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  1. #26
    Not again!
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    13-05-2022 @ 04:22 PM
    Out there!
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    Milkman told me we should nuke all ragheads. What do you think Macha ? Personally, I'd rather go with some surgical air strikes by the Israelis.
    Nuke them all but don't forget they're everywhere. You'll definitely end up killing millions of innocent.

  2. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    Shut up polecleaner. If I wanted any of your lip I'd have jiggled my zipper.
    It doesn't work like that here sailor boy.

    If I see a fuckwit post some shite I feel it's my duty to put up a reply and storeboy, as far as fuckwits go they don't come bigger than you!!

    You finished cleaning your arse yet?

  3. #28
    Banned Muadib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Macha
    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    Milkman told me we should nuke all ragheads. What do you think Macha ? Personally, I'd rather go with some surgical air strikes by the Israelis.
    Nuke them all but don't forget they're everywhere. You'll definitely end up killing millions of innocent.
    And your point is???

    It's going to happen sooner or later... The US just doesn't want it to happen in New York City...

    I say let the Iranians development nukes... Then the muslims & jews will nuke each other out of existence... The whole of the middle east will be destroyed... So what, we have to drill through a little green glass to get to the oil...

    Personally, as a fuckin' yank, I'm sick and tired of my tax dollars going to support foreign countries that don't give a rat's ass about our help and piss on us every chance they get... Then comes the ridiculous US foreign policy to support & bolster countries that can't help themselves... We can't rescue our own people from a freakin' flood while "Dubya" is pre-occupied with "nation building"...

    If I was a muslim, I'd be pissed at the US too... Just how long can you interfere with other sovereign nations without getting your dick caught in the door... Fuckin' ridiculous...

    Survival of the fittest... The rest can fuckin' die...

  4. #29
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    Such emotional responses ... perhaps I should argue your points for you? For example ... maybe we should just figure out what to do about the 15,000 people who commit homicide every day in the US, or if you really want to be an intellectual we could argue that the US response to terrorism is excessive when you consider the fact that the 9/11 deaths are but 1.5 percent of the deaths annualy due to cancer. I might even advocate that we shift the national attitude towards an objective cost-benefit analyses and equitable evaluation of the cost of killing vs saving people ... to include those pesky radical Muslims. So in short, I suggest we assign a statistical figure to an acceptable death rate ... a kind of threshold level of Americans we willingly sacrifice to terrorist concerns. It ain't no big thang...

  5. #30
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    27-07-2006 @ 09:21 PM
    Jesus Storeboy, why not go with the usual ratio of 86.4 enemy civilians per US citizen killed!

    To go to even finer detail for every American soldier killed you guys can do 33.9 third world children.

    I thought hose statistics were already policy!

    Hear the one about 'Friendly fire'? just ask Cheney!!

  6. #31
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    13-11-2023 @ 06:03 AM
    Quote Originally Posted by poolcleaner
    Quote Originally Posted by Whiteshiva
    Let's see - the US has nuclear weapons, have used them against civilians in the past, have assisted Israel in getting them (and Israel never allowed foreign inspectors in), and now that Iran is suspected of wanting nukes, the US finally put their foot down.

    I'd say go for a compromise (and be consistent) - if Israel gives up its nukes, no other middle eastern state should be allowed to have 'em. Otherwise it should be a free for all.

    The nukes in Israel are proxy yank nukes to be used when the US needs them.
    Therefore the nukes will stay.
    Ideally they are publicly seen as part of the 'Mutual Assured Destruction' scenario that gave us nuclear safety for so many years but in reality they're Uncle Sam's babies.
    I doubt it - they were developed in Israel, by Israeli scientists (although directly or indirectly with US aid). Removing them would cancel one of the best arguments the Arab world has for getting nukes - "the Jews have nukes, so we will have to get some, too".

    Besides, the MAD scenario came pretty close to reality a few times due to technical mishaps and nutty generals. I think we are all better off without (or at least with fewer) nuclear armed ballistic missiles in the hands of the likes of today's politicians and generals.
    Any error in tact, fact or spelling is purely due to transmissional errors...

  7. #32
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    13-11-2023 @ 06:03 AM
    Damn - double posting - how did that happen? (edited)
    Last edited by Whiteshiva; 15-02-2006 at 11:23 AM.

  8. #33
    Banned Muadib's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Storekeeper
    Such emotional responses ... perhaps I should argue your points for you? For example ... maybe we should just figure out what to do about the 15,000 people who commit homicide every day in the US, or if you really want to be an intellectual we could argue that the US response to terrorism is excessive when you consider the fact that the 9/11 deaths are but 1.5 percent of the deaths annualy due to cancer. I might even advocate that we shift the national attitude towards an objective cost-benefit analyses and equitable evaluation of the cost of killing vs saving people ... to include those pesky radical Muslims. So in short, I suggest we assign a statistical figure to an acceptable death rate ... a kind of threshold level of Americans we willingly sacrifice to terrorist concerns. It ain't no big thang...
    You make some valid points, but some of your numbers are skewed...

    There are roughy 15,000 homicides in the US per year, not per day... Then there are the 600,000+ deaths from heart disease per year, 45,000+ fatalities on US roadways per year, 100,000+ accidental deaths and so on... Far more people die in the US per annum from these causes than will ever die in the "war on terror" as the Bush administration has dubbed it... But where is the focus??? Most US citizens are lemmings who believe what they are spoon fed by the media... The media is controlled by major corporations whose policies are dictated to by the political left & right... It's a game of "watch the shiny object" while the upper 1/2 of 1% of the population in US pulls the strings... Always has been and always will be... Nothing you or I do will ever change that...

    The topic of the thread was Iran's nuclear program... Where is it written in the US constitution that we should be the big brother to the world??? Policing a nations ability to grow and yes, to develop nuclear weapons... If the Iranians want to nuke Israel off the face of the earth, that's between Iran & Israel... If Iran, or anyone else wants to attack the US, then we should respond and stomp the shit out of them... I'm not preaching isolationism, but just where do you draw the line??? Most of the world resents the US & Americans at this point... No longer are we the respected super-power who stand for might & right... The perception now is that the US meddles far to much in other countries business around the world... We have "Dubya" to thank for this...

    It's not about deriving a cost-benefit analysis on who you save and who you don't... It's about looking out after your own self-interest and helping others in need, but not to your own detriment...

    Anytime an individual or group believes that their actions are warranted due to some fanatical belief, they become dangerous... Not only to themselves, but to society as a whole... The worst atrocities in the history of civilization are laid at the feet of zealots... Whether they were religious, racial or sectarian zealots matters little... Absence of tolerance for those dis-similar to yourself breeds contempt and malice, usually culminating in violence...

    We live in a age where communications is instantaneous... No longer does it require lengthy periods of time for a ground-swell of opinion to form and move groups toward a focus and the subsequent backlash... Case in point, the recent Muslim uprising to what you and I would be considered harmless caricatures... Somehow, the rest of the civilized world has offended the Muslim community... They're mad as hell and aren't going to take it anymore... As I've said before, Muslims generally lack tolerance & humor in their society... They prefer to martyr themselves in the name of their religion to prove that they are right... Men, women, children... It makes no difference to them...

    In today's global society, there is little room for this type of defiant behaviour... It leads to instability throughout entire regions of the planet... The global economy is now so interdependent on partnering nations, that if you upset to balance in one region, it tips over another... Muslim's have time and time again demonstrated their inability to "get along"... Is there a problem, yes... Do I have a answer, no...

    Personally, I subscribe to the Robin Williams foreign policy doctrine...

    Sorry to be long winded, but I felt I needed to make a point...

  9. #34
    Thailand Expat Storekeeper's Avatar
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    I stand corrected on the 15,000 per year vice 15,000 per day.

  10. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maudib
    The topic of the thread was Iran's nuclear program... Where is it written in the US constitution that we should be the big brother to the world??? Policing a nations ability to grow and yes, to develop nuclear weapons... If the Iranians want to nuke Israel off the face of the earth, that's between Iran & Israel... If Iran, or anyone else wants to attack the US, then we should respond and stomp the shit out of them... I'm not preaching isolationism, but just where do you draw the line??? Most of the world resents the US & Americans at this point... No longer are we the respected super-power who stand for might & right... The perception now is that the US meddles far to much in other countries business around the world... We have "Dubya" to thank for this...
    I have mixed feelings about the US foriegn policy. On the one hand, I think the US doesn't meddle enough, but on the other hand I wish they would fek off because they're just so inept. This is the main reason they need UK/Europe to tag along with them as they are only good at the 'taking out the despot' but no good at reconstructing a nation. The only problem seems to be that the UK/European countries that do tag along get bogged down trying to correct the American's fuck-ups.

  11. #36
    Not again!
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    13-05-2022 @ 04:22 PM
    Out there!

  12. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Whiteshiva
    Quote Originally Posted by mrsquirrel
    I see no problem with Iran having a nuclear weapons. In the last 5 years the US which is a nuclear power has invaded two countries, harrassed the Cubans and generally bullied everybody it can (Is CS an American in disguise).

    Iran only has a bickering with Israel. Let them get on with it. They can kill each other but they are not going to try and blow each other up.

    I still believe that every country should be allowed to have one bomb and be done with it.
    Let's see - the US has nuclear weapons, have used them against civilians in the past, have assisted Israel in getting them (and Israel never allowed foreign inspectors in), and now that Iran is suspected of wanting nukes, the US finally put their foot down.

    I'd say go for a compromise (and be consistent) - if Israel gives up its nukes, no other middle eastern state should be allowed to have 'em. Otherwise it should be a free for all.
    Just as well we have a fool in the White House, rather than you.


  13. #38
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    07-10-2015 @ 02:27 PM
    Quote Originally Posted by poolcleaner
    Somewhere, sometime someone will nuke Israel.

    I agree with the Iranian President when he said Israel should be relocated out of an Arab country.
    If this step was taken there would be no need for nuclear weapons in the middle east.
    Sure, then Allah's finest will turn into cuddly little things with day jobs, right? 555555555555


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