press release.
    The exercises off the Philippine coast will include drills on anti-submarine, surface and air warfare as well as land phases, the release said.
    “In Tagalog ‘Sama Sama’ is a phrase that means ‘together’ and there could not be a better phrase to capture the spirit of this exercise,” said Capt. Sean Lewis, commodore of the US Navy’s Destroyer Squadron 7, in the release.
    “Together we can address a spectrum of security threats and enhance interoperability and with more nations participating than ever before, we can increase innovation and build a ready, united force that ensures stability in the region,” he said.
    Stability in the region is seen as being increasingly threatened by confrontations between Chinese coast guard and maritime militia units and Philippine vessels around disputed features in the South China Sea.
    “From territorial defense to countering transnational crimes, ‘Samasama’ [helps] us to face an array of threats together,” the chief of the Philippine Navy, Vice Adm. Toribio Adaci Jr, said at opening ceremonies in Manila on Monday, according to the state-run Philippine News Agency (PNA).

    US and Philippines launch military drills with partners as China tensions mount | CNN

  5. #2905
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    China SCE Group said on Wednesday (Oct 4) a non-payment on a syndicated loan has triggered a default under its dollar bonds and it would explore a holistic solution to all its debt.

    The Xiamen-based company is the latest to join a long list of Chinese property developers who have defaulted their offshore debt and begun a restructuring process. But only a handful have announced restructuring terms so far.

    China Evergrande Group, in the centre of the sector's debt crisis, said last week its main unit in China was unable to issue new debt due to an ongoing investigation, complicating its restructuring plan that creditors were originally scheduled to vote on this month.

    The market is also watching if China's largest private developer Country Garden will avoid a default again mid-this month, by making a US$15 million coupon payment before the grace period ends.

    SCE said in a Wednesday filing it will suspend trading in its four dollar bonds worth a total of US$1.8 billion from Thursday.

    "The group's liquid cash and bank deposits may not be sufficient to meet its current and future obligations," the developer said, citing declining sales and tightening liquidity since the second quarter.

    It said the payment it did not make was on an instalment of principal and interest worth US$61 million of a March 2021 syndicated loan, which may result in demands for early repayment from its other creditors. It has not received such demands yet, however, it added.

    Shares of SCE were up 1.75 per cent as at 5.37am GMT following the announcement, narrowing from a 3.5 per cent gain in the morning.

    Confidence in the property sector, which accounts for one-fourth of economic activity, has sunk since 2021 when a crackdown by Beijing on credit accumulation by developers fuelled a debt crisis.

    China's new home prices rose slightly in September, breaking a four-month decline, private data showed, as developers sped up launches to take advantage of a recent slew of support measures, including easing some borrowing rules and relaxing of home purchasing curbs in some cities.

    Keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

  6. #2906
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    China releases a white paper on its proposals, actions on building ‘a global community of shared future’

    By Yang Sheng and Li Xuanmin

    Published: Sep 26, 2023 09:00 PM

    " The Chinese government released a white paper on Tuesday to introduce the theoretical base, practice and development of a global community of shared future, as by presenting China's vision of the course of human development, it counters the hegemonic thinking of certain countries that seek supremacy.

    Ten years ago, Chinese President Xi Jinping put forward the idea of building a global community of shared future. "His proposal lights the path forward as the world fumbles for solutions, and represents China's contribution to global efforts to protect the shared home and create a better future of prosperity for all," according to the white paper, titled "A Global Community of Shared Future: China's Proposals and Actions."

    The timing of releasing such a document is crucial, as apart from marking the 10th anniversary of the proposal of a significant idea, the world is in severe turbulence and experiencing profound changes which have not been seen in the past century, so the international community has been calling for solutions, and China, as a responsible major power which is much more powerful than it was 10 years ago, has responsibility to contribute its wisdoms and actions to meet the demand of this era, said Chinese analysts.

    Chinese experts said that the white paper, without mentioning the US, has clearly expressed firm oppositions against many ideas and behaviors of Washington, such as "democracy versus authoritarianism," "alliance-based confrontation," and "small yard, high fence," and this shows that China is now openly disagreeing with the US-proposed "rule-based order," which in fact is a way to preserve the old order dominated by US hegemony.

    Many ideas and behaviors of US-led West have already caused endless and ongoing conflicts and tensions worldwide, and will lead the world into a new cold war. China and majority of countries in the world share similar concerns, and they're responsible for finding a path to effectively reform the world order and build a global community of shared future, experts said.

    Oppose and propose

    The zero-sum game is doomed to fail, the white paper said. "But certain countries still cling to this mindset, blindly pursuing absolute security and monopolistic advantages, which will do nothing for their development in the long run but create a major threat to the world."

    It is increasingly obvious that the obsession with superior strength, and the zero-sum mentality are in conflict with the needs of our times, the white paper said, pointing out that the new era calls for new ideas.

    Wu Xinbo, director of the Center for American Studies at Fudan University, told the Global Times on Tuesday that many ways of thinking as well as actions of the US are against China's interest, and also against the interest of the vast majority of countries worldwide.

    "As a responsible major country, we, China, should make our position clear, and to clearly tell the world about what we are upholding, and if we want other countries to support us, we should tell them where we are going," Wu said.

    The white paper and China-proposed initiatives are not aimed at challenging the US and the West or serve the ambition of struggle for power, but actually to proceed from the common interests of mankind, because "the US approaches will definitely lead the world to a new cold war," Wu noted.

    China's proposals and actions are not for China's own benefit or self-interest, but for the common good of humanity, the expert said.

    The white paper said "To build a global community of shared future is to pursue openness, inclusiveness, mutual benefit, equity and justice." The goal is not to replace one system or civilization with another. Instead, it is about countries with different social systems, ideologies, histories, shared rights, and shared responsibilities in global affairs, the document read.

    Maya Majueran, director of Belt and Road Initiative Sri Lanka (BRISL), a Sri Lanka-based organization that specializes in BRI cooperation, told the Global Times that "The US and its Western allies have long been attempting to influence other countries and the world order with their own values and political system in the name of promoting democracy and human rights and continue to pressure countries whose positions differ from them."

    "They even bully emerging markets and developing countries to pick sides, so many countries are looking at China's proposal as an engine to boost their own economic recovery by aligning with it," Majueran said.

    Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times that China's proposals and initiatives have been welcomed worldwide, but a few Western countries led by the US always try to boycott, stigmatize or downplay China's proposals, and this is because of their arrogance and ignorance, and they don't want the unequal international system that unfairly benefits them to be reformed.

    Wisdom and actions

    The concept of a global community of shared future has deep roots in China's profound cultural heritage and its unique experience of modernization. It carries forward the diplomatic traditions of China and draws on the outstanding achievements of all other civilizations, the white paper said. It also manifests China's time-honored historical traditions, distinct characteristics of the times, and a wealth of humanistic values.

    The white paper also pointed out the direction and plan to build a global community of shared future including pressing ahead with a new type of economic globalization in which countries need to pursue a policy of openness and explicitly oppose protectionism, the erection of fences and barriers, unilateral sanctions, and maximum-pressure tactics, so as to connect economies and jointly build an open world economy.

    The concept China advocates is not built upon sacrificing neighboring countries' interests, which is in stark contrast to the capital accumulation stage of Western countries, Wirun Phichaiwongphakdee, director of the Thailand-China Research Center of the Belt and Road Initiative, told the Global Times.

    The Thai expert exemplified by a number of BRI projects in Southeast Asia including the China-Thailand Railway being built, which he said demonstrates how China and the ASEAN are working together to build a community of shared future.

    Convincing contributions

    China is not just providing proposals, but also actively implements its own ideas by actions, and has provided the world with extensive achievements. Over the past decade, China has contributed its strength to building a global community of shared future with firm conviction and solid actions.

    For instance, by July 2023, more than three-quarters of countries in the world and over 30 international organizations had signed agreements on Belt and Road cooperation with China. The BRI originated in China but the opportunities and achievements it creates belong to the whole world. It's an initiative for economic cooperation, not for geopolitical or military alliances, and it's an open and inclusive process that neither targets nor excludes any party, the white paper said.

    Among several BRI projects, for example, the China-Laos Railway began operation on December 3, 2021, with 167 tunnels and 301 bridges built in 11 years along its total length of 1,035 kilometers. The railway construction created more than 110,000 local jobs, and helped build about 2,000 kilometers of roads and canals for villages along the railway, benefiting local people.

    Also, through the mediation of China, Saudi Arabia and Iran achieved historic reconciliation earlier this year, setting a fine example for countries in the region to resolve disputes and differences and achieve good neighborly relations through dialogue and consultation, and catalyzing a wave of reconciliation in the Middle East.

    China has also proposed a range of regional and bilateral initiatives on building communities of shared future and working with stakeholders to build consensus and expand cooperation, thereby playing a constructive role in promoting regional peace and development. It also boosts international cooperation in fields including fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, addressing disorder in cyberspace governance and dealing with the global climate challenge.

    Over the past decade, the vision of a global community of shared future has gained broader support. More countries and people have come to the understanding that this vision serves the common interests of humanity, represents popular calls for peace, justice and progress, and can create the greatest synergy among all nations for building a better world, the white paper said."

    China releases a white paper on its proposals, actions on building ‘a global community of shared future’ - Global Times

  7. #2907
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    China releases a white paper on its proposals, actions on building ‘a global community of shared future’
    Step 1. "We bribe corrupt politicians to sign massive loans for shit they don't need, make them spend it with us and bankrupt their countries".
    Step 2. "We brag about 'a global community of shared future''".
    Step 3. "Hoho posts about it on forums because he's fucking dumb enough to believe the shit"
    The next post may be brought to you by my little bitch Spamdreth

  8. #2908
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    For much of the world, China’s Xinjiang region is notorious, a place where ethnic Uyghurs face forced labor and arbitrary detention. But a group of visiting foreign journalists was left with a decidedly different impression.

    On a tour in late September sponsored by Beijing, the 22 journalists from 17 countries visited bazaars and chatted with residents over dates and watermelon slices. They later told state media they were impressed with the bustling economy, described the region as “full of cultural, religious and ethnic diversity,” and denounced what they said were lies by Western media.

    The trip is an example of what Washington sees as Beijing’s growing efforts to reshape the global narrative on China. It’s spending billions of dollars annually to do so.

    In a first-of-its-kind report, the State Department last week laid out Beijing’s tactics and techniques for molding public opinion, such as buying content, creating fake personas to spread its message and using repression to quash unfavorable accounts.

  9. #2909
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    USA: Do as we say and not as we do (unless we say you can).

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    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Neverna View Post
    USA: Do as we say and not as we do (unless we say you can).

    Yeah, I don't think they have internment camps for "cultural , religious and ethnic diversity" in the US quite yet.

  11. #2911
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    US sanctions Chinese firms in crackdown on fentanyl supply chain

    The US has announced sanctions on 25 China-based firms and individuals allegedly involved in the production of chemicals used to make fentanyl.

    Fentanyl, a potent opioid used as a painkiller or sedative, plays a major role in the US drug crisis.

    Attorney General Merrick Garland said the drug's supply chain "often starts with chemical companies in China".

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    The regulatory crackdown that sparked arrests and a debt crisis in China’s second-biggest developer may do more harm than good to market, say analysts

    The saga of China’s second-largest development firm has escalated from a financial crisis to a potentially criminal one with the investigation and detention of Evergrande chairman and founder, Hui Ka Yan.

    The company resumed trading on Tuesday after it was suspended last week in the wake of media reports of Hui’s apprehension. But analysts say signs point to a potential liquidation of the company, which could have drastic ramifications for China’s economy too.

    “The Chinese government clearly intended its actions regarding Evergrande to be helpful to the real estate market, as it wants to stabilise it, not weaken it further,” said professor Steve Tsang, director of the Soas China Institute. “But the arrest of Hui almost certainly will make the situation worse for Evergrande and with this worse for the real estate market.”

    Since regulations were tightened in 2020, companies responsible for about 40% of Chinese home sales have defaulted, and another major firm, Country Garden, has also battled to avoid missing massive debt repayments, raising the prospect of the risk of contagion.

    “Country Garden is as big a problem” as Evergrande in terms of the health of China’s real estate and commercial sectors, said Alicia Garcia-Herrero, chief economist for Asia Pacific at French investment bank Natixis.

    “If it takes too long to restructure Evergrande the chances of Country Garden having to go through the same are really high.”

    Evergrande’s fate may become more apparent at a hearing in a Hong Kong court, scheduled for 30 October, according to Bloomberg.

    Much more in the article - A ‘pyramid scheme’

  13. #2913
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    Xi meets US senators, stressing stable bilateral ties, cooperation

    By Wang Qi

    Published: Oct 09, 2023 11:44 PM Updated: Oct 10, 2023 12:21 AM

    "Chinese President Xi Jinping met with a US congressional delegation led by Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in Beijing on Monday, emphasizing the importance of a stable China-US relationship and cooperation, while rejecting the confrontational mentality and the "Thucydides trap" claim.

    Chinese experts said the fact that President Xi personally received Schumer and his delegation reflects the great importance China attaches to bilateral relations, and reflects China's expectation that the US political community, through the lawmakers' visit, can gain a deeper, more objective, and rational understanding of China and Beijing's external policy.

    Schumer's visit is viewed as the continuation of momentum following a slew of high-level interactions since US Secretary of State Antony Blinken visited China in June, which analysts believed will strengthen the guardrails to prevent bilateral ties from spiraling out of control, and create an atmosphere for a possible meeting of heads of state during the APEC leaders' meeting in November.

    More importantly, the Chinese side hoped that the US side will translate the positive rhetoric during the visit into concrete actions in its China policy, according to experts.

    Demonstrate broadmindedness

    During meeting with Schumer, President Xi underlined that the China-US relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. How China and the US get along will determine the future of humanity.

    According to Xi, competition and confrontation is not consistent with the trend of the times. Still less can it fix one's own problems and address the challenges facing the world. China maintains that the common interests of the two countries far outweigh their differences, and the respective success of China and the US is an opportunity, rather than a challenge, to each other.

    The "Thucydides Trap" is not inevitable, and Planet Earth is vast enough to accommodate the respective development and common prosperity of China and the US, Xi said.

    Given the high degree of integration between the Chinese and US economies and their closely entwined interests, both countries stand to benefit from each other's development. A post-pandemic global recovery, meeting the climate challenge and resolving international and regional hotspots all require China-US coordination and cooperation, Chinese President remarked.

    As two major countries, China and the US should demonstrate the broadmindedness, vision and readiness to rise to the occasion expected by the international community, and act with a sense of responsibility to history, to the people and to the world, Xi noted.

    China gave a high-profile reception to Schumer, a politician considered to be a hawk on China, which shows the great importance Beijing attaches to China-US relations in order to deal with bilateral ties in a positive, pragmatic and rational manner, Diao Daming, a professor at the Renmin University of China, told the Global Times on Monday.

    Li Haidong, a professor at the China Foreign Affairs University, told the Global Times that Xi has elaborated on China's principled position on China-US relations in the spirit of being responsible to the people of the two countries and to history.

    "This helps Schumer and his delegation to understand China more deeply, and to better understand the nature of China's internal and external policies," Li said.

    Senator Schumer and other members of the delegation expressed their appreciation to the Chinese side for its hospitality. They said that a stable US-China relationship is of vital importance not only to the two countries, but also to world peace and development. China's development and prosperity is good for the American people, he added.

    US senators said that the US side does not seek a conflict with China, nor does it seek to decouple from it. The US is willing to enhance dialogue and communication with China in an open and candid manner based on mutual respect, responsibly manage the bilateral relationship, and stabilize and strengthen US-China relations.

    The US side looks forward to strengthening bilateral trade and investment cooperation with China, and increasing communication and cooperation on such issues as climate change, drug trafficking and regional conflicts, the senators said, according to a readout from the Chinese Foreign Ministry.

    The senators' words show that they are satisfied with this trip to China, Li said, "But China hopes that the US can be consistent with its words and deeds, and turn the positive rhetoric during the visit to China into concrete action in the same direction."

    Continuation of momentum

    Xi also explained to Schumer the legitimacy, rationality and intrinsic vitality of China's development path and its broad prospects for future development.

    It is hoped that the two legislatures will have more interactions, dialogues and exchanges to increase mutual understanding and make a positive contribution to the stabilization and improvement of the China-U.S. relationship, Xi remarked.

    Over the past period, no matter how frequent the exchange of visits between senior officials of the US and Chinese administrations has been, the US Congress has always had China hawks undermining bilateral relations, Diao said.

    China hopes that this visit, especially the direct interaction between lawmakers and Beijing, will broaden the channels of communication, and give the Congress a better and more objective perception of China, thus better stabilizing the US-China relationship, Diao noted.

    Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi on Monday also met with Schumer. Wang expressed hopes of developing healthy bilateral ties, which requires rationally managing differences and forming a more accurate understanding of China for Washington, according to media reports.

    Schumer is the latest high-level American politician to visit China, as Washington seeks to ease tensions and promote the head-of-state meeting during November's APEC leaders' meeting in San Francisco.

    Meeting with the Chinese leader and top diplomat maintains the momentum of high-level dialogue between China and the US after US Secretary of State Antony Blinken's China trip. Regarding Schumer's experience, his meeting with Xi certainly creates a better environment for a possible Xi-Biden meeting, Diao said.

    Analysts said that the congressmen's China visit is not the same as that of an administration official, as the administration's concern is how to put the US in a position of strength in its competition with China through engagement, and has strong strategic considerations. On the other hand, visits by congressmen take into greater account the aspirations of their constituents and those of groups whose interests are closely integrated with those of China.

    "We can also expect a delegation of Representatives to visit China, as well as a delegation of US Governors to visit China, soon to follow," Li said.

    More exchanges between the US and China at different levels and sectors will be conducive to creating more solid guardrails that better prevent the US-China relationship from spiraling out of control, ensuring that they do not degenerate into a conflict, Li noted.

    In particular, upcoming events such as the US presidential elections and Taiwan regional election may add to the strain on China-US relations due to the unexpected selfish behavior from some politicians, the expert added."

    Xi meets US senators, stressing stable bilateral ties, cooperation - Global Times

    Another face to face with the USA representatives. One hope their words are echoed with actions.

  14. #2914
    Thailand Expat harrybarracuda's Avatar
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    ^ Blah blah blah blah propaganda bullshit.

    Meanwhile, in the real world, Mr. Shithole's bumbling incompetence threatens to fuck things up even more:

    China’s real estate, debt crises prompt IMF warning of widening economic damage

    Property and lending crises in China could leech further into the domestic economy and beyond, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said on Tuesday, underscoring the urgency of government efforts to resolve them.

    Developer debt and the failure of
    local government financing vehicles (LGFVs) to pay back loans could “unravel” optimism about a “soft landing of the global economy” and an easing of inflation, the IMF said in its semi-annual “Global Financial Stability Report”.

    China’s real estate, debt crises prompt IMF warning of widening economic damage | South China Morning Post

  15. #2915
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    China releases a white paper on its proposals, actions on building ‘a global community of Dictators raping the peoples future’
    FTFY. Dont thank me.

  16. #2916
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    This is for you, Ohoh

    Happy Birthday

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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post
    Happy Birthday
    The tenth year anniversary of the Belt and Road Initiative, I presume ?

    Thank you for your video, and the worlds workers views sharing there opinions whilst enjoying their lives.

    Unless you have interacted with the Chinese people for a while, their desire to improve not only their own lives but to share the their development options with all, is missed by many.

    The event starts at the 12:05 mark with His Excellency Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China.
    Last edited by OhOh; 18-10-2023 at 10:04 PM.

  18. #2918
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    Oh look, Mr. Shithole bragging about how many brown envelopes they've dished out and how much damage they've done to third world countries.

    Or perhaps some bullshit instead.

  19. #2919
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    Apple sucking up to the chinkies again.

    Jon Stewart’s Apple TV+ show will not continue for a third season due to a disagreement over subject matter. CNN reports the former “The Daily Show” host told staff on “The Problem with Jon Stewart” that he and Apple executives agreed to part ways after the company expressed concerns about planned topics like China, Israel and artificial intelligence (AI). China represents nearly a fifth of Apple’s sales and is the tech giant’s fastest growing region.

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    I watched less than a minute of it.

    Thought that it might make you...and Harry happy

  23. #2923
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    Quote Originally Posted by helge View Post

    I watched less than a minute of it.

    Thought that it might make you...and Harry happy
    Then you're a bigger dick than I thought.

    I don't do stupid youtube videos.

    It's the realm of fodder for the gullible, which is why hoohoo is so happy.

  24. #2924
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    The View, from China-5f37071f-eb8c-497e-a8d9-56b6b06306a6-jpeg

  25. #2925
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    Quote Originally Posted by OhOh View Post
    The View, from China-5f37071f-eb8c-497e-a8d9-56b6b06306a6-jpeg
    Striking resemblance to the chinkies and the russians vetoing resolutions on the Syrian genocide innit?

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